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Dear Lotus,

I couldn't find the courage to write here on BN as reading your previous post was shocking. It reminded me of when a couple years ago i lost a very important friend to breast cancer, a late diagnosis and too little time to talk.

You have been the most influential and most inspiring person on this website visited by several thousands of people, you changed several users lives with your advices and insights. You welcomed and helped everyone in front of you without ever asking for anything in return, documenting and publishing your researches for years.
I can't find the words to express how much respect i have for your immense dedication and hard work you have done.

You are actually the reason why i found out the Breast Nexus/m forums, your B.I.G.G. guide thread was the first ever post i've seen, bookmarked it and then found out there was an entire side forum to it. When i found out you were still active after years of activity i was happy to join in to read more.

I have always been shy to message or write down under your post, always felt a bit intimidated by all the amount of knowledge and your status as a pillar in this community so i was afraid i would have bothered or annoyed you. As I write this I painfully regret not having the courage to interact more with you, as you are clearly a great person and i'd have loved to know more about you. Even those few times you messaged and replied to me i could sense the affection from your words, and i'm still touched by them to this day.

I would like to remind you of how many people across the globe you helped through this forum and even if you can't see us irl, remember there is a lot of people from every corner who thinks fondly of you.

I deeply apologize for not writing this sooner, I just hope this message brings you a smile and that these days can be somewhat happy despite everything.

Beautifully done Alexis
Maybe you dont say much but when you do its from the heart, and over the top.
I think you have captured what Lotus means to all of us, for sure Myself.
I wish there was something more for us to do to help her, beside pray and pray.

Very Nice Post, Alexis.
I agree with Bobbi.
Thank you.

Hi BN, I thank everyone (p_r_1974, Aria, Shirazm, LizW55, Lara, myboobs, Jennifer, ChuckM, Alexis, Bobbi and Stevenator) from the bottom of my heart who stopped by to share their love and support.  Heart

I'll try to give an update of how things are going. I spent three days in the hospital (a couple of days ago)... my blood pressure was spiking between 40 to 60 points. When the readings were going over 210/100 (and higher) it was time to go to the emergency department. Along with the high BP I was wheezing, migraines and having uncontrolled coughing. About two weeks ago I had an EKG (electrocardiogram) and it revealed a past heart attack (myocardial infarction). When I got to the hospital my BP was over 200/89, (essentially i was having a hypotensive crisis) they immediately took me back to an exam room and a few hours later admitted me to the hospital. Over the next few days they ran just about every blood/chest x-ray/mri test you can think of. 

My immune system is compromised as a result of having leukemia, and taking the cancer treatment medication lowers your immune next to nothing. Then I got sick (of course) with a virus, which then led to bronchitis (still have it)  Angry

This next part is truly amazing, after everything I was going through (which I thought was close to having a heart attack) all heart related tests came back normal… I was stunned (and two more EKG's and an echocardiogram showed no history of a heart attack).  Cool

My issue continues to be with the medication I take to fight the cancer. It's called Gleevec, some may refer to it as a chemo med, but it's actually a TKI (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) which attacks the cancer cells. I'm having negative reactions to the medication like coughing, wheezing, headaches, unrelenting fatigue and pain. My oncologist says the medication is essential for saving my life (she says over and over) like somehow I have forgotten this is life-threatening, and I have less than two years if I'm (somehow) unable to get treatment from the medication. I've asked repeatedly to try another medication, but I get denied and get the above lecture. The oncologist says all cancer drugs come with side-effects, but dang… this one seems like it's out to get me.  Big Grin

I have more things to update, but I'll do that soon, I tire easily. Smile If I can say one thing to you (or anyone else) who feels intimidated to talk to me please don't be. I'd like to talk less about science and more about life, and maybe get to hear from anyone who just wants to say hi… or talk about things. I may not respond in a timely manner, but I'll do my best. Alexis, your post was/is beautiful, it was posted on the day I was released from the hospital, so thank you so much, it lifted my spirits at a time when I needed it.  Hug

I do feel incredibly lucky for a number of reasons, and for having great friends here. There are many more people who have things worse than me… but hey, I just found out my heart is healthy, imho that's fate.  ShyHeart

You are most welcome love! I am overjoyed with the news about the lack of the M.I., and that you have been released from the hospital!

Perhaps a second opinion from a doctor that knows how intelligent a woman you are, and may explain the why of this medication (my opinion) without assuming you are a child crying foul without reason.

Your empathy, giving nature, your extensive knowledge, and more have allowed me to open more with you than I normally would. Some of the extremely intelligent individuals, doctors included, that I have interacted with have this air about them that their knowledge grants then a pass on being a aloof. My experience with you, and how I have seen you react with others is the exact opposite!

Safe travels, and a smooth recovery dear one!

Hey Lotus, glad to hear there's some good news and its not all bleak. Hug And ditto about cancer meds being nasty stuff, kinda weird why not try something else as these days there should be (?) alternatives. At least my musician friend who has been sick with lymph node cancer twice mentioned that his doctors did a whole lot of shuffling and wondering about which meds to have him on as there were some choices. He made it surprisingly easy and has been cancer free for quite some time now, apparently the meds he had were great, I think he told about it being some brand new stuff which is easier for the body in general.

I hope you will have energy to post some time, I would have plenty to talk about on NBE and what not. I could write email some time, do you still use the same as before?

Get better soon. Heart

Here in the states it's been found ivermectin can cure certain types of cancer mostly non tumorous 
I know so much stuff has been going around about what to believe and what not to that it's hard to trust anything. But it's well worth the reading if you want, hope this might help. Again I'm not a dr but as  much medical knowledge as you have this might oright not make any sense.

Glad to hear your update. You are a very strong person with extensive knowledge and research. Maybe you could show these guys some research papers and seek an opinion . If I am brave enough to say that people on this forum have utmost respect and love for you . I for one have you in my prayers and speedy recovery. 

As you are a herbs master , I hope you have looked up my suggestions.

Lotus it’s so good to hear from you and that you’re battling your cancer. Always thinking about you and remembering you in my prayers. Looking forward to more updates.

Lotus!! Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

We are praying for you! Hang in there  Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug
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