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I am so sorry for you for loss of your dear companion! Words are so limited in communicating what I feel for your loss. If there would be a way to reach my arms through the Internet, I would now hold and hug you very tightly! Hug

I am sad to hear about the passing of your pet dog. For my I had a tough loss of my pet parrot Sunshine, he lived 19 years. I placed him under a tree in my back yard. This was a hard loss.

Thanks for the replies again. Hug 

Its really tough, having to let them go feels like giving away my own child. They really take piece of our hearts don't they? I've been digging into old pictures, downloading and saving everything I can as a lot of this I only had only but not on harddrive. Now I think I have everything I can get? I found a lot of old, very old pictures from the husky group started by the people from whom I got Rascal. There was a lot I had forgotten, omg he was so cute.

I've been remembering so much about him, tiny funny details about everything. The way he got his name was that he was absolute destruction and full of mischief as a puppy. But the way they change, as Rascal became extremely easy going and very obedient which is odd for a husky. Once a vet was amazed to see a husky behaving so well and asked if he did doggy school, I was so proud telling that I trained him myself and he just happens to have the most gentle and well behaved personality.

It feels strange, I just woke up and made coffee, took my meds and the house is quiet. Lovable presence is gone and the kitchen is so empty. His place was right in front of the sink next to his food bowl. Its so strange, yesterday I washed his bowls, put his harness and leash to hang next to my jacket, took empty food cans out, hung out his blanket outside. I have to soon go through his things and make them ready for my next fur baby. I know there will be a new one at some point, they're so dear I don't want to live without. Heart 

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Its just lovely, memories keep flooding in... Bittersweet as I would loved to keep him, they never stay long enough. I'm soon having breakfast and then heading out for a long forest walk, the kind I used to take with the silly puppy when he was younger. ^_^ Going through all this will take a while, but I'm sure sadness is soon overcome with just happy memories instead.

I will be posting about some NBE stuff quite soon and in a week we're going to our local Pride march, this year they're having much more happenning over there as last year was quite lacking, they didn't have staff to arrange a lot but this time there's a lot, something everyday for a week. So another perfect excuse for getting absolutely dolled up and go have some fun. March and then a park picnic, hopefully weather will be nice.

Now I need some more coffee.

Very touching post, DiDi. It truly moved me.
Getting a new companion will certainly help, but give yourself time to go through this grieving process. Hang in there and I'm glad you have the Pride March to look forward to.


I know exactly what you are going through and will have to do it soon. This will be my fourth precious friend to have to let go soon. Each time I swore I would not go through it again given time grief ends memories take over and anew companion enters our lives. My heart goes out to you, Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

First day without my doggo, its really lonely without him.... Feels strange. I took a nice long walk today, memories just keep flooding back. I've been saving and posting a lot of pictures and videos of him and its helping to cope with him not being around. Everything holds some fun happy memories as there is nothing else about the silly floofer. Hug Heart Its so strange how I'm already noticing all the small things I miss so much, like having to watch my step in the kitchen when washing dishes or making coffee. I'm subconsciously walking around his spot, but its so strange as its empty. There's a dog sizes piece of my heart missing.

Anyway, I took a nice long walk. It was quite exhausting as its a really hot day for Finnish summer. Thunderstorms are brewing already, might get fresh in couple of days. I'm heating the sauna, having to go check it in a minute. Not much else to update about today, other than I so much love to cycle Prog again, feels like I'm in another growth spurt, my Ewa bra is starting to fit better already. I'm really sold to their bras now, I'll surely order another one when I need it. More about this later, sauna needs to be checked.


Sitting here with tears in my eyes writing this, lost my two girls (4 pounds each) little poms  about 5 years ago and I still miss them every day. Doggo is and always will be part of you, hold on to the memories and time will make it a little better.



My heart goes out to you! And all others who have lost pets!

My dog is having some health issues. I get tears in my eyes when I think about him and all my dogs in the past.

Heart Kay

Third night going to bed without giving cuddles to my silly fluffer and the pain of losing him isn't giving up... My heart got a dog sized crack and there's nothing that could fix it right now. In the future getting a new puppy absolutely will, I know that much, but that time is not now. I haven't been able to think much more, I can't help it.

I've been downloading all pictures and videos I could find and there's quite a lot of it. I'm going to pick some of the best and have them printed into portraits, I thought I would want few nicest ones framed and hang them at home and one to the summer cottage. I took another long walk today, it was lovely, but its not giving me solace. Its really symbolic that for the third day, I've seen a big white butterfly somewhere, I don't remember the name of those, but typically they're not really common... Just like Rascal, he was my big fluffy butterfly, my angel without wings. Heart 

Here's some pretty pictures from April 2015 when he stayed at AA Doggy Camp, amazing place, it was like a dog heaven. He made so many friends there. See that adult husky with him, that was his favourite running buddy for the week he stayed there.

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I really want to get over it already, but I think this is one of the losses that wont let me go. Usually in the end the longing turns into happy memories being the thing that stays. I'm usually good at letting go, but with people its easier. This one really hurts so much more. Loss of my bestie and my so far only band mate who died before his time were the ones who hurt a lot. Even grand parents and my uncles have been easier to let go as death in old age is to be expected and its inevitable. But with a dog its so much worse because they're absolutely innocent and their love is totally unconditional, they're the most faithful friends there is. I really feel like I euthanised my child... Three days is not enough to get over this. I haven't even had time or energy to think of anything transition related, barely taking care of myself with walks and taking my meds.

I don't think you ever really get over the loss of a pet. You carry them around in your heart and memory forever. It will be weird for quite some time especially if you keep their things around and in sight. 

I know when I lost my Golden retriever a few years back, It completely destroyed me. I couldn't do anything without being reminded of her. I couldn't even put her dog bed and toys away. It took about 2 months for me to be able to not come home from work or the gym and or come downstairs and not have her waiting for me  (since she was 14 she could not make it up stairs anymore) and not get emotional and teary eyed. 

It does get easier with time but it will always hurt. Losing your dog is one of the worst pains and heart aches anyone can go through.

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