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Looking at Breast Augmentation


Wow! That's fantastic news!
I am looking forward to reading (and seeing?) a full account of the experience!
Good luck!

Thanks!  It should be fun, I'll post the progress.

Best regards,

 "to lose the 15 lbs I've been talking about loosing for the last year and a half."  Just a thought.  Maybe you've already "lost" those pounds and have replaced it with breast and muscle weight?  It seems you've had SIGNIFICANT breast growth in the last 18months (they have to weigh more) and exercise regularily, with the TRT you take it's possible to have some muscle development too.  I've had dramatic changes in body shape with little or no change to my weight.

Thanks for the nice thoughts, but unfortunately the 15 lbs is legitimate excess I need to lose.  A few years ago, my optimum pre-boob weight was about 194/195, now I'm crediting myself about 4 bs for my new bigger titties, so my new target weight is 200lbs or under.  This morning I was at 212, so a little bit of progress.

For me it's a combination of the gym and a little better diet.  In fact my next stop after finishing this post is the gym.

Best regards,

(17-10-2024, 05:46 AM)ChuckM Wrote:  My GF loves how much my breasts have grown, particularly over the last two years since I started pumping, but would love to see me larger.  I'd also like to be a lot larger, and over the last eight or ten months we've been talking a lot about us both getting breast augmentation.  She had an nice augmentation in April and since then has really been advocating (pushing) for me to move forward with mine.  

I've had several consultations with plastic surgeons this year, but was very unimpressed and unhappy with the outcome, until this last Friday.  I finally found a surgeon that I felt very comfortable with.  I had a great consultation for over an hour, we went over options, the look I want, the results I could expect, any limitations I might have.  All in all a great experience.  

Because of all the advice and support I've received from Lotus and others here on the site, I've been able to developed some reasonably large breasts.  The PS was impressed with my breast development and let me know that because of my breast size he wouldn't have any trouble fitting me with basically any size implant I wanted to go with.  I want silicone so the maximum size (at least here in the US) is 800cc.  I spent quite a while working with the staff trying to find the right size to achieve the look I wanted; I haven't made a final decision, but it will probably be 750cc.

Because I'm a good bit older than the average breast augmentation patient, there are a few additional health check hurdles that I need clear, but the doc doesn't really expect any problems moving forward.  If all goes well I plan to schedule surgery early next year.  This gives me enough time to get everything checked out and to lose the 15 lbs I've been talking about loosing for the last year and a half.  Looking forward to the augmentation is very motivating to finally do that.  It's also why I didn't lock in the size I want until I get to my goal weight.  Depending on how I look I might want to go up to 800cc, or down to 700cc.

I'd love to hear thoughts and opinions from the group, both those with experience with augmentation and anyone else.

Best regards,
Hello ChuckM
Great to hear that you are going to be having an Breast Augmentation. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. You will enjoy them tremendously. I still get a smile on my face when I walk past a mirror. I did see a couple of PS before I found the right one for me. I got 580cc IDEAL IMPLANTS called Serene Breast Implants. They are Structured Saline Implants that work like a silicone one does. I wanted to get the implants but didn't want to worry about getting an mri every 3 years so see if they have ruptured. So I went that route. There are several apps that you could use to see what size implant would be best for you also, it is really nice, works with photo's of your chest as it is now and you can get a good estimate how you will look with the size of implant you want to get, or you could do the rice test. Either way is good. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I have a page on reddit with another guy that has breast implants and there are a couple more guys belong to it that has them also. It is an information based page. Good luck to you ChuckM. Oh by the way I was 60 when I got my breasts.

(25-10-2024, 07:11 PM)ChuckM Wrote:  After conversations with my GF and other friends over the last week or so about the final decision on the size of implants I should go with, I've locked in on 800cc silicone.  I want silicone, and 800 is the largest silicone you can get in the U.S.  During my consultation, the PS said that with my current size he'd have no problem doing the 800s.  Since I already have reasonably sized breasts, adding the 800cc implants should give me a decent size.

Now just to get my other docs to sign off on any possible health issues, and I'll be hopefully ready to schedule surgery shortly after the new year!

Best regards,
Hello again ChuckM,
Congrats on picking your size of implants you want to have. I am sure they will look fantastic on you. What other health issues? All I needed was an EKG for the procedure. Just curious....Good Luck to you ChuckM

Thanks Bob,

Without admitting anything, I might be in your age range or maybe a little more. Rolleyes  One of the concerns/questions was the DVT I had a couple of years ago.  After my discussion with my PS he doesn't think it will pose any issues, but he wants me cleared by my vascular surgeon. 

I've done a fitting with my PS, and I've also done the rice test at home, but I'd also like to check out the on-line sites you recommend.  If you could shoot me the links I'd really appreciate it.  

Best regards, 

Just a quick follow-up regarding the stubborn 15lbs I want to lose.  I think part of the issue is due to some of the supplements I've been using for my NBE breast growth program.  Particularly the topicals I've been using; progesterone P4, DHEA, and BI-EST 5.0.   Doing a little quickie research, it seems these all have some potential to promote weight gain.

Since I've committed to the breast augmentation I don't need to continue the topical program for the additional breast growth it may provide, so I stopped using these products a few days ago.  I've already had a little weight loss since stopping them, so I hope with my more consistent gym regimen, and watching my diet a bit, I'll be approaching my goal weight by the first of the year.

I am continuing all of my other NBE supplements, FG, WP, GTE, etc.  

Best regards,

She glad for you. Wow 800 is big!! I am 600. I am thinking about going bigger in a year. I wish you the best of luck. If I can help in anyway let me know

Thanks!  I know that 800 is pretty big, but I'm tall and have a reasonably large frame, and wider shoulders and chest, so 800cc on me will not be anywhere near as dramatic as it would be on someone with a smaller frame.  When I had my consultation we did quite a bit of fitting with different sizes, and really anything smaller than 700cc looked a little out of proportion.  I'm sure I'll be taking you up on your offer, and reach out to you for first hand experience as I move towards surgery.

I'll be looking forward to hearing about your move to larger implants!

Best regards,

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