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Project X (hrt)


Julie, spanky thanks,

Plumbing still works, but flows a little odd!

You should've seen the one I posted yesterday, she was just too obnoxious!, like Emily said, those things would poke your eyes out, lol.

Ok, time to contribute!

I was off NBE for about week before surgery and another 4 days post-op.Also gave up coffee,yeah,crazy right?,started coffee at 16 yrs,4-5 cups a day for a long time!

It seems when I break I'm still seeing some kind growth,albeit in the shape more than cup size at this point.

  So starting back on PM, but here's an updated plan

  PM-2000 to 3000 mg a day
  Hops 300 mg 3x daily
  Spearmint tea 4 bags throughout the day
  Fenugreek 1830 mg a day
  L-Arginine 2000 mg (starting dose)
  B-6 100mg 2x daily
  Massage 2-3x per day

Lost 13.5 pounds in in the last 3 weeks,added a lot more protein into the diet,light excercise,hey I'm trying,but nagging back issues are really making it tough!

Took out SP, (hops and spearmint are my AA's now)

I've also noticed how my skin has developed more fat tissue underneath it (fat distribution), like you can pinch it rather than being usually firm.

L. x

That is truely stunning!!! Absolutely amazing.

(02-10-2013, 04:40 PM)Lotus_4(◦)(◦) Wrote:  Hey guys,
Something about your expectations of (for) NBE,I would suggest that you not forgot about the massage.Taking herbs is only part of the process,you have to stimulate those puppies.The massage gets the blood flowing and release's hormones,it also helped me loosen up some of the knots.

You have those times where you can't touch the nipples,that time passed for me eventually.I posted a massage that I've done a few pages back,anyways,in one of steps you actually grab the nipples and rotate them,even if their sore do the best you can!(if you can't do it,skip it til you can).

Hi Lotus

I've only been on NBE a week now and don't have anything to report, either good or bad, but didn't expect to have either. From day 1 I've been massaging with a PM serum and using a Noogleberry with PM cream. I
Love both, and if I have noticed any change it would be that my nipples seem to be more erect more of the time. No tenderness or anything. Plus, I love the way it feels.

WOW, talk about enviable breasts! You're gonna make all the girls jealous. Wink They look beautiful!

Any woman would be proud to grace a pair like those . Well done .

Thank you David, yearning, Jennifer and mymoobs,

Your comments are so cool to hear, makes up for a bad day!
Thanks again!
  L. Wink

Found out I have colitis

(28-11-2013, 05:02 AM)Lotus_4(◦)(◦) Wrote:  Found out I have colitis

Thats not too serious Smile u il b ok Wink

Hope so,

If the only thing that comes out is blood and you find yourself in the ER, it's a problem.  Wink
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