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HRT and the EDGE


(11-05-2017, 11:25 AM)Skye is on fire Wrote:  
(10-05-2017, 05:29 PM)julieTG Wrote:  The main point I am trying to attempt validation for is

I know that pm and other herbs can help with TG feelings ie lower the need etc,

but can HRT do the same or is it a grabber,


people who could manage with herbs, would HRT take them over the edge or just take the edge of intense feelings,

Many people are pandora box, ie any small amount of pm or HRT can release suppressed feelings and off they pop

However there are more stable types like

Pansy and sfem etc who went on pm grew and then come off and perfectly happy, think stefanie as well now

Would these 3 on HRT be a different story



Julie...?  For me personally..I took herbals in the very behinning to "experiment"  but as others have stated, deep down inside, I already knew but just needed the primer to put me past my fears and doubts.  Once I started hrt, I knew that was what I really wanted.  So, for me, herbals experiment, meds-cut and dry, no doubts.  I understood who I was and went for it.  I know for others, it may be more complicated.  But, for most of us aries, once we commit to something, we go for it until we succeed or hit a brick wall lol.
I'm an Aries too, and I really want to succeed, but I can't get going

(10-05-2017, 10:34 AM)julieTG Wrote:  HRT and the EDGE

Now its reported in many forums , even the oh my gosh Transsexual snobbery forums where its questioned are you Transsexual enough darling , that many tg folk , crossdressers , take HRT to take the edge of urges, so it must be true and indeed common practice.
Acknowledged that we here take PM and herbs to do this, calm down and take the edge off, but what about HRT ?
So is there anyone with us here , past or in the future taking the big E , simply to do this, ie cope ?
Thoughts most welcome, but HRT only please

I can't transition because of my health. I'm not sure what I'd do if I was healthy. I don't think I'll pass without surgery. So yeah, I'm hoping the HRT or herbs will make me feel better and not care about this stuff as much. I don't want to be a guy, but I don't really want to be a non-passing transwoman. Maybe if I lived in a very accepting area (although I hear even LGB isn't always accepting of T Sad ).

What do you mean about the "Transsexual snobbery forums"? I'm partially confused about the difference between transsexual and TG. I'm asking mainly just because I had a bad experience with a community that was dominated by cis hetero normative MTF trans women Angry , but maybe you're referring to something else.

(02-11-2017, 04:15 AM)Nightshade Wrote:  
(10-05-2017, 10:34 AM)julieTG Wrote:  HRT and the EDGE

Now its reported in many forums , even the oh my gosh Transsexual snobbery forums where its questioned are you Transsexual enough darling , that many tg folk , crossdressers , take HRT to take the edge of urges, so it must be true and indeed common practice.
Acknowledged that we here take PM and herbs to do this, calm down and take the edge off, but what about HRT ?
So is there anyone with us here , past or in the future taking the big E , simply to do this, ie cope ?
Thoughts most welcome, but HRT only please

I can't transition because of my health. I'm not sure what I'd do if I was healthy. I don't think I'll pass without surgery. So yeah, I'm hoping the HRT or herbs will make me feel better and not care about this stuff as much. I don't want to be a guy, but I don't really want to be a non-passing transwoman. Maybe if I lived in a very accepting area (although I hear even LGB isn't always accepting of T Sad ).

What do you mean about the "Transsexual snobbery forums"? I'm partially confused about the difference between transsexual and TG. I'm asking mainly just because I had a bad experience with a community that was dominated by cis hetero normative MTF trans women Angry , but maybe you're referring to something else.
If I understand things correctly.....  I am Transgendered but not to the same degree as others.  I am of "Two Spirit".  Meaning I do not care if I have both male and female mannerisms and outward signs of being female.  Ex.  I thought I was a cross dresser, but couldn't figure why I felt so depressed when I was in a feminine mood but couldn't dress that way.

Transexula is a person either planning on transistioning or is in the final stages of SRS and other mods so they can live with a full female body and live permanently as a female.

And yes, I have heard and read the same as you...  that Lesbians and Gays do not think highly of us Trans Folk.

(10-05-2017, 05:29 PM)julieTG Wrote:  The main point I am trying to attempt validation for is

I know that pm and other herbs can help with TG feelings ie lower the need etc,

but can HRT do the same or is it a grabber,


people who could manage with herbs, would HRT take them over the edge or just take the edge of intense feelings,

Many people are pandora box, ie any small amount of pm or HRT can release suppressed feelings and off they pop

However there are more stable types like

Pansy and sfem etc who went on pm grew and then come off and perfectly happy, think stefanie as well now

Would these 3 on HRT be a different story




based upon my own experience and it is nothing compared ot what I expected or even remotely thought would happen.  Everyone is completely different in terms of how they will respond / how they do respond to either herbals, PM or HRT.

When I was dabbling in herbals and HRT and even BO, I was doing just that, dabbling.  I think in my case, I was only dabbling, because subconciously, I was worried about the effects, both adverse and positive.  And that worry was driving me to only put my toes in fora moment, and then have me running in the opposite direction.  A lot of that worry was also because I was doing it unsupervised and privately.  No one knew, I was all alone.

But when I finally started HRT, a lot of those worries and concerns were lifted.  I was now doing it responsibly.  Going to regular doctor appointments to monitor my health and well being.  I was seeing a therapist to work from not only any Gender issues I had/have, but also my own personal issues surrounding the breakup of my marriage.

What I have noticed, is that when it goes to MTF indivuduals, people on herbals or PM or BO, is that there seems to b e a lot of backlash against those who switch from herbals over the counter type approaches to perscription HRT.  Everyone who is still on the OTC approaches says to the people who start perscription HRT, that they will fully transition, that they will become hooked, etc...

I don't think that there is anyway to prove any of those things, as everyone is different.  One persons reasons for staying with herbal supplements may differ from anothers.  One persons reasons for switching to perscription HRT from herbals is different from the next individuals.    THe fact that everyone is so unique, makes all of this so hard or impossible to predict.

So I don't know if there is some kind of latent, unconscious bias within the MTF/TS/TG  community as well, but everyone seems to think that their own thoughts and expectations about what will happen or the reasons behind another individual's choices are the correct ones.

So the only case I can speak accurately and truthfully about is my own.  After nearly 5 months of Estrogen (my dosage having tripled in this time) and 4 months of Spiro (same dosage, my choice),  all I ca nsay, is that it hasn't given my the clarity of answers I was hoping ot find.  I honestly don't feel any better or worse.  I'm Welcoming of the physical changes I have noticed, and wishing they were occurring faster.  But I could say the same thing when I Was trying herbals as well.  The biggest difference I have noticed is that I have stayed on my perscription HRT and haven't missed a dosage yet and don't plan on it.  But as I mentioned earlier in this post, I don't think it is because it is perscription HRT, but rather I am being more honest about what it is I am doing, and I am doing it responsibly as well (seeing a therapist and a medical doctor to monitor my health and well being).

to be honest, when I first started reading about PM here i thought it was all a joke, some sort of Hoax website designed to sell PM products, and i only found here in the first place through searching for something else entirely and this place kept popping up over the week, so i came here to see why.
after reading a bit (about 3 weeks) I finaly joined, and needless to say ordered some PM and BO, I was actually more interested in the BO, especial with all these stories of reaching a point of no return after 6 months, that whole idea of "point of no return" and having a runaway reaction where you start producing your own Estrogen was Very apealing to me, i mean REALLY apealing!
I found the idea enticing in a way I can`t even explain, I was nervous but also excited by the idea. needless to say i bought some, 6 months worth in fact! LOL
Somehow there was something in me that Really wanted this to happen to me, a point of no return, female whether I like it or not!
part of me Must have known, even though I had no idea myself.

Cutting a long story short, I started taking them and they Worked! and my brain was like "yay!!! You finaly figured it out!", the noise was gone and so much other changes mentally that took place I just KNEW this was for me, so I took my pills in ever increasing amounts to maintain the same effect, and stuff started to "unlock" in my brain, I became quite aware of who i was and what I was! almost like comming around from amnesia and regaining all your memories, everything was perfectly clear to me. needless to say i wasted no time sourcing proper HRT and blockers, and just under a year later I`m living full time as Female!


Pandora box



(02-11-2017, 03:40 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Katie

Pandora box



While I understand the use of the term of Pandora's Box, I think it is a bit of a misnomer and I think that concept is what is behind some of what I described in my post above.

I would would rather it be described as an affirmation and/or confirmation of one's self.

I have to agree with Myranda, not only are TS people different to each other but so are all the other categories under the Trans* umberella.

I`v seen this myself in many TS only areas of different forums, yes there is an overall commonality, and it`s often said that all our stories are the same, just change the names and dates, but that`s not Entirely true.

now, Here on this Site, it`s very much a mixed bag, and in My opinion everyone here is Trans* whether they admit it or not! from the crossdresser / fetishist / male staying male blah blah to those fully TS and everything in between, I suspect that Most here are a mix of Non-binary, genderfluid, and CD, probably 90%. the rest are either TS or latent TS that would transition if Society was totally OK with it and the cash was there.
if you`re a man that wants to stay as a man...  but somehow wants to grow boobs?.... sorry hun, but you`re Trans* !
so given that there`s such a mixed bag here, there`s no real way to establish any sort of algorythm or patern, although a TS person is more Likely to go to HRT if they can, that`s about all than can be safely said, as i don`t know Any TS person that would say no to Hormones or even have to think about it in many instances.

as i`v mentioned elsewhere on here some time ago, I don`t believe that HRT can make you into something you`re not already, but it Can help unlock what you are, of course the Really interesting thing about being here is that you never know who`s what!?

turns out I was TS, who Knew?!!!! Big Grin

would certainly agree

if your growing breasts then your Trans to some degree,

There are MANY on here who are TRANSSEXUALS in denial, and many do not know it


(02-11-2017, 05:06 PM)Katie Wrote:  as i`v mentioned elsewhere on here some time ago, I don`t believe that HRT can make you into something you`re not already, but it Can help unlock what you are, of course the Really interesting thing about being here is that you never know who`s what!?


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