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Squirrel's horded acorns of information ( cache of research info)

the IGF Seven dwarves :p
Insulin-like growth factor 1 has been shown to bind and interact with all the IGF-1 binding proteins (IGFBPs), of which there are seven: IGFBP1, IGFBP2, IGFBP3, IGFBP4, IGFBP5, IGFBP6, and IGFBP7

all of a sudden, I got the "whistle while you work" song stuck in my head....Tongue

interesting.. the IGF amino chain-train..84 sequence..and its synthetic?
"Long arginine 3-IGF-1, abbreviated as IGF-1 LR3 or as LR3-IGF-1, is a synthetic protein and lengthened analogue of human insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).[1][2] It differs from native IGF-1 in that it possesses an arginine instead of a glutamic acid at the third position in its amino acid sequence ("arginine 3"), and also has an additional 13 amino acids at its N-terminus (MFPAMPLLSLFVN) ("long"), for a total of 83 amino acids (relative to the 70 of IGF-1).[2] The consequences of these modifications are that IGF-1 LR3 retains the pharmacological activity of IGF-1 as an agonist of the IGF-1 receptor, has very low affinity for the insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBPs), and has improved metabolic stability.[1][2] As a result, it is approximately three times more potent than IGF-1,[3] and possesses a significantly longer half-life of about 20–30 hours (relative to IGF-1's half-life of about 12–15 hours).[4]



galactagogue, sex steroid.
Verbena has longstanding use in herbalism and folk medicine, usually as an herbal tea. Nicholas Culpeper's 1652 The English Physitian discusses folk uses. Among other effects, it may act as a galactagogue (promotes lactation) and possibly sex steroid analogue. The plants are also sometimes used as abortifacient<- do not use if pregnant!!!

sex steroid:

so I wonder if taking vervain will upregulate whatever hormone is active? Testosterone or aromatized T into E..

more research needed..

more on copper peptides:

Tissue Regeneration, Cancer Suppression,
Younger Skin, Anti-Pain, Anti-Stress, Self Confidence
[Image: search?q=Skin+Remodeling+Copper+Peptides...ajaxhist=0]
Tissue remodeling follows the initial phase of wound healing and stops inflammatory and scar-forming processes, then restores the normal tissue morphology. The human peptide Gly-(L-His)-(L-Lys) or GHK, has a copper 2+ (Cu(2+)) affinity similar to the copper transport site on albumin and forms GHK-Cu, a complex with Cu(2+). These two molecules activate a plethora of remodeling related processes: (1) chemoattraction of repair cells such as macrophages, mast cells, capillary cells; (2) anti-inflammatory actions (suppression of free radicals, thromboxane formation, release of oxidizing iron, transforming growth factor beta-1, tumor necrosis factor alpha and protein glycation while increasing superoxide dismutase, vessel vasodilation, blocking ultraviolet damage to skin keratinocytes and improving fibroblast recovery after X-ray treatments); (3) increases protein synthesis of collagen, elastin, metalloproteinases, anti-proteases, vascular endothelial growth factor, fibroblast growth factor 2, nerve growth factor, neutrotropins 3 and 4, and erythropoietin; (4) increases the proliferation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes; nerve outgrowth, angiogenesis, and hair follicle size. GHK-Cu stimulates wound healing in numerous models and in humans. Controlled studies on aged skin demonstrated that it tightens skin, improves elasticity and firmness, reduces fine lines, wrinkles, photodamage and hyperpigmentation. GHK-Cu also improves hair transplant success, protects hepatic tissue from tetrachloromethane poisoning, blocks stomach ulcer development, and heals intestinal ulcers and bone tissue. These results are beginning to define the complex biochemical processes that regulate tissue remodeling
During human aging there is an increase in the activity of inflammatory, cancer promoting, and tissue destructive genes plus a decrease in the activity of regenerative and reparative genes. The human blood tripeptide GHK possesses many positive effects but declines with age. It improves wound healing and tissue regeneration (skin, hair follicles, stomach and intestinal linings, and boney tissue), increases collagen and glycosaminoglycans, stimulates synthesis of decorin increases angiogenesis, and nerve outgrowth, possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and increases cellular stemness and the secretion of trophic factors by mesenchymal stem cells. Recently, GHK has been found to reset genes of diseased cells from patients with cancer or COPD to a more healthy state. Cancer cells reset their programmed cell death system while COPD patients’ cells shut down tissue destructive genes and stimulate repair and remodeling activities. In this paper, we discuss GHK’s effect on genes that suppress fibrinogen synthesis, the insulin/insulin-like system, and cancer growth plus activation of genes that increase the ubiquitin-proteasome system, DNA repair, antioxidant systems, and healing by the TGF beta superfamily. A variety of methods and dosages to effectively use GHK to reset genes to a healthier state are also discussed.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Cool squirrel, lol, here's what I have on copper peptides.

(09-06-2015, 01:42 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Foods Containing Copper Peptides

A copper peptide is a protein compound that contains the metal alloy copper. Some foods naturally contain copper, considered one of the minerals essential for human health. Foods do not contain copper peptides since scientists produce the copper peptides in the laboratory.

You most commonly find copper peptides as an ingredient in skin care products. Introduced in 1997, copper peptides are often referred to as the most effective skin regeneration product, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Copper peptides help make your skin feel smooth and soft while also making it more firm. As an active ingredient in creams and lotions, copper peptides function as antioxidants, which mean they help protect cells from damage caused by negatively charged particles in the body. Antioxidants may help fight the signs of aging. Copper peptides also promote the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that give skin strength and flexibility.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9715]

Published Studies on Tissue and Skin Remodeling Copper-Peptides

by Loren Pickart PhD

I discovered GHK-Cu in human plasma during experiments that tried to reverse certain effects of aging in animals. Since then, GHK-Cu and certain other copper-peptides, have been found to accelerate the regeneration and repair of many types of mammalian tissues. Studies, at numerous universities and research institutes, have found copper-peptides to:

- Accelerate wound repair (humans, mice, rats, guinea pigs, pigs, dogs)

- Increase skin re-epithelialization (humans, animals)

- Reverse aging effects on skin (humans) - thickens skin, reduces small and large wrinkles, reduces blotchiness and blemishes, improves elasticity, and increases keratinocyte and fibroblast production, thickens the subcutaneous fat layer

- Improve skin graft transplant success (pigs)

- Improve hair transplant success (humans)

- GHK analogs with fatty residue analogs increase hair follicle size, stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss (humans, mice, rats). Increases hair growth after chemotherapy (rats)

- Stimulate bone healing (guinea pigs, pigs, rabbits)

- Heal injured intestinal linings (humans, rats)

- Heal stomach ulcers (rats)

- Block oxidative injury in tissues.

- Restore normal function in lives damaged by toxins (rats)

- Have profound anti-inflammatory actions (reduces release of oxidizing iron from ferritin, TNF-alpha, TGF-beta-1, IL-1). The actions on TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor alpha) are especially important since it is considered to the the "master inflammatory molecule" that plays a causative role in chronic inflammatory conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, ulcerative colitis, acute alcoholic hepatitis) and possibily atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and neuropathies. Drugs that block TNF-alpha also block the other cytokines involved in the inflammation.

cool. thanks Big Grin

(18-05-2016, 11:07 PM)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:  cool. thanks Big Grin

The creams look rather expensive, do you find anything reasonable?.

effects of Nonylphenol + ketoconazole (symbiotic),
Nonylphenols are a family of closely related organic compounds called alkylphenols. They are used in manufacturing antioxidants, lubricating oil additives, laundry and dish detergents, emulsifiers, and solubilizers.[2] These compounds are also precursors to the commercially important non-ionic surfactants alkylphenol ethoxylates and nonylphenol ethoxylates, which are used in detergents, paints, pesticides, personal care products, and plastics. Nonylphenol has attracted attention due to its prevalence in the environment and its potential role as an endocrine disruptor and xenoestrogen, due to its ability to act with estrogen-like activity.[3] Nonylphenol has been found to act as an agonist of the GPER (GPR30).[4]


Treatment with ketoconazole resulted in 60% increase in CYP1A-mediated ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity. Treatment with nonylphenol resulted in 40% reduction of CYP1A activity. Combined exposure to ketoconazole and nonylphenol resulted in 70% induction of CYP1A activities and 93% increase in CYP1A protein levels. Ketoconazole and nonylphenol alone or in combination had no effect on CYP3A expression, as analyzed by western blots. However, 2-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of two CYP3A-immunoreactive proteins, with a more basic isoform induced by ketoconazole. Treatment with ketoconazole and nonylphenol alone resulted in 54% and 35% reduction of the CYP3A-mediated benzyloxy-4-[trifluoromethyl]-coumarin-O-debenzyloxylase (BFCOD) activity. Combined exposure of ketoconazole and nonylphenol resulted in 98% decrease in CYP3A activity. This decrease was greater than the additive effect of each compound alone. In vitro studies revealed that ketoconazole was a potent non-competitive inhibitor of both CYP1A and CYP3A activities and that nonylphenol selectively non-competitively inhibited CYP1A activity. Treatment with ethynylestradiol resulted in 46% decrease in CYP3A activity and 22% decrease in protein expression in vivo. In vitro inhibition studies in liver microsomes showed that ethynylestradiol acted as a non-competitive inhibitor of CYP1A activity and as an uncompetitive inhibitor of CYP3A activity.

this combination, reminds me of the original Batman movie, where the Joker put his Smilex into all the cosmetics, and in certain combinations, it was lethal, however in this case, the Keto and nonylphenol seem to delete the Cytochrome P450 activity (via the ketoconazole) and allow the clearing for nonylphenol (xenoestrogen) to take its place...

so in short.. don't use antifungals containing: ketoconazole, and use detergents ,etc that contain nonylphenol..or perhaps you could have massive bazoombas...

(18-05-2016, 11:16 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(18-05-2016, 11:07 PM)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:  cool. thanks Big Grin

The creams look rather expensive, do you find anything reasonable?.

Copper Peptides for Hair Loss Hair Signal Solution by Dr. Pickart 4 oz (amazon, $26.90)

explanation: The first copper peptide product, from the original inventor of Tricomin and Graftcyte, designed to signal the appearance of volume to your hair using GHK Copper Peptides, Tea Extracts, Saw Palmetto Oil, and Lavender Oil.
Purified water, copper-peptides (hydrolyzed soy protein and copper chloride), glycerin, enzymatically hydrolyzed collagen peptides, enzymatically hydrolyzed elastin peptides, phenoxyethanol, butylene glycol, polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, allantoin, glycine, camellia sinensis (tea) leaf extract, serenoa serrulata (saw palmetto) fruit extract, sodium salicylate, fragrance (herbal mask), aloe barbadensis (aloe vera) gel, copper tripeptide-1 (GHK-Copper), and tocophersolan (vitamin E).

I bought some for mah boobies.. for experimentation, and to give my hair more body. its nice, not a bad smell.

there is this one too:
Copper Peptide Serum with Apple Stem Cell and Argireline Amazon , $19.97, Prime shipping (2 day shipping free for members of amazon). 1 oz.

About the Product

•High Potency Serum - MYM Copper Peptide Serum contains a potent combination of Copper-3-Petptide, Apple Stem Cells and Argireline.
•Complete Skin Rejuvenation - Copper Peptide decreases the appearance of winkles, acne scars and stretch marks by stimulating collagen production and accelerating wound healing. It smoothes rough skin, reduces inflammation and irritation. Repairs sun damage, hyperpigmentation.
•Copper-3-Peptide - Potent 30% concentration of Copper-3-Peptide rebuilds skin structure by increasing collagen I, III, IV. Rejuvenates your skin significantly by reducing appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars.
•Apple Stem Cells - 15% Apple Stem Cells applied twice daily can decrease the severity of wrinkles up to 15% after 15 days. Combining Copper 3-Peptide, Apple Stem Cells and Argireline showed a tremendous 25% reduction in wrinkle depth after only 10 days.
•Argirline - Relaxes facial muscles in order to prevent formation of new wrinkles. Significantly hydrates your skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines.

has apple stem cells.. not apple stems Tongue supposedly apple stem cell research is all the rage... will have to do some research on it.

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