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(10-11-2023, 01:43 PM)northeddy Wrote:  Wow i've just started looking and there is a few on Amazon. How do i know what size to buy. Also can't find a video on how to fit the clip. Does anyone have a link to a clip showning fitting one. Then i may be able to work out what size i would need.

Also i had an orchidectomy to one testicle years ago and still have one left would this still work for me.

Search Fufu Clip on REddit and you'll find their subreddit, it has FAQ and videos about how to fit them. Sizing, I don't know other than trying them out.

I got my lab results today and this makes so little sense... Here's the results compared to previous ones:

E2 1.2 nmol/l 326 pg/ml
T  0.8 nmol/l 23 ng/dl
Prol 1398 mU/l 65.7 ng/dl

E2 1.1 nmol/l 299.6 pg/ml
T 1.2 nmol/l 34.5 ng/dl
Prol 528 mU/l  24.8 ng/dl

I really don't get it, how can my prolactin be this low and I'm lactating? I have been a bit drier for the last week or so, but milking every single day and yet my prolactin level is so low that I'm not supposed to be even able to lactate at this level. It should be around at least 50 ng/ml but its half of that and below the limit where its supposed to happen. I'm totally at loss on how this works? Huh

So conclusions about lactation so far: I'm able to easily elevate my prolactin levels, they appear to naturally rise with minimal effort. I'm somehow capable of lactating on much lower than normal levels required for it which makes me suspect a high natural tendency for this and likely high sensitivity to prolactin. Pushing my levels way above lower normal limit of lactation is difficult, so far I have not found a way to do that, but it appears I don't need to? This is very surprising, I was expecting higher levels than in January, not more than half lower! And yet my breasts are sore and milky and I have to keep pumping and milking by hand to empty them each day.

Another change I did a while back was crashing my progesterone. I'm thinking of stopping even the topical one to see what effect it might have, but before that I will add up pumping sessions once again as I got new Elvie pump to play with and I will start Milk Thistle and Ginseng again as they've ran out. It seems that moringa and shatavari may not be as useful for lactation aid as the others. I'll update on this as soon as things are changing again.

Some more lessons about lactation I've learned lately, I dug up my diary with some thought and found interesting pattern emerging.

Firstly, stress is the ultimate milk killer number one. When ever I'm overly stressed, I get dry and it takes quite a while to get back to where I was before. So wanting to make milk, don't effin stress about stuff, stay as positive and happy as possible. Anything stress relieving helps. Petting a dog, watching a fire, watching a cute silly kid play and have fun, adorable cat videos, long hot shower, anything like that.

There's only limited about of hours in a day and limited money to put into supplements and stuff. So add in milking by hand and don't overlook food like oats which I have found to be really powerful lactation aid. Simple oatmeal is at least as good as some of the herbal supplements. More stimulation means more milk gets extracted means more milk will be made, more is more is more.

Milk supply is at its peak during morning, wanes towards the evening and milk quality goes from watery to thicker and fatty towards the evening. Prolactin tends to peak during the night and when breasts are stimulated so more stimuli, more prolactin, more milk.

I'm naturally sensitive to elevated prolactin levels and lactation happens at extremely low levels. Thank you boobie fairy and genetic diceroll for this. I'm yet to learn how to elevate my prolactin a lot and how to get full supply going, its easy to start, but difficult to build up.

Every time my supply has peaked it hits the same time of my cycle, just before period or end of the cycle within about 4-7 days. This never fails, it has repeated so many times I know to expect it. Currently I'm about a week into my cycle so if the pattern repeats, I should peak again in about three weeks. I will mark this down and see if its correct once again. (Yes I do get periods, everything else from bloating to nasty cramps and mood swings, obviously no obvious blood but everything else I have exactly like cis women do and this is no delusion, no bullshit, I do not make shit up. Just a heads up to those who don't know that it can happen.)

(09-11-2023, 02:05 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I got the original Fufu Clips today. These are fantastic! Likely little sanding on the edges make them better. Normal size fits me the best if I want to have the slick neat tuck which doesn't poke out too much. With the large one I can make a very visible tuck which looks like very prominent labia. The small one is just too small and I have no use for it. These things are really super nice right from the box. Definitely worth it.

I wont add NSFW warning this time, people should know that I post revealing pictures, I know there are many people here who will find this interesting and useful information. So to any trans woman who wants to combat bottom dysphoria, these little devices are so fantastic, I feel great wearing this and as you can see, it hides quite neatly under panties really easily, when I stand up with good posture, its almost like its not there at all. And I guess this is something some guys here would like too for exploring their feminine side or just dressing up... So much for bulge with little practice. Its amazing.

No bra btw. Wink

[Image: 9-11-23-clip1.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip2.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip3.jpg]

[Image: 9-11-23-clip4.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip5.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip6.jpg]
those fufu clips look amazing and it hides things so well and gives you a feminine look --is it difficult to put on --how long can you wear it. Girl you have got some get curves especially  hips to waist to boobs. Dis you get the clips on amazon  and what size do you use just love the look,  Heart

Search Fufu Clip on Etsy and you'll find them quickly. Same on Reddit. Amazon has a lot of the knock off ones which aren't really that good, they require quite a lot of work to fit nicely whereas originals fit from the box excluding the very rough surface and sharp angles. Once they're all smoothed out, its great.

They're quite easy to use but there are several ways on how to place it. It takes practice to do but not insanely difficult. It seems that I'm too sensitive to wear it for a long time in one go. How typical for being such a goddamn snowflake with this stupid body I have to deal with. Or that my scrotal skin/tissue down there is just too thick. I'm obviously not as "elastic" as many are down there and everything is kinda thick and sturdy so the clip becomes painful after few hours.

It might be about just learning it though, building a tolerance. I bet someone with more elastic or less thick stuff down there would have much easier time than I. Also I bet this would be even better after orchi.

Got to show curves as its all I have. Some times I feel I would rather swap that for being young and actually pretty instead. Sad

I had no luck with my fufu clips, they may have been knock offs tho, they were to tight and stopped the blood flow, or to big and wouldn't stay on.

I might try them again sometime because they make such a physical and psychological difference.

Danni X

(09-11-2023, 02:05 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I got the original Fufu Clips today. These are fantastic! Likely little sanding on the edges make them better. Normal size fits me the best if I want to have the slick neat tuck which doesn't poke out too much. With the large one I can make a very visible tuck which looks like very prominent labia. The small one is just too small and I have no use for it. These things are really super nice right from the box. Definitely worth it.

I wont add NSFW warning this time, people should know that I post revealing pictures, I know there are many people here who will find this interesting and useful information. So to any trans woman who wants to combat bottom dysphoria, these little devices are so fantastic, I feel great wearing this and as you can see, it hides quite neatly under panties really easily, when I stand up with good posture, its almost like its not there at all. And I guess this is something some guys here would like too for exploring their feminine side or just dressing up... So much for bulge with little practice. Its amazing.

No bra btw. Wink

[Image: 9-11-23-clip1.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip2.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip3.jpg]

[Image: 9-11-23-clip4.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip5.jpg] [Image: 9-11-23-clip6.jpg]

This sounds like a stupid question, but what do you do when you want a pee? Do you need to remove clip, or can you go like a gentic women does?

If the clip is placed in certain way, its possible to pee without taking it off, but obviously that can make a whole lot more mess. Its not difficult to take off and place again, but can be kept there while going. Sitting obviously or then its pee all over the place, but this should be self explanatory. (I've sat down to pee for ages already before transition so to me this is a no brainer.)

I got to say I don't like the term "genetic" this and that being thrown around as that's making it all too simple and its "othering" me and other gender/sex minorities from everybody else. Am I not using hormone treatment and NBE to activate the female side of my genetics to transition my body? I guess its irrelevant really, but the forum title also pisses me off for this same reason. "Genetic" is used synonymously with "biological" which implies trans men and women not being "genetically" or "biologically" who they are, despite hormone treatment using the very genetics we're all born with. Or brain wiring... I so much more prefer just cis woman used in this sense.

Anyway, word rant over.

(12-11-2023, 02:57 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  If the clip is placed in certain way, its possible to pee without taking it off, but obviously that can make a whole lot more mess. Its not difficult to take off and place again, but can be kept there while going. Sitting obviously or then its pee all over the place, but this should be self explanatory. (I've sat down to pee for ages already before transition so to me this is a no brainer.)

I got to say I don't like the term "genetic" this and that being thrown around as that's making it all too simple and its "othering" me and other gender/sex minorities from everybody else. Am I not using hormone treatment and NBE to activate the female side of my genetics to transition my body? I guess its irrelevant really, but the forum title also pisses me off for this same reason. "Genetic" is used synonymously with "biological" which implies trans men and women not being "genetically" or "biologically" who they are, despite hormone treatment using the very genetics we're all born with. Or brain wiring... I so much more prefer just cis woman used in this sense.

Anyway, word rant over.

I just wonder as its push back i gather,  i wonder if it be like a bilogical women peeing.

Never read the small text? I really don't like this weird "genetic/biological" divide thing at all! Goddammit, I'm a woman and just as much biological and genetic as every human on earth, excluding cyborgs and vampires.

Please, prefer trans/cis gender from now on. No othering language in my thread.

And also, I did reply, the clip can be kept in place while peeing but it can get messy and needs a bit of practice. For me its difficult as I have so much (thick) tissue down there and there's almost no space for doing my business while wearing the clip so I rather just take it off and wear it again after.

Little update about lactation and boob stuff in general... I'm closing to 29 months now, I feel like the growth has a bit slowed down maybe? I was forced on a break from some of the herbs due to delivery delays but I'm back at it.

My nipples are growing so much its crazy, left one has caught up, its gotten blistered which is a good sign as that happens each time they reach certain size in proportion to funnel width so this is good. It just means left will be super intensly sensitive and needs care for a while. Moisture, medicine cream and cleaning.

Speaking of cleaning and healing blisters, my right nipple took ages to heal this last time. Apparently I hadn't been able to clean it well enough as two blisters didn't want to heal but started to make pus instead. This meant several days of painfully pulling off all dead skin and cleaning everything thoroughly and then adding antibiotic cream on it after each pumping and before sleep. That did it, its healed well now. I'm trying to avoid this with my left nipple and be extra careful with it, the point seems to be to keep them extra super clean, meaning that the moment the blisters start to heal, get all that dead old skin off so there's zero place for any bacteria to go nuts!

This is a problem I've had all my life, any wounds I have heal quickly, like super quick, twice as fast as normal some times.... I easily form visible scars which is annoying and then there's the weird thing that the bacteria on my skin easily attack wounds so some tiny cut starting to make pus and get slightly infected is something I've dealt with a lot. I have to be really careful keeping everything super clean or its almost guaranteed to happen. I have no idea why, maybe the bacteria that lives on my skin is just really aggressive naturally as I don't know any other logical explanation for it. I just have dealt with this since I was kid. But there's a positive side to it, my immune system appears to react to this really well, meaning that no wounds develop bad infections either and if it gets infected, it likely stays on tiny area and heals right away the moment I get everything clean again. And now I've had this happen with my nipple too, just from the blisters.

So this is something that you should pay attention to when pumping and once nipples start to grow and get blistered, moisture and cleaning everything! That means also painful nasty stuff, rubbing off all dead skin that is on the way out so there's no place for any bacteria to go wild. Most people likely wont have this problem, but being really super clean with this is something to pay attention to. There's no fucking way anyone would want to get infection in nipple, if that spreads into the breast, that could be really nasty.

Then some positive stuff. I have noted oats being for more powerful in boosting milk supply than I thought. Three small portions per day for few days and my milk keeps on getting thicker and the volume has gone up. This morning record volume from right breast when milking just after waking up was a lovely surprise. Yesterday I got moringa and ginseng added back to my program and I feel it worked right away, soon I'm getting yet another parcel and there's milk thistle there too so I'm trying to take that in as well as I already know it works for me. With the pump I'm pushing six hours a day now or a bit more so a lot, I started to do two sessions in a row so its hour and half straight, then a break and once the pump has recharged, repeat. This way I get six hours or seven and half each day and this is well enough to keep it going. I added hand milking session after each pumping as the pump cannot get all milk extracted, some lingers and I need to help it out a bit. This appears to be extremely helpful, making sure I empty my breasts several times each day to the point that nothing comes out, just maybe a drop or two. I'm confident that my supply will keep climbing if I keep this same plan going, after being drier for a while its really welcome. Btw, my milks supply follows my monthly cycle spot on, being lowest near the beginning of new cycle, then slowly climbing and peaking near the end.

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