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Project X (hrt)

(08-07-2023, 12:07 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  [
Omg you look great, way bigger than a while back! So much projection and I see there's more fullness towards the sides, looking great. The DHEA + P4 combo sure is amazing.  I'm now few days in and I can totally feel its working.

Please get better soon, totally unfair having to deal with sickness but you're one tough lady, you'll make it. Hug

Thank you Lara, I'll be posting some information on the DHEA / P4 / Bio-labs E1/E2 (and now 17b estrogel) processes tonight... I think you'll find it to be very interesting. Btw, you look great too.  Hug

(04-07-2023, 01:33 PM)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Lotus,
When I get to Ste Anne D' Auray, this weekend I will light a candle for you.
She always helps me out and I'm sure she will send her love and healing touch to you as well.

Bobbi, thank you so much, I humbled and grateful you'd do that for me.  Hug Smile

(04-07-2023, 03:18 PM)p_r_1974 Wrote:  You are most welcome love! Thank you for sharing your time, experience, and wisdom with us![/font][/size]

(07-07-2023, 11:42 AM)myboobs Wrote:  
(04-07-2023, 06:39 AM)Lotus Wrote:  We all love you and are part of our family. That status very few people achieve . Our love and prayers are always with you. May I suggest videos on TikTok by Barbara O’Neil and dr sebi . They are giving great information on natural remedies.  I know it helped me avoid biopsy on my lungs back in 2014  Hug

Hey there myboobs, thank you for the tips Smile You know what? I've meet some incredible people over the years (coming up on my 10yr anniversary @ BN) on both foums... but what stands out to me is the love and support I've been shown over time... and I'm not just talking about present time. When my Father passed away in 2014 I experienced love and support at a time when I felt empty, the condolences and love lifted me when I needed it. I also have to note that other times i feel blessed is when people show appreciation for just helping them out answer questions (e.g. like developing a NBE program, etc). Many times over people offered to pay me, to which I always reply "keep your money, I'm not in this for profit". My goal is to help inform you on how to grow breasts (and other related things to NBE/HRT). Lol, I won't talk about the few turkeys I've (we've) meet along the way spreading hate, there's far too many more cool people on both forums I'd like to associate with... news flash, we are unique!  CoolHugBlushHeart

(07-07-2023, 04:24 AM)jerri Wrote:  Lotus,

Thank you so much for all your contributions here.  I know you're already focusing your energy on your own health.  I'm hopeful that the testing and treatment regimen will help you overcome this scourge.  I'm not much of a fan of prayer but I know it can help give you inner strength to know that lots of people are thinking about you and sending good wishes.

Hi jerri, thank you for the kind words  Hug  I have a few more tests to complete (notably, a bone marrow biopsy on before i know the extent at what phase my CML is (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia)... then treatment begins.

(08-07-2023, 04:00 PM)Eloise Wrote:  Lotus,

Lovely lovely lovely.  An inspiration as always.  

And 3 flights will wind most people.  I was in Europe recently and had to walk up 6 flights at the hotel because I didn’t trust the elevator.  I needed a nap after that.  But keep it up, girl!

Thank you E, lol thanks for pointing that out, and so true.  Heart btw, you're last picture looks awesome  Hug

(08-07-2023, 07:00 PM)p_r_1974 Wrote:  Going down the stairs is much more delicious than going up, and I would have been winded as well. Lovely indeed! To be so blessed is rather inspiring.

Yes, this:  Big Grin "going down stairs is more delicious"... quote of the day.  Hug thank you.  Smile

(08-07-2023, 10:19 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Lotus, I wish that I had half the class and grace that you exhibit. You're such a wonderful person with a huge heart, and a love for others. I'm indebted to you for the science and knowledge that you share with us, but also as an example of what it means to be such a great person.

Also, that's a great photo of you. I've always been blown away by your success and the beauty of your breasts.

(Nice lighting, too!!)

Aw, thank you Stevenator Hug if you knew me prior to NBE/Hrt you'd think otherwise... lol kidding, I haven't changed much about caring for others. Heart

Hi Breastnexum family, 3-4 months ago I began reviewing my posts on DHEA and other research I had on it. I wanted to create a topical application program focusing on using HRT hormones and available products to assist in that breast growing program. I can report the combination of DHEA + P4 (micronized progesterone) added 3 inches in new growth in 3 months for myself. I'm listing 3 posts for discussion purposes… please note: it's a long post. Here's a few quotes I'd like to bring attention to. I'll add additional info tomorrow about Bio-labs E1/E2, P4 and 17b applications. I'm tired. Smile

• application of DHEA that restored atrophy of the breasts and stimulates lobuloalveolar and ductal growth… boob growth". 

• Supplemental DHEA raises estrogen in men and postmenopausal women

• breast size increase was similar to that observed in pregnancy/lactation, so it corresponds to a pretty significant increase of 1-3 digits in cup size. Finally, DHEA did not just increase breast size but it completely reversed the breast atrophy

• DHEA treatment was characterized by a marked stimulation of the ductal and mainly the lobular structures.

• DHEA stimulated lobuloalveolar and ductal growth, as well as the secretory activity of the acinar cells, thus resulting in a lobuloalveolar type of development of the mammary gland.

• Estradiol treatment induced an increased number of ducts (d), accompanied by the presence of alveolar units (a) and small lobules.

• A marked increase in the amount of lobuloalveolar tissue (l) and in the secretory activity of the acinar cells accompanied by accumulation of secretory material (s) in the duct lumen (d) were observed after DHEA administration (F)

• DHEA (5%) in ethanol:olive oil (1:2) was topically applied to the buttock skin of volunteers 12 times over 4 weeks, and was found to significantly increase the expression of procollagen alpha1(I) mRNA and protein in both aged and young skin.

• To investigate the effects of topically applied 17beta-estradiol on the expression of extracellular matrix proteins in aged human skin, 17beta-estradiol (0.01%) and its vehicle (70% propylene glycol, 30% ethanol) were applied to aged (68-82 y, eight females and five males) human buttock skin under occlusion for 2 wk (three times per week). Topical 17beta-estradiol was found to increase the expression of type 1 procollagen mRNA and protein significantly in human aged skin in vivo.

• In conclusion, our results suggest that topical 17beta-estradiol treatment may improve the cutaneous function of aged human skin by improving the connective tissue and increasing epidermal thickness

(23-01-2016, 08:51 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Here we go, any test subjects?.......another find. I hope ya'll like it. Big Grin I did try this!, Blush and tbh, it perked my boobs up lol. Rolleyes 

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the principal human C-19 steroid. DHEA has very low androgenic potency, but serves as the major direct or indirect precursor for most sex steroids. DHEA is secreted by the adrenal gland and production is at least partly controlled by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The bulk of DHEA is secreted as a 3-sulfo conjugate dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS). Both hormones are albumin bound, but DHEAS binding is much tighter. As a result, circulating concentrations of DHEAS are much higher (>100-fold) compared to DHEA. In most clinical situations, DHEA and DHEAS results can be used interchangeably. In gonads and several other tissues, most notably skin, steroid sulfatases can convert DHEAS back to DHEA, which can then be metabolized to stronger androgens and to estrogens.

DHEA is C-19 steroid (androgen) but has a very low potency (note to missB). Supplemental DHEA raises estrogen in men and postmenopausal women. But it can also raise androgens (DHT) in some, experienced users know how much to use. DHEA applied topically helps restore breast atrophy in an animal study (see below). I found this in another forum, and it describes an animal study using a topical application of DHEA that restored atrophy of the breasts and stimulates lobuloalveolar and ductal growth… boob growth. The author (haidut, smart fella btw) suggests a 15mg significantly increases all estrogens. Used daily?, I'd be inclined to say a few times per week to start. 

Quote:The breast size increase was similar to that observed in pregnancy/lactation, so it corresponds to a pretty significant increase of 1-3 digits in cup size. Finally, DHEA did not just increase breast size but it completely reversed the breast atrophy and other negative tissue changes seen in ovariectomized animals (a rodent model of menopause).

From the study,
DHEA treatment was characterized by a marked stimulation of the ductal and mainly the lobular structures. In addition, epithelial cell hypertrophy and a marked stimulation of secretory activity were seen, these effects being accompanied by the accumulation of clear and eosinophilic vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the acinar cells. - 

DHEA stimulated lobuloalveolar and ductal growth, as well as the secretory activity of the acinar cells, thus resulting in a lobuloalveolar type of development of the mammary gland. - See more at:

Mammary gland histology in (A) intact control, (B) OVX control, and OVX rats treated with © MPA microspheres, (D) estradiol implants, (E) DHT implants, (F) DHEA, 30 mg, cutaneous application, twice daily, on an area of 3 × 3 cm of dorsal skin, (G) DHEA, 30 mg, cutaneous application, twice daily + FLU, 7.5 mg, sc, twice daily and (H) DHEA, 30 mg, cutaneous application, twice daily + EM-800, 250 μg, orally, once daily. An increase in the number of alveolar units (a) was observed in OVX animals treated with MPA © and DHT (E) with the formation of small primitive lobules (l) after DHT administration (E). Estradiol treatment induced an increased number of ducts (d), accompanied by the presence of alveolar units (a) and small lobules (l), without evidence of secretory activity (D). A marked increase in the amount of lobuloalveolar tissue (l) and in the secretory activity of the acinar cells accompanied by accumulation of secretory material (s) in the duct lumen (d) were observed after DHEA administration (F). The stimulatory effect of DHEA on the mammary gland was completely blocked by simultaneous treatment with FLU (G), whereas no significant histological change was seen after the addition of EM-800 to DHEA compared with DHEA alone (H). Compare with intact (A) and OVX (B) controls. Hematoxylin-eosin, magnification ×200(d, ducts; a, alveoli, l, lobules).

(21-10-2015, 02:01 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Shutting off gonadal function is much easier than you think. The technology is present (in the testes, via Sertoli cells). There is a back door function through 3 beta diol and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) synthesis. In other words you can turn the testes into an estrogen producing factory.

(21-10-2015, 02:11 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Here's another example: say you have a situation of testicular failure, giving a supra-physical (massive) dose of testosterone cypionate will result in a cascade conversion to E2.

(21-10-2015, 02:52 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(21-10-2015, 02:42 AM)Grew_Some Wrote:  Hi Lotus,

Ah, so maybe it has happened in humans.

I've posted a couple articles on research I found in this thread:


I think it happens IRL but less documented. Picture this hypothetical, if we can modulate a cycle of T to a low point of testicular function, (test result of 50 ng/dl), then add DHEA at a 50 mg dose, add to this a fast of 12-14 hours (which promotes GH), next... the aromatase conversion of DHEA will promote E1/E2 synthesis, 3 beta diol is in this result too. Many other possibilities here.

This scenario is done a few times a week btw, add other products of NBE for synthesis of burning fat and adding adipocytes (thermogenesis).

DHEA, 30 mg, cutaneous application, twice daily + FLU, 7.5 mg, sc, twice daily and (E) DHEA, 30 mg, cutaneous application, twice daily + EM-800, 250 μg, orally, once daily.

(23-01-2016, 11:33 PM)Lotus Wrote:  2 studies, similar effect. In any event DHEA looks like it can build a bigger butt, and....,the way it looks, mr. happy can benefit from a topical DHEA solution, oops! Rolleyes 

Topical application of 17beta-estradiol increases extracellular matrix protein synthesis by stimulating tgf-Beta signaling in aged human skin in vivo.
Son ED1, Lee JY, Lee S, Kim MS, Lee BG, Chang IS, Chung JH.

Author information

* 1 Amorepacific Corp/R&D Center, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
To investigate the effects of topically applied 17beta-estradiol on the expression of extracellular matrix proteins in aged human skin, 17beta-estradiol (0.01%) and its vehicle (70% propylene glycol, 30% ethanol) were applied to aged (68-82 y, eight females and five males) human buttock skin under occlusion for 2 wk (three times per week). Topical 17beta-estradiol was found to increase the expression of type 1 procollagen mRNA and protein significantly in human aged skin in vivo. In addition, metalloproteinase (MMP-1 protein levels were reduced by topical 17beta-estradiol. The expressions of TGF-beta1, TGF-beta type II receptor, and Sma and Mad related (Smad)3 were increased by topical 17 beta-estradiol in aged human skin, and TGF-beta1 neutralizing antibody inhibited 17beta-estradiol-induced procollagen synthesis in cultured fibroblasts. We also found that the expressions of tropoelastin and fibrillin-1 mRNA and protein, and elastic fibers in aged skin were also increased by topical 17beta-estradiol. Topical 17beta-estradiol also increased keratinocyte proliferation and the epidermal thickness in aged human skin. We also observed the same effects of topical 17beta-estradiol in young skin. In conclusion, our results suggest that topical 17beta-estradiol treatment may improve the cutaneous function of aged human skin by improving the connective tissue and increasing epidermal thickness.
PMID: 15955089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Modulation of collagen metabolism by the topical application of dehydroepiandrosterone to human skin.
Shin MH1, Rhie GE, Park CH, Kim KH, Cho KH, Eun HC, Chung JH.
Author information

* 1Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Laboratory of Cutaneous Aging Research, Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital, 28 Yungon-dong, Chongno-Gu, Seoul 110-744, Korea.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate conjugate (DHEA-S) are the most abundantly produced human adrenal steroids to be reduced with age. DHEA may be related to the process of skin aging through the regulation and degradation of extracellular matrix protein. In this study, we demonstrate that DHEA can increase procollagen synthesis and inhibit collagen degradation by decreasing matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-1 synthesis and increasing tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloprotease (TIMP-1) production in cultured dermal fibroblasts. DHEA was found to inhibit ultraviolet (UV)-induced MMP-1 production and the UV-induced decrease of procollagen synthesis, probably due to the inhibition of UV-induced AP-1 activity. DHEA (5%) in ethanol:olive oil (1:2) was topically applied to buttock skin of volunteers 12 times over 4 weeks, and was found to significantly increase the expression of procollagen alpha1(I) mRNA and protein in both aged and young skin. On the other hand, topical DHEA significantly decreased the basal expression of MMP-1 mRNA and protein, but increased the expression of TIMP-1 protein in aged skin. We also found that DHEA induced the expressions of transforming growth factor-beta1 and connective tissue growth factor mRNA in cultured fibroblasts and aged skin, which may play a role in the DHEA-induced changes of procollagen and MMP-1 expression. Our results suggest the possibility of using DHEA as an anti-skin aging agent.
(Source-cantstopeating, ray peat forum)

Btw, the speed of change while on DHEA + P4 combination is something I didn't expect. This coincides with highher BO dosage kicking in the way I expected it to, but I think the topical combo is a game changing awesomeness. I think you checked out my timeline picture? I updated it just for the heck of it to see what twenty days have done and there's a massive difference! I haven't measured yet, but 25 month mark is ten days away so then we will know what difference this made. I'm already feeling it with my bra and have had totally new sensations in the last couple of days with boobs touching stuff they haven't before.

I seem to react really well to a whole lot of stuff but this start has been something different. I might be in such a growth spurt I've never seen before. I saved that entire long post btw, there was a lot I had read already and then some more.
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