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Project X (hrt)

Hey Lotus!
Good to see you popping your head in every now and then. I figured out the problem and it was the PM I was still using. After I decided to get off PM and my doc put me back on progesterone things fell into place. Boob size went up and stomach went down. And I’m still on Mediterranean diet as well.

I think I did have a gut imbalance too, so just this week I started eating natto (fermented soy beans) and drinking yogurt to increase my gut and vaginal flora. I think it’s been working because I started losing weight and waist size but my boobs are still big and haven’t shrunk. Also, they have drinks to help increase intestinal flora as well so I just started those too. They were recommended by my professor and she’s skinny with good boob size, too, even after having kids.

Still, all good information nonetheless! I always thought diosgenin was progesterone but it’s mainly an phytoestrogen that targets the breast. I have a large bottle of fenugreek that I haven’t been using for a while since o quit herbs and started relying solely on HRT meds and diet. Guess I can get back on them at the 40 mg/kg of body weight (which is 2,640mg for me at 66kg).

Thanks girl you da best!

Progesterone made your belly shrink?  Was it cream or oral?   A pronounced belly is one feature that I would really like to part company with.


(17-04-2020, 02:00 AM)happyboobs Wrote:  

Great thread, recently starting taking Boron worried about heavy metals, and I do the liver detox every other month. So I added MSM and Boron. I think is ever other day for the standard low does Boron fine?

And how much and at what time to take MSM?


I saw these thread on the web, jumped back did a search and found this thread, thanks again Lotus.

Hi happyboobs,

I've seen boron dosages at between 3 mg to 20mg, as with any new supplement one needs to start slowly, (e.g. starting at 3mg and see how your body reacts to it). The study I linked on boron found results using 3mg. There's no RDA (recommended daily allowance), so proceed with caution. My thoughts on how to use boron for NBE is that if your T is above 100 ng/dL you'll need to take an anti-androgen to see an increase in E2. And if T is consistently below 50ng/dL maybe you supplement with a pro-atomatase, (my preference is Forskolin and or white peony.

• Two things from the study sticks out for me,
1) boron regulates the messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of a wide range of extracellular-matrix proteins

2) boron doubles E2 expression in men and women, but it took 4 weeks.

(also from the study)
In women on a low-magnesium diet, E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL. Testosterone more than doubled, rising from an average of 0.31 ng/mL to 0.83 ng/mL. Similar increases were seen in the women on an adequate-magnesium diet: E2 rose from an average of 15.5 pg/mL to 38.0 pg/mL, and testosterone increased from 0.38 ng/mL to 0.65 ng/mL. In 1997, Naghii et al21 published findings of a similar increase in serum levels of E2 in healthy males (n = 18) after 4 weeks of dietary supplementation with boron.

As far as when to supplement MSM (and how much) is taking it in the evening, preferably at bedtime, and 2-3 grams (that's 2,000mg to 3,000mg). And I'll explain further in the next post why supplementing at bedtime makes more sense for a growth phase to happen versus daytime phase supplementing hopefully tonight.

@ spanky... I love to dance  Big Grin
@ smart girl lol, be very careful with Fenugreek, it'll drop blood glucose fast, too fast in certain groups, meaning hypoglycemia, and very bad for diabetics. Also, if you have nut allergies you'd better stay away from fenugreek.

As with any supplements, source organic when possible and clean ingredients, meaning non-gmo, no rice flour, no maltodextrin or dextrose, all of which spikes insulin. Spiking daytime insulin is bad for boobs imho... which I'll outline in the next post. Adding maltodextrin to Stevia makes no sense whatsoever to me, (stevia is a low-calorie sweetener that has antioxidant and antidiabetic properties. It reduces hunger and improves satiety, which is undone by adding maltodextrin, just saying lol).

@troublewithnibbles, I'm very intrigued by your question in the anti-androgens thread (can't wait till I can answer that one), i can't I remember ever being asked that, what a great question though.

(24-04-2020, 01:15 PM)Troublewithnibbles Wrote:  Progesterone made your belly shrink?  Was it cream or oral?   A pronounced belly is one feature that I would really like to part company with.

It was getting off of PM, eating more fermented foods (used to only eat kimchi but recently included natto and yogurt) that dropped my belly, weight and waist down. I weight the same that I weighed post-SRS (66kg) but I’m 3 cups bigger now.

All of my HRT meds are injections. As far as I know with my current experience, Japan doesn’t do oral for E or P cuz they’re not very effective and unsafe. You’d have to buy them yourself if you want oral but why when I’m paying less for injections? My program and measurements are in my signature.

@Lotus: I learned from the best, hun <3  Lucky for me I have no food allergies or sickness like diabetes. Healthy girl here! Big Grin

Hi BN family,

While researching a single herbal product for NBE (which I'll be sharing in the coming days) that eliminates the need for at least a dozen NBE products I found a recently published study by the " Journal of Biomolecular Structure Dynamics " which identifies a specific medicinal plant that helps protects against nCOV-2019. Any guesses?, well it's been called the miracle tree or the tree of life, but many call it amazing...give up?.

It's called Moringa Oleifera. This plant has a host of benefits, most of which you probably already know so I won't bother listing. But in this paper Moringa Oleifera was used because it contains an antiretroviral agent known as Anthraquinone and flavonoid, which serves as an antiviral and antifungals. What's largely not talked about is how powerful flavonoids and flavones (the pigment in plants) are in fighting disease. Here's the most revealing paragraph in this study:

In our study, by using the mass fingerprinting technique, we use Moringa oleifera as an effective inhibitor against nCOV-2019. The extract of this medicinal plant will improve the immune system to produce antibodies against SARS-COV-2 (Figure 1).

nCOV-19 peptides mass fingerprinting identification, binding, and blocking of inhibitors flavonoids and anthraquinone of Moringa oleifera and hydroxychloroquine

So why is this important?, well...building antibodies is how we fight infections, that's all lol. But, I encourage you to review this earth shattering study and see for yourself. 

One caveat though, it's helpful if you have a working knowledge (but not necessary) of the following:

Molecular docking 
Molecular Dynamics
Dalton and Lipinski rule
Thermodynamics (as in Gibbs free energy).

Going forward, if you'll be sourcing a moringa oleifera product please make it organic, free of lead and other contaminants, you'll thank me later (I think). Also in the coming days, I'll be posting other herbal antiviral products that're just as powerful as moringa, but completely of the radar. 

Eliminates a dozen different ones???

You definitely have my attention!


Greetings BN, 

The NBE product I wanted to share information about is Aloe Vera. This medicinal plant has amazing properties that's well suited for NBE. I'll attempt to share all information necessary for all to consider regarding Aloe use for NBE. I see two versions of Aloe Vera available for NBE use. 

  1. Skin Application
  2. Oral consumption 
And of the oral route there's two versions of that available lol, one with the laxative effect stripped out and one with it (laxative). And I'll explain the difference between the two asap. 

What makes Aloe Vera attractive for NBE is what it does in the mitochondria inner membrane (matrix). Specifically inside what's called the " Citric Acid Cycle ". In other words, of the compounds in Aloe Vera that's needed during the citric acid cycle (that spins essential nutrients twice around) a majority of the components needed for Breast Growth is in aloe vera, and how cool is that?. 

Aloe Vera- aka-the lily of the desert 

75 total compounds
Growth Hormone
Type I & Type III collagen
Hyaluronic Acid
Tissue re-engineering (wound healing)
UV and gamma radiation protection 
Immune protection
Fatty acids (carrier transport)
20 of the 22 human required amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids.
Lignin-enhances skin penetration 
Minerals (9)
Enzymes (8)
Vitamins (6)

Of the 75 compounds in aloe here's (just some of the benefits) info pulled from the research on aloe vera:

Acemannan also plays an important role in cellular metabolism by regulating the flow of nutrients and wastes. Polymer extracts of aloe vera have potential to be used as biomaterials in tissue engineering due to numerous advantages such as biodegradability, oxygen permeability, antioxidant action, and cell proliferation and regeneration.

Polymers improve DNA sequencing and it's synthesis

Aloe vera stimulates fibroblasts for regeneration in a synovial model [17], and enhances tensile strength and collagen turnover in damaged tissues,
aloe vera gel stimulated fibroblast activity and collagen proliferation.
Aloe vera gel increases levels of hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulfate.
Glucomannan, a mannose-rich polysaccharide, and gibberellin, a growth hormone, interact with growth factor receptors on the fibroblast, thereby stimulating its activity and proliferation.

Aloe Vera for Tissue Engineering Applications


Aloe Vera for Tissue Engineering Applications

What are the benefits of aloe vera?

Would you recommend using this on our breasts, or another area ??

Hi Jannet, 

Both oral and skin applications (to breasts) are viable options for NBE. I've updated the following post to include information about pumping and the molecular weight of aloe vera.

(26-02-2017, 06:38 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Btw, for those whose domes steam up during pumping I've determined it's a build up humidity, thus water (ambient air-inside the dome) being pulled into the breast. I also believe it's in part relevant to thermogenesis (or heat transfer) aiding synthesis of mitochondria...(I could be wrong though). I also believe after pumping breasts need to be compressed for tissue repair (think collagen matrixing) and so I prefer a sports bra. And when I research tissue repair I find that after breast augmentation surgery the wrap breasts up for tissue adhesion, thus the reason for the sports bra. IMHO this concept works better with B-cup and above. The whole premise of pumping is built around stretching fat cells so as blood enters the fat cell thus carrying nutrients into the fat cell. Well that's all fine dandy, but stretched breasts need to build the necessary collagen matrix. 

And here's where aloe vera comes in. Of the 75 compounds collagen is one of them, and I explain how it can be used for NBE.

Collagen is the major protein in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of various connective tissues. It was observed that aloe vera increases the collagen content of the granulation tissue as well as its degree of crosslinking [13]. Aloe vera stimulates fibroblasts for regeneration in a synovial model [17], and enhances tensile strength and collagen turnover in damaged tissues [61]. In another trial using topical application, aloe vera gel stimulated fibroblast activity and collagen proliferation [16].

Aloe Vera for Tissue Engineering Applications

The 500 Dalton rule for the skin penetration of chemical compounds and drugs
* Jan D. Bos, Marcus M. H. M. Meinardi
* First published: June 2000Full publication history
* DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0625.2000.009003165.xView/save citation
* Cited by: 370 articles

Jan D. Bos, Department of Dermatology A0-235, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 22700, 1100 DE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 20 566 2587. Fax: +31 20 696 0076
Abstract: Human skin has unique properties of which functioning as a physicochemical barrier is one of the most apparent. The human integument is able to resist the penetration of many molecules. However, especially smaller molecules can surpass transcutaneously. They are able to go by the corneal layer, which is thought to form the main deterrent. We argue that the molecular weight (MW) of a compound must be under 500 Dalton to allow skin absorption. Larger molecules cannot pass the corneal layer. Arguments for this “500 Dalton rule” are; 1) virtually all common contact allergens are under 500 Dalton, larger molecules are not known as contact sensitizers. They cannot penetrate and thus cannot act as allergens in man; 2) the most commonly used pharmacological agents applied in topical dermatotherapy are all under 500 Dalton; 3) all known topical drugs used in transdermal drug-delivery systems are under 500 Dalton. In addition, clinical experience with topical agents such as cyclosporine, tacrolimus and ascomycins gives further arguments for the reality of the 500 Dalton rule. For pharmaceutical development purposes, it seems logical to restrict the development of new innovative compounds to a MW of under 500 Dalton, when topical dermatological therapy or percutaneous systemic therapy or vaccination is the objective.

Molecular Weights: (g/mol)

Aloe Vera- 270.24

Palmitic- 270.46

Stearic - 298.52

Oleic - 282.46 

Linoleic - 298.48

Almond oil - 106.12

Estradiol - 272.4

Soybean oil -292.2

Lol sweetorange, that's exactly how I describe using aloe vera…" perky ". 

The following info is for all. l can't see myself pumping till the cows come home, or to the wee hours of morning, whichever comes first lol. Nor can I see myself massaging till I develop carpal tunnel. Think about it, once breasts are stimulated by either pump or massage does it make sense to keep it going for long periods of time?, it's redundant, their well past stimulated.

What makes more sense is the pre and post protocol, and here's my protocol. 

An hour before each session (albeit pump or massage) it's necessary to get your resting heart rate in a fat burning or cardio zone, and I'll explain. Oxygenated blood carries nutrients to breasts (and other parts of the body too) and these two zones accommodate just that. I find taking aloe vera capsules (organic) vitamin D3 (in organic olive oil) AND on an empty stomach (with a full glass of filtered water) works best for me. Alternatively, you can use aloe vera and olive oil during a pump session. Use good quality organic extra virgin oil, not the cheap stuff, it does make a difference.

I don't spend more than 10-15 min on my protocol, and I haven't pumped in over 2 years, I don't feel the need with my size, I might even toss those old domes out anyways lol. The massage protocol requires 2-3 parts aloe vera gel with .5 part of olive oil. Now I'll add a drop or two of either red clover or lavender oil to the mixture depending how I'm feeling the need for either, but generally it's just aloe and olive oil. Red clover stimulates progesterone receptors and estrogen receptor alpha ER-a (the boob growth receptor). So, you can lose the progesterone cream, unless you use it for balance.

Red clover and a structurally similar flavonoid, apigenin, bound to PR and induced progestogenic activity and P4 regulated genes in breast epithelial cells and human endometrial stromal cells

Lavender oil stimulates breast growth and has anti-androgen properties.
Either way works, or go without those two and use aloe and olive oil only. The mixture dries in about 10-15 minutes and it's on it's way into the bloodstream. Then shower, or if short on time use some hypoallergenic baby wipes to clean any left over residue, it doesn't take long for this combination because the molecular weight is around 270- 289, well below the 500 Dalton rule. And then put them boobies in a tight fitting sports or bandeau bra for a few hours and see how it works for you. But absolutely don't take aloe vera capsules (or any other dry herb) and mix with oil, it'll never make it past the dermis. I've found this combination to work best over all oils I've tried over the past 8 years, including fenugreek and flaxseed oil. 

And so the aloe vera olive mixture leaves a nice sheen on the breasts lol. For an added bonus use this combo before going on a hot date, or just for confidence, it'll give the girls an extra pop and/or a ping lol, really I just think it comes down to a subtle increase in weight and volume of the breasts. But really were looking for a cumulative impact of sustainable growth.

The cost of the massage protocol is fairly inexpensive. The problem with pumping is wanting to over do it, and then you're faced with red dots, pain, bruising or flat out long term tissue and nerve damage, it's your call. I only wish you safe growing.. 


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