20-04-2015, 02:53 PM
(18-04-2015, 05:11 PM)Soledad46 Wrote:So true. I didn’t really believe massage would make a difference until starting last month-(09-04-2015, 04:30 PM)Mayko Wrote:Hi Mayko!(29-03-2015, 07:18 AM)Soledad46 Wrote: Hi Alexandra!Any tips or wisdom to share on widening the base? That’s my goal as well- probably the same for lots here. Has the BO continued helping as mentioned earlier?
I'm similar to ElainMoria in that I'm heading into my second month on BO. I'm a bio female, and in the first month got 1/4" growth, according to the measuring tape. This month the tape is stubborn as hell, but I feel as if my base is getting wider, which is what I want. I also massage, and they're feeling jiggly in ways they never have before.
Tracking the change without prejudice is the tricky part: I know what I want to see, and how I want to measure, so photos really are your best friend, even with a bra on. .Also keep in mind that everyone grows differently, too!
Xo, Soli
BO definitely helps in rounding them out, I'm seeing much more underboob and sideboob fullness than, well, ever I guess! In fact, this month I feel like I'm growing out sideways again rather than out, which is okay in the long run, although I wouldn't mind a little projection to keep my motivation up, you know? Also I believe massage plays a role as well, so I can't recommend massage enough. .
Xo, Soli