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Awww so many heart warming comments. Blush Hug

Thank you Tommie, they're really starting to look so much more mature, but I'm far from being done yet. Wink I'm sure I have Tanner stage five starting, the topical protocol is giving so much fullness I think there's a whole lot of side branching going on.

Stevenator, we're all blacksmiths of our own happiness with this and I say embrace it fully and never look back, life is short.

Caylee, therapy is quite interesting as it can clear your mind about so much. Even though as in itself it wont usually solve problems, but give ideas on how to work it out. My therapist is mostly a listener, an outsider to whom I can open up about anything and everything. Its been really nice going to see her and I just applied for another year. I might be ablet o get a third year if I need it but I can't know yet how life goes on.

Wee2er, gosh I wish HRT didn't make me lose so much strenght. That's one of the very few things is miss from past. To be honest I don't like this big strong woman thing I feel I'm forced to do. I would rather be so much smaller and cuter and just more feminine, but I can't escape my body and genetics. Its really hard to pull off being feminine enough to just be accepted, let alone being seen pretty or sexy or anything more than just big bulky Nordic forest troll. At least I'm so far off of any beauty standards it keeps a lot of unwanted attention away.

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