I guess this persona non grata took upon herself to get stuck with my weight and body shaming as that's the only thing there really is to be a total bitch about? Misgendering me and calling me fat ugly ogre and what not gave her a little quiet time previously, so maybe easier to go the fat shaming route instead like a decent bully would figure it out....
I just wish this thread could get back to its usual course of occasional comments, me updating my progress once or twice a month and getting curvier and prettier as time goes by.
I ain't done yet, oh and I'm not ashamed in the slightest for being a "fat ugly ogre", I love it. Lets see how it goes, I seem to be losing stuff from midsection again while boobs and hips keep getting wider. Lets see what a horrible chubby hourglass I'll turn into. If some envious poor thing is hurt now, better steer away soon as I'm gonna be such a looker its going to hurt many times more in the future.
Of course I wish there would be a way to fix the problem, I know how much envy and bitterness can hurt, its awful existence, its painful, its rots the heart and I think it can also become self sabotage. like being envious hateful bitch on a boobie growing forum at the same time while being desperate to grow breasts.
Lets talk nicer stuff instead, I'm tired of having this shit show go on in my thread.