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Hi DiDi,

How do you take your moringa? In powder or capsules? And how much?

Thank you!!

I did no extensive research on it, went by the price. The ones I have are 50:1 extract, as capsules. Daily dose marked as one capsule said to be worth 5000mg or raw stuff. I take four of these, afternoon, all at once. I do the same with shatavari which also is capsules made from extract. They're probably not the best way but I have no choice on everything and have to pick some items by price.

So far these two appear to be "ok" I guess, but not mind blowingly awesome on elevating prolactin. I thing Goat's Rue, Milk Thistle, Ginseng and GABA are the top ones, along with alfalfa, I wouldn't overlook that one at all, taking it on high enough dose appears to work wonders. Btw, Goat's Rue is known for aiding breast tissue development along with elevating prolactin so that might have double benefit for NBE purposes.

That's great news but unfortunate about the blisters.  Also, glad that your diary has helped you understand your lactation.  Keep up the good work.

Thanks Mashtenn. ^_^

Update about treating blistered nipples and lactation.

So far it seems that the blisters on my left nipple will heal quickly, so far no problems at all and no pus gathering either so I think last time that was just very bad luck with some pissed off bacteria deciding to go nuts. Not that I'm surprised as I've had this problem with healing wounds all my life. Its ironic good luck that my immune system attacks small infections like that very quickly and with extreme efficiency. I would rather not have such aggressive bacteria on my skin but can't pick and choose such things.

I have two different medicine creams I'm using at the moment, one is super thick moisturising kind which is meant for treating wounds and also suitable for sensitive areas such as nipples, genitals etc., the other is antibiotic type of cream, also very thick and sticky stuff. Its the old fashion kind and smells horrible but its spot on for any kind minor infections and gentle to sensitive skin. Its sold here as Bacibact, I dunno what its called elsewhere, I know there's similar generic stuff for minor infections sold under different brands.

What helped with right nipple was to first use disinfectant, the same stuff I use for cleaning injection site for my E shots. Then wipe off any dead skin that is coming loose. Then apply both creams on the nipples and let absorb. These take quite a while so doing it like hour or two before sleep while free boobing is perfect. Big Grin This combination cleared the infected spots in two or three days completely. I've done this for two days now on left nipple also to prevent any infection. I think this is the sensitive moment between when the blisters start to heal and when the dead skin peels off, baceteria can get stuck below that dead skin before its all cleared and that is likely what caused the infection last time. So keeping everything super clean is the way to deal with this, and that means some times painful clean up of all dead skin needing to be peeled off. Yes I know, nasty and it can hurt a lot, but this is what it takes. Three times prior it worked, fourth time, two spots got mild infection and now I'm seeing if I can avoid it on the left. Fingers crossed.

Lactation experiment is going fine, last two days I've been milking a lot, mornings in particular and its closing to new record volumes I think. At least I'm obviously not far. I've kept a quite a routine with pumping for last five days. Seven and half hours each day and this appears to be enough stimulation to keep my volume climbing. Also since restarting moringa and ginseng, my milk volume has gone up once again. I'm expecting one more parcel from iHerb which has milk thistle coming which I'm adding into the mix as I know it works on me well. Right now I'm out of oatmeal but will get more tomorrow. Speaking of which, power of simple oatmeal on milk supply and thus prolactin levels should not be overlooked! Its far more potent than something as simple might seem, easily on par with the best herbs I know for this thing so keep that in mind when looking for stuff to give prolactin a boost. It works and its quite healthy and gives a massive energyboost really easy, its a perfect breakfast and perfect snack too. But if you're slimming down, watch those calories as its energy dense.

I have also encountered unexpected problem, way quicker than I thought. The 24mm flanges are soon not wide enough and the Elvie cups have run out of depth! The funnels aren't deep enough as my nipples swell so huge now that they push into the opening at the bottom of the funnel. The prboblem is that if I keep going with them too long, that will certainly make my nipples become deformed... So what can I do other than find cups with more space and wider and deeper funnels. And the answer appears to be hands free cups from Spectra. But I have to order those from the UK as they're not sold in Finland, nor Germany for that matter. I'm yet to look into possible EU based shops selling them. I never thought this would become a problem but what do you know, my nipples just keep on growing and they're becoming enormous especially when stimulated. I should try to take a picture some time just after pumping to show crazy big they get. Its just insane, I'm soon only three months in with the lactation and pumping experiement and I'm already running out of space in the standard cups. So hopefully soon I'm switching over to spectra cups with 28mm funnels. Oh and there's talk about these cups allowing the Elvie pump churn out about 150 units of more suction apparently which is absolutely awesome as that means better stimulation and more milk drawn. Makes everything so much easier.

Two days shy of 29 month mark, so I might as well drop pictures today as I took some and do they look nice indeed... I haven't measured or updated my timeline yet as that should be done in two days, but I might be too busy for neither right now. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday and there will be a little party at her place, my girlfriend is coming over and I'm going to her place to stay next week away from everything. A little break from daily stuff, much needed escape from all worries.

About lactation etc., everything is pretty much the same, supply a bit less today than in last two days but I was without my lovely oatmeals for a bit which might explain it. I'm doing a little experiment though, I'm going to stop my ADHD medicine for few days or a week or so. As its a dopamine booster, it might inhibit prolactin levels quite a bit so I'm trying to go on without and see what happens with lactation. This might well have been holding me back quite a lot despite being on low dose. Its methylphenidate, so a bit like amphetatine (it has some similar ways it works.), its a dopamine and noradrenaline booster and high dopamine can inhibit lactation. Worth a try and I know I can survive without it as I have for almost my entire life. It helps with overthinking, and "noise" in my mind, thus inderctly lowering anxiety and depression and it makes my excecutive function somewhat better. Not a massive difference but its been helpful. Anyway I want to find out how it impacts lactation.

My bra is getting annoyingly tight, I have loosened the straps almost all the way and its still annoying as can be. I think I should be upsizing already, but I don't want to rush it. I'm likely to have several wardrobe dysfunctions with bras coming up anyway as booking the body contouring is getting closer and that will make a huge difference to everything. My dream of growing one more cupsize before the op seems very likely to happen if I just have enough time.

For now I don't want to rock the boat as its going so well. Here's pictures from this morning, it was a bit cold when I took these. Note that this is close to my now permanent nipple size, they kinda disappear when its really warm and they're not stimulated, but this happens with just a little touch. After pumping they're massive, they fill the 24mm cup funnels completely by both width and length. I'm soon upgrading to Spectra cups with 28mm funnels which appear to be a bit deeper too. I never thought I would need it so fast, but what can I do, my nipples just want to keep on growing. And I was so desperate about them, how silly of me, by this pace they will be one inch wide by next summer. Big Grin
[Image: 16-11-23-1.jpg][Image: 16-11-23-3.jpg]

(16-11-2023, 08:34 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Two days shy of 29 month mark, so I might as well drop pictures today as I took some and do they look nice indeed... I haven't measured or updated my timeline yet as that should be done in two days, but I might be too busy for neither right now. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday and there will be a little party at her place, my girlfriend is coming over and I'm going to her place to stay next week away from everything. A little break from daily stuff, much needed escape from all worries.

About lactation etc., everything is pretty much the same, supply a bit less today than in last two days but I was without my lovely oatmeals for a bit which might explain it. I'm doing a little experiment though, I'm going to stop my ADHD medicine for few days or a week or so. As its a dopamine booster, it might inhibit prolactin levels quite a bit so I'm trying to go on without and see what happens with lactation. This might well have been holding me back quite a lot despite being on low dose. Its methylphenidate, so a bit like amphetatine (it has some similar ways it works.), its a dopamine and noradrenaline booster and high dopamine can inhibit lactation. Worth a try and I know I can survive without it as I have for almost my entire life. It helps with overthinking, and "noise" in my mind, thus inderctly lowering anxiety and depression and it makes my excecutive function somewhat better. Not a massive difference but its been helpful. Anyway I want to find out how it impacts lactation.

My bra is getting annoyingly tight, I have loosened the straps almost all the way and its still annoying as can be. I think I should be upsizing already, but I don't want to rush it. I'm likely to have several wardrobe dysfunctions with bras coming up anyway as booking the body contouring is getting closer and that will make a huge difference to everything. My dream of growing one more cupsize before the op seems very likely to happen if I just have enough time.

For now I don't want to rock the boat as its going so well. Here's pictures from this morning, it was a bit cold when I took these. Note that this is close to my now permanent nipple size, they kinda disappear when its really warm and they're not stimulated, but this happens with just a little touch. After pumping they're massive, they fill the 24mm cup funnels completely by both width and length. I'm soon upgrading to Spectra cups with 28mm funnels which appear to be a bit deeper too. I never thought I would need it so fast, but what can I do, my nipples just want to keep on growing. And I was so desperate about them, how silly of me, by this pace they will be one inch wide by next summer. Big Grin
[Image: 16-11-23-1.jpg][Image: 16-11-23-3.jpg]
I had soreness and then irritations on my nipples from repeatedly doing suction noogleberry and snakebites. My volume of liquid was high. I actually had little scabs on my nipples.I read this can happen with nursing breasts.

Your breasts are amazing and nipples have increased in size as well.  I can see why you're having issues with pumping.  I wish I could get mine to look as great as yours.  Enjoy your visit with your mom and enjoy the weekend.

Yea, I've got blisters on my nipples many times already. Four times on right, once on left which is nicely healing right now. I was correct about going nuts about keeping it clean and moisturised. Its working so well, no infection this time. The thing about nipples is to keep them moist at all times, never allow skin to dry because then it breaks and that can get really painful and heal slowly. Blisters without broken skin are much easier to heal, keep clean, moisturise and free boobs does the trick... And of course building a tolerance. Blush

(16-11-2023, 11:21 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  Your breasts are amazing and nipples have increased in size as well.  I can see why you're having issues with pumping.  I wish I could get mine to look as great as yours.  Enjoy your visit with your mom and enjoy the weekend.
Thank you. Hug

The nipple development has really taken me by surprise, the pace and how it doesn't seem to stop. I switched to the current funnel width a month ago and already I'm outgrowing them, this time also by depth... Its a bit problematic as I need to get yet another type of cups to keep on going, but I think the price and hassle is worth the effort. I don't mind my nipples growing so big as I feel that they're balancing my boobs and areolas really nicely. And I think its very feminine and pretty to have big pointy nipples on big heavy boobs.

About nipple development, you know what has done it for me. Two things: prolactin and pumping with a hospital grade lactation pump and doing absolutely crazy hours on that. Its fairly simple, but how well will it work is another roll of dice, but you know the method, might as well try it out at some point. Wink

I too am glad the your nipple development is catching up to your breast development proportion. Enjoy the ride and time with your people!

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