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Random Thoughts

Never met anyone in RL where such a topic would come up or be relevant.

I'm torn. I highly doubt I would encounter someone else who is gender conflicted like I am but if I did, I don't think I would tell them about PM. Unless someone feels the NEED to have breasts, I don't think I'd want to awaken it in them. Perhaps if they asked me how I acquired mine in a way that indicated they envy me, I might explain how it's possible. My conflict however, is that I know PM can pummel male sex drive and if you know any other males, odds are you know as many who like porn and "M". Of course not everyone thinks that's a problem but most guys in MY sphere consider it a bad temptation and would prefer to not get sucked into it. Soooo, I COULD someday feel compelled to explain how they might reduce their sex drive with PM. On the other hand, they could somewhat effectively do the same with saw palmetto, spearmint or a baldness drug ...which I'd probably be a lot more likely to recommend because the risk of developing breasts on those is much less likely. I guess it's highly unlikely I'd talk about or recommend PM to anyone.

(21-09-2013, 05:58 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  In real life, have you ever tried or would try to introduce someone (male or female) to the possibility of pursuing NBE? Or do you think NBE is something that is best for each individual to find on his/her own?

I'm more inclined to favor the latter, but I'm curious to hear others' thoughts on this. Smile
I'm in the 'latter' camp too...

But, I could imagine overhearing a conversation pertinent to the topic (two people discussing implants for themselves) and interjecting with something about NBE. Or possibly if I was asked about my breasts (should the three of us mature enough for that to be possible. Wink).


(22-09-2013, 04:52 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  I'm torn. I highly doubt I would encounter someone else who is gender conflicted like I am but if I did, I don't think I would tell them about PM. Unless someone feels the NEED to have breasts, I don't think I'd want to awaken it in them. Perhaps if they asked me how I acquired mine in a way that indicated they envy me, I might explain how it's possible. My conflict however, is that I know PM can pummel male sex drive and if you know any other males, odds are you know as many who like porn and "M". Of course not everyone thinks that's a problem but most guys in MY sphere consider it a bad temptation and would prefer to not get sucked into it. Soooo, I COULD someday feel compelled to explain how they might reduce their sex drive with PM. On the other hand, they could somewhat effectively do the same with saw palmetto, spearmint or a baldness drug ...which I'd probably be a lot more likely to recommend because the risk of developing breasts on those is much less likely. I guess it's highly unlikely I'd talk about or recommend PM to anyone.

Interesting thoughts Doodlebug. The ironic thing is long before I knew about NBE, I considered the idea of taking anti-androgens as a means of taking the edge off of my testosterone. I never took the idea as fruition as I thought the only way to get anti-androgens was through a prescription. I couldn't imagine trying to get such a prescription when I had no intention of transitioning.


(22-09-2013, 06:09 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Interesting thoughts Doodlebug. The ironic thing is long before I knew about NBE, I considered the idea of taking anti-androgens as a means of taking the edge off of my testosterone. I never took the idea as fruition as I thought the only way to get anti-androgens was through a prescription. I couldn't imagine trying to get such a prescription when I had no intention of transitioning.

I sure wish I knew I could have changed my sex drive with an herb 25 years ago. It would have saved me a great deal of shame and self hatred.

Saw palmetto or spearmint alone CAN reduce sex drive by themselves right? I never took either of them alone so I can only deduce they have that ability. ...Brings me back to chaste tree berry. I wonder what that does.


(22-09-2013, 08:41 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  
(22-09-2013, 06:09 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Interesting thoughts Doodlebug. The ironic thing is long before I knew about NBE, I considered the idea of taking anti-androgens as a means of taking the edge off of my testosterone. I never took the idea as fruition as I thought the only way to get anti-androgens was through a prescription. I couldn't imagine trying to get such a prescription when I had no intention of transitioning.

Saw palmetto or spearmint alone CAN reduce sex drive by themselves right? I never took either of them alone so I can only deduce they have that ability. ...Brings me back to chaste tree berry. I wonder what that does.

I presume so, though I think it is unclear whether sp or spearmint have an effect on both the physical and mental aspects of a person's sex drive. I obviously cannot use myself to test this considering how long I've been taking pm. Someone with no prior exposure to NBE herbs would have to be the guinea pig for this experiment.

Here's something I found on the chaste tree berry:


Quoting from the article Flamesabers found:

"Some men use vitex agnus-castus [chaste tree berry] for increasing the flow of urine, for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and for reducing sexual desire. Historians say that monks chewed chaste tree parts to make it easier to maintain their celibacy."

If I was a monk, they'd call me "Koala monk". "Doodlebug, get out of that tree before you KILL it!"

Doesn't "treating BHP" and "reducing sex drive" sound like a testosterone or DHT suppressant to you guys? Isn't that pretty similar to the claims of SP and spearmint? I'd sure like to see a comparison between spearmint, saw palmetto and chaste tree berry as they pertain to our pursuits from someone who understands the chemistry of each.

(23-09-2013, 12:25 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Quoting from the article Flamesabers found:

"Some men use vitex agnus-castus [chaste tree berry] for increasing the flow of urine, for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and for reducing sexual desire. Historians say that monks chewed chaste tree parts to make it easier to maintain their celibacy."

If I was a monk, they'd call me "Koala monk". "Doodlebug, get out of that tree before you KILL it!"

lol. Big Grin

(23-09-2013, 12:25 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Doesn't "treating BHP" and "reducing sex drive" sound like a testosterone or DHT suppressant to you guys? Isn't that pretty similar to the claims of SP and spearmint? I'd sure like to see a comparison between spearmint, saw palmetto and chaste tree berry as they pertain to our pursuits from someone who understands the chemistry of each.

I don't recall hearing about this herb before so I'm not sure how it compares with sp and spearmint. Are you looking to try a different anti-androgen or something?

(23-09-2013, 02:43 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  Are you looking to try a different anti-androgen or something?

No not really. Just always on the lookout for something better. I'm thinking about dropping the SP from my regime and taking Propecia instead. It would hopefully repopulate the thin spot on the back of my head and since gynecomastia is listed as a side effect, I figure it would do as much for my breasts as the SP is doing. I'm still on the fence though. I worry a little about the other side effects namely the claim by some of permanent impotence. While it doesn't sound too bad, I'm not quite ready to take that risk.

(21-04-2013, 03:47 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  I have some questions for the "inbetweenies" in regards to the gender spectrum. How do you feel during a conversation when someone refers to you as a man or when you check off the male box when filling out a form? Has brain rewiring and/or taking NBE herbs changed your feelings on this? Do you feel more or less self-conscious about this now that your'e pursing NBE?

When I recently had this happen to me it got me really thinking about my reaction to it. It's always felt odd to be labeled as a male or identify myself on a form as male. Judging strictly from a biological perspective, I'm a male no doubt. However, I feel that's where my maleness end. I think this is why in another thread I said I don't personally understand why males would consider it to be so distressing to have breast development. Ultimately I consider being labeled a male as archaic, however it's a reminder that despite my NBE progress or gender identity, people still see me as a male.

I intend to write a book or a guide on this very same matter as part of my PHD

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