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Just a little update, I'm few days shy of 39 months on HRT, I'm growing really well right now, seems that the same growth spurt that started a while ago isn't giving up just yet. Big Grin More on that later.

Main thing to post about is that I started Bica today. As my T is already suppressed, I'm going to take 25mg twice a week, on injection days. This averages to 7,14mg per day which should be enough on top of already existing suppression. I will wane from Cypro by taking it once every three days for I think at least two weeks and then I'll stop completely. This should be succificient as Bica takes several weeks to build up.

If this dosage is enough, what I have now lasts six and half months which makes it very affordable. I always have some free testosterone floating around no matter the suppression so I'm not worried about it. I want to try Bica for its lower chance of side effects and possible positive effect on breast development. Also the way it works might allow larger amount of T being converted via aromatase which is absolutely something I can benefit from. If I understood correctly, Bica should promote aromatase function in itself.

I will not go on Pioglitazone for the time being as they both are very taxing on the liver and that's something I'm quite careful about. I've been quite heavy drinker in past so I don't want to wreck my liver any more than necessary.

I'll post more about this experiment as Bica starts to kick in. I'm interested to see if there will be some noticeable testosterone spike when transitioning from cypro. I presume nothing major will happen, but likely the outcome will be quite positive. I will keep the rest of my program as it is with no changes coming in the next months. I seem to have found a perfect balance for now so I don't want to rock the boat. This is a thing to keep in mind, once you find your sweet spot be it with HRT or NBE, do not change it! Keep going! And if it works, it ain't stupid. Wink

Another little update, this is interesting. I didn't take T blocker today obviously as I'm taking Bica now twice a week and waning off of Cypro. I feel strangely energetic. Kinda moody as you can read from the thread I posted today, but that's something that bothers me all the time.

I did a long walk today, almost nine kilometers and 1300 calories burned. I went entire way full speed while taking only two short breaks to drink some water. And I didn't get tired, my ankles weren't aching, I didn't need to slow down. Of course now my hips and back are aching a lot, telling me that we got some exercise today. Big Grin This is different from ten years ago btw, recovery is much harder than when I was thirty years old. But being able to push walks like this being at nearly heaviest I've ever been is quite something. It has slowly gotten easier as I've got some routine, but today felt specially energetic. I'm trying to wane from Cypro quickly, perhaps quicker than I first thought. I want to have that free T around for full advantage on aromatase, but I have to still take some as Bica takes few weeks to reach 80-90% potency. I hope this small dose is enough, it should, but who knows as I'm on it for the first time.

Upping D3 and MSM to the higher dose feels to be working, I'm trying to drink more water to make sure there's no calcium build up. My skin issues seem to be healing fast which is super nice, eyelids almost recovered and scalp still bit broken from few spots, but its getting better quickly. It was first time in few years I get this problem going on this bad, but I hope it'll soon be done with.

Topicals are absolutely magic, I'm now on the cheaper brand DHEA which doesn't feel as good. It has some kind of extra stuff in it and the grains are larger so it might not absorb as well. I'll soon swap to the more expensive one again as that one is perfect. I'm expecting a parcel from iHerb, I got another bottle of the cayenne extract. I'm going to try to absorb twenty caps of BO in it, instead of ten I did previously. I'm stocking up, soon I'll have DHEA for another four months, I need to get some more DMSO soon and Prog + Estriol creams when possible.

I'm also simplifying amino acids, I'm dropping L-tyrosine soon and upping GABA dosage a bit. Next year I think I'll drop GABA too and continue with L-car/L-orn + fasting instead as its so super cheap. My long term plan is to simplify my NBE even further and maybe specialise a bit to either topicals or prolactin boosters + lactation. We'll see, next few months I'll be pushing everything on full blast, I've found such perfect balance right now, best to keep hammering away and not rock the boat when its working. Big Grin

I am very curious to see how you will get on with Bica. I took the 4th half tablet today. Started last Tuesday and half a tablet every other day = 12.5 mg/d.

My first experiences were that it always takes a few hours after taking it before I feel any effect. I become calmer, my penis becomes flaccid and I can't remember any morning wood in the last few days. It also has a very good side effect: I have suffered from acne on my upper body since I was a teenager and it got much better after just a few days of Bica. I also have the impression that the stream has become stronger when I urinate. (I'm already an older girl  Shy)

So far, my experience has been positive and I think that the dose has been right so far. When Bica has built up, I will reduce the dose to half a tablet twice a week.

By the way, I also tried a DHEA cream a few weeks ago, but soon stopped using it because it increased my libido too much, as did PC.

I am also very interested in your topical BO with Cayenne. I would like to take a break from BO soon to detox and maybe continue with a topical application afterwards.

Hi Nadi. Hug 

I just took my second dose of Bica today, along with 12,5mg of Cypro which I'm planning to soon stop completely. I'm taking a bit of it still to keep possible androgen issues at bay. So far I'm feeling quite good, no noticeable T spiking which is great. I might be able to go on Bica only very soon. This little experience so far has been very positive.

Interestingly, without changing anything else in my program, I've started lactating a whole lot more. Cypro going down helping milk production? Could that be because of the progestin effect of Cypro is going away? That's positive change as with lactation every time my supply goes higher, my breasts tend to grow better so I'll take it. I've been pumping approx three hours a day on average and not more than that. So far I'm feeling great about the change, I can't wait to let Cypro go down completely and Bica go up. Big Grin I'm quite positive about this change, if it works well, I'll stock up on Bica to last for a very long time as its not overly expensive.

That's interesting about DHEA, I wonder if it upped T levels if it had an effect on libido? For me it makes no difference.

I've been on Cayenne extract with Bovine ovary for month and half now and its been amazing so far! The only problem is that the extract contains so much alcohol, it keeps dissolving fats from my skin which is making my boobs extremely dry. I'm starting to combat this by reintroducing olive oil to the mix as its awesome for skin in general, and I have to start adding some good moisturiser too. My skin is very prone to drying in general and alcohol totally dries out everything. It is also helping with absorbtion and some of the BO has also absorbed into it, the grains have gone from feeling rough to feeling almost like nothing at all, so something's happening with them. I'm quite sure the Bovine Ovary vodka idea does indeed work. I have second bottle of the stuff on the way and I will add 20 BO capsules to it and let it sit for at least few weeks before use. The 60ml bottle seems to last easily over two months btw, I think almost three in total so its not super expensive either. Cayenne and Cinnamon appear to be a good addition to topicals, both have their downsides too, but its quite obviously helping my development.

I will update with pictures once I'm back home. Right now I'm at my girlfriends' cottage again, enjoying the last almost warm days of early autumn and taking time off of everything for a bit. Its really pretty out here, falling leaves and quiet, except for the geese flying south. Heart

Another update on latest changes and some very interesting observation about HGH - IGF-1 - HGF route.

Firstly, I'm fifth day on Bica and feeling fine. It seems that I have much less dysphoria and depression symptoms now? Its early to really tell, but last few days have felt much easier. I'm taking 25mg Bica and 12,5mg Cypro on same days, I might drop Cypro completely already as to not tax my liver with both. If I keep feeling this well and there's no andorgen symptoms, I'll just go with Bica and let it keep building up. So far its great! If this works out, I'll stay on it as six and half month batch will cost me about 45€ which is affordable. Also I know cypro works well so I'll be saving them emergency.

Oservation about the things that I'm doing which theoretically should boost hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) which enables IGF-1 to work more efficiently. At least this is my understanding of its role. I've been pondering on how to boost this without the most known way which is by taking a blood thinning medicine given for surgery recovery, that stuff is difficult for layperson to get so it was never an option. But we do know few things that can cause HGF levels to rise. One thing is dermarolling, by making tiny cell level damage, all healing elevates levels of growth hormone and growth factors massively, so this is a way to take advantage of this function without causing injury. It also enhances absorbtion of topicals by a huge margin! Then I took on the heat inducing herbs, Cayenne extract being very interesting as it contains high concentration of capsaicin, I found an anecdote about capsaicin being able to cause HGF release and this seems to be correct.

I've been applying 20000iu of vitamin D3 oil topically for almost a month, I haven't yet updated timeline or taken pictures, but my breasts feel so heavy and the way my bra fits is different, I believe this idea to be a sound one but I need more time to keep experimenting it. Lotus mentioned this once without elaborating further so I thought I would test this idea and see if it works and so far I'm convinced it does, I'll keep doing it along with the rest of the topical program for at least second month to be absolutely sure.

Also I've been on 100mg of micronised DHEA for bit over half a month, I think I'll drop it back to 75mg, but so far it seems when ever I go over 50mg, growth speeds up. I think this works wonders with my over all estrogens being lower than before, but local levels being boosted by quite a bit. Its always a thing of balance and this seems to work well.

Finally, for some reason, I'm starting to lactate much more lately. I haven't upped my pumping, nor changed anything esle than cutting down cypro which has a direct effect on prolactin levels. And here's the most interesting part which I think proves that the IGF-1 + HGF boost is a thing to look into! My nipples of course have skin renewing quickly, previously I would get blisters from pumping, especially doing it on full power like I do now, healing would take usually three days from blisters to dead skin coming off, but now, pay attention! This happens in twenty four hours! I have dead skin peeling off after first two pumping sessions every day, revealing new healed skin below and blisters don't even have time to form! Only logical explanation is that growth hormone and growth factors are elevated so much that healing which took three days, now takes only one! 

This is proof that the topical program additions for growth factors increase works! We know that breast development needs correct balance of estrogens, progesterone and prolactin, and all growth and healing requires growth hormone and growth factors. And now we know ways to deal with every piece of the puzzle and do it locally which I believe is key to breast development. Definitely do read Lotus's Project X thread as all science on how this happens is found there and I think I'm proving a lot of that work being spot on correct.

HelloDiDi  Hug

t's great that your first experiences with Bica are also so positive. I'm a little jealous that you're lactating, but I'm very excited that you've been lactating even more since Bica. I also like pumping with a breast pump, but much less than you and I've been quite lax lately.

I also think it's right that you want to withdraw Cipro. We shouldn't put too much strain on our liver. This is also the main reason why I take a relatively low dose of bica.

The extract of BO and cayenne is very interesting. Do you think it could also help the hips and bottom if applied there?

Enjoy your stay at your girlfriend's cottage!  Kiss

I'm not sure about Cayenne + BO combo on hips and butt. But I know for a fact that Volufiline, DHEA and Progesterone cream do work on lower body too. As does Pioglitazone. DHEA and PPAR-y activators are the most interesting part on helping with lower body fat distribution well worth looking into.

My experimentation with lactation is quite interesting, I likely have some sort of favourable genetics for it. Firstly, I get my prolactin levels quite high very easily. I'm talking about hyperprolactinemia levels, but not super mega high like what a prolactinoma would do. But things that boost prolactin work on me like rocket fuel. Then I learned that I start lactating at lower than typical levels for some reason, but it seems I have hard time getting to full supply. I haven't reached my peak yet at all, but mostly its been all about using lactation as aid to breast growth. I seem to have the genetic trait that lactation/high prolactin makes my breasts grow a lot and its permanent so I want to keep doing this and repeat the cycle.

Right now only prolactin boosting things I'm on are GABA, 1000mg milk thistle daily, oatmeal for breakfast, massage and pumping. Last year this didn't work out as easily. I've been able to go now from few droplets to a stream of droplets within few days without changing anything. Last three days with less than usual pumping sessions too so that's very peculiar. Only change is Cypro going down while Bica is building up. Its not as much as what I had going on last year when I was taking plethora of herbs for this, but going closer at the moment.

Something to take note of is that I developed a lot of shape maturity while I started the topical protocol and lactated at the same time. Right now, the development I'm seeing is very similar to that, just going a whole lot further. Importance of prolactin and lactation about breast maturity cannot be overstated.

Very interesting!

I have been using Volufiline cream on my hips and bottom for three weeks (Salcoll Collagen Breast Bust Serum). So far no effect has been observed.

Now I'm going to try progesterone and DHEA again. Since yesterday evening I have been applying topical PC to my hips and bottom in the morning and evening and a DHEA cream at lunchtime.

I have also read Lotus' post about Red Clover.  That should also be effective. My old estrogen cream contains Red Clover and I also had the impression that it does make the hips and bottom curves. So I will be using it again too.

Sorry, but I'm a bit obsessed with female hips and buttocks.  Big Grin

I find your experiences with lactation spectacular. I also tried it more intensively in spring, but not so much with NBE, but almost exclusively with pumping. When I have a bit more time again, I will give it another try.

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