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(14-10-2013, 06:26 PM)Lotus_4(.)(.) Wrote:  
(14-10-2013, 03:33 PM)Elisaustin Wrote:  They are beautiful Lotus it would be a shame to hide them.
You're right,

What's the point of doing all this if you can't enjoy it, right?

Thank you Elisa Smile

ABSOLUTELY!!!!  I just came up with a way for us to show them off proudly, this morning!  Oct. is breast cancer awareness month, but, what most people don't know is that that whole thing is a BIG scam because there's already nearly 400 known natural cures for cancer!!  All the ACS is doing is collecting your money in donations and pocketing it!!  They've been "looking for a cure" for well over 100 years and they STILL haven't found one???  COME ON!!!!  The reason they aren't telling us about the natural cures is because big pharma can't make a buck on stuff you can get from your grocery store or grow in your back yard!!  So, have a t-shirt printed with the pink ribbon on it and on the front, have it say that there are already nearly 400 known natural cures for cancer, then have a bunch of them printed on the back of the shirt and wear this over your new tits in guy mode and if anyone asks why you have tits (they'll think they're fakes that you're wearing), alert them to the shirt and tell them that you're supporting the cause and trying to make people aware of the REAL cures!!  Have a few of these shirts printed so you can wear one every day for at least the next few weeks until people get used to you having tits, then, once they don't think anything of you having tits anymore, just wear whatever you want to wear!!  I wish I would've thought of this at least a month ago!!

Thanks Melani,Missed Miss,

It's been about a week since adding Chinese Skullcap with the Spearmint,(1 of each,3x daily)still a little early to say if any impact yet,I thought I'd post an updated photo.

Take care Smile

Pic from today,


Hey all,

Here's my current plan:

  BO (Swansons) -250 mg- 6x daily
      Chinese Sckullcap -400 mg - 4x daily (swansons)
      Saw palmetto      -450 mg  - 3x daily (Finest Nutrition,Walgreens)
      Spearmint Tea      -4 bags  - daily (Swanson Full spectrum spearmint is currently on back order)

Still take a daily vitamin,B6,Calcium-magnesium-zinc,a few others.

Like I said on another post about why I switched to BO, I've come this far so let's keep going. Expectations can change, (perhaps from the PM?) so who knows the reason, be it sound or not, we'll see.I haven't lost any size so far, still hovering around 10 1/4 on both.

Take care, L

Ps. I forgot to mention I still do the massage from page 1,same routine,(works well for me)

Could you take a pic a bit farther away if you don't mind? And how long have you been on your program and what cup size are you? Have you noticed aromatization while taking BO? Have other people noticed your results? And have you had to wear women's shirts and bras?


  Reverse angle shots are harder for me to take using a tablet, otherwise if I do front facing pics, it flips the pictures upside down and who wants hanging boobies!
Yes, I'll try to post more later tonight...i don't have time at present but will talk about the rest later!

Thanks, Lotus

Ok,now I can address Your questions Jamie,

No I don't wear a bra or women's clothing, I don't have the urge to do so, but like my profile says, I want to feminize and grow some boobs!!

  Yes people notice, either they don't care or their not saying anything about it yet. But honestly I don't give a shit if they do or don't anymore at this point!

  Yes I've already noticed some curves, and the first time came while I was waking up and began to rub my side, and I was like hey what's this? was truly an amazing feeling Rolleyes

  I've been at this for over a year, but look at page one for my starting program!...and according to sfem breast measuring guide I'm a D-cup 10 1/4 inches,yes,I've checked it numerous times.

So, did I address all your question?

Thanks, Lotus Smile

From today,
Aerolas are much darker today, sometimes the shade appears to be so much lighter. When that happens they get even wider, I think it's the spearmint sometimes, but I really don't know.


Oooh ...very nice!

At the risk of sounding pervy

I wish I had those on my chest and that statement could be taken in 2 very distinct ways



Noo.....fricken....way........ My jaw is on the ground. Very nicely done
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