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Progress, plans and other ramblings

(16-12-2020, 07:59 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  By the gods, I can't believe this! I just did a comparison picture using something from almost two years ago and a more recent pic from two months ago... I have never looked at my pics side by side like this. My body has changed so dramatically this feels nearly shocking. My jaw literally hit the floor when I saw the change. The comparison would be even better if I equalized the lighting and color...

Noogle, pm, a short experiment with PC and a lot of willpower is all I've done since I started. Pm for about seven months in total I think? When someone said beware, you might get more than you bargain for, that's exactly what can happen. Holy boobfairy, I don't know what else to say.
Massive transformation. Congrats .

Thanks. What a ride its been so far. Big Grin

(17-12-2020, 12:13 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Thanks. What a ride its been so far. Big Grin
It is inspirational to read your journey .

(17-12-2020, 12:14 AM)myboobs Wrote:  
(17-12-2020, 12:13 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Thanks. What a ride its been so far. Big Grin
It is inspirational to read your journey .

I'm glad to hear it. BN has been a treasure trove of information and cool people for me, I wish I can give something back so sharing the experience with you guys and gals.

Looks like I will soon need to order more Ainterol caps, there's enough to finish this cycle but then I'm out. I still got plenty of other stuff but Ainterol XX anniversary stuff has been super effective so far.

Why do the XX version is more better?
I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this.
I'm curious about your thoughts. Thx

(17-12-2020, 11:28 AM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Why do the XX version is more better?
I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this.
I'm curious about your thoughts. Thx
I have no idea why its supposed to be better or is it as that is the only Ainterol product I have ever tried so far. Its definitely more potent than the other brands I have tried and that's all I know. But I have heard it couple of times that the Ainterol XX anniversary version seems to be super effective. I dunno except that its working wonder on my body. Big Grin

Wow, absolutely fantastic the change is so obvious and looks really good.
You are a real inspiration, I'm only into my 3rd month of this exciting journey so seeing results like yours just proves yet again that men can grow breasts along with changing their body shape / other incidentals.
Once again, fantastic and well done, here's to the next couple of years Smile

(17-12-2020, 12:32 PM)wee2er Wrote:  Wow, absolutely fantastic the change is so obvious and looks really good.
You are a real inspiration, I'm only into my 3rd month of this exciting journey so seeing results like yours just proves yet again that men can grow breasts along with changing their body shape / other incidentals.
Once again, fantastic and well done, here's to the next couple of years Smile

Thanks. <3

Its been really amazing, less than a year on pm and so much has happened in such a short time. I wonder where I end up in few years with this. Might be some really cool things ahead. At very least I want my boobs to keep growing. I want to fill up and then outgrow my favorite bra. I was smart to get it bit too bit, there's a clear goal and space to grow for a while. Big Grin

Only a year? Holy smokes! That’s great! Yep! Exercise works! Haha. Dang. It took me at least 18 months before I started seeing major changes. Whatever you’re didn’t, keep doing it! It’s working!

(17-12-2020, 03:07 PM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Only a year? Holy smokes! That’s great! Yep! Exercise works! Haha. Dang. It took me at least 18 months before I started seeing major changes. Whatever you’re didn’t, keep doing it! It’s working!
I lost my previous diary on the fried harddrive so I can't quote the exact dates and dosages, but my current cycle is 7th or 8th, I did almost two months without a break last summer and then cycled on and off. So a very short time indeed. I wonder how far can I go if I keep this going for the next few years...

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