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HRT and the EDGE


(02-11-2017, 05:17 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Katie
would certainly agree

if your growing breasts then your Trans to some degree,

There are MANY on here who are TRANSSEXUALS in denial, and many do not know it


Do not agree with you! A man who wants to have only a woman's breasts is an autogynephile, not a transsexual...

Every heard of a 

Partial autogynephilac transsexual

Many about



(05-11-2017, 05:39 PM)microstring Wrote:  
(02-11-2017, 05:17 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Katie
would certainly agree

if your growing breasts then your Trans to some degree,

There are MANY on here who are TRANSSEXUALS in denial, and many do not know it


Do not agree with you! A man who wants to have only a woman's breasts is an autogynephile, not a transsexual...

I would everyone look it up before people jump the gun or start flame wars

Quoted from   https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictio...ogynephile

 (redirected from Autogynephile)
 Sexuoeroticism linked to the thought or image of oneself as female.
Autogynephilia defines a transsexual typology and provides a theory of transsexual motivation: as Ray Blanchard proposed,male to female (MtF) transsexuals are either sexually attracted exclusively to men (homosexual) or are sexually attracted primarily to the thought or image of themselves as female (autogynephilic), and that autogynephilic transsexuals seek sexreassignment to actualise their autogynephilic desires.

(end of copy/paste)

I think it's rather time consuming to try to break every single part of the spectrum of Transgender/Transexuality down into minute reasons or excuses, in some cases.  I consider myself Transgendered.  The reason???   I do NOT want to do SRS, but rather have the other attributes of being female.  I don't even want to live full time as a female, just pick and choose the days that I wish too...  The mood is my determination....  Transexualism, is someone who is ultimately determined to completely change and forever change their sex.

(05-11-2017, 05:39 PM)microstring Wrote:  
(02-11-2017, 05:17 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Katie
would certainly agree

if your growing breasts then your Trans to some degree,

There are MANY on here who are TRANSSEXUALS in denial, and many do not know it


Do not agree with you! A man who wants to have only a woman's breasts is an autogynephile, not a transsexual...

I would everyone look it up before people jump the gun or start flame wars

Quoted from   https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictio...ogynephile

 (redirected from Autogynephile)
 Sexuoeroticism linked to the thought or image of oneself as female.
Autogynephilia defines a transsexual typology and provides a theory of transsexual motivation: as Ray Blanchard proposed,male to female (MtF) transsexuals are either sexually attracted exclusively to men (homosexual) or are sexually attracted primarily to the thought or image of themselves as female (autogynephilic), and that autogynephilic transsexuals seek sexreassignment to actualise their autogynephilic desires.

(end of copy/paste)

I think it's rather time consuming to try to break every single part of the spectrum of Transgender/Transexuality down into minute reasons or excuses, in some cases.  I consider myself Transgendered.  The reason???   I do NOT want to do SRS, but rather have the other attributes of being female.  I don't even want to live full time as a female, just pick and choose the days that I wish too...  The mood is my determination....  Transexualism, is someone who is ultimately determined to completely change and forever change their sex.

(05-11-2017, 05:39 PM)microstring Wrote:  Do not agree with you! A man who wants to have only a woman's breasts is an autogynephile, not a transsexual...

Based upon the definition provided above, I would strong advocate for the fact that you are wrong, dead wrong.  If for no other reason, than the fact that your limited view on the world fails to address the fact that many here, myself included are sexually attracted to woman, not men and not ourselves.

(05-11-2017, 08:22 PM)Myranda Wrote:  
(05-11-2017, 05:39 PM)microstring Wrote:  Do not agree with you! A man who wants to have only a woman's breasts is an autogynephile, not a transsexual...

Based upon the definition provided above, I would strong advocate for the fact that you are wrong, dead wrong.  If for no other reason, than the fact that your limited view on the world fails to address the fact that many here, myself included are sexually attracted to woman, not men and not ourselves.

I wonder who else, other than myself and a few like Myranda, find it odd, that a few people try to "Pigeonhole" the Pigeonholes???  It' was bad enough for me to wake up to the fact that a crossdresser is NOT necessarily a Transgender nor a Transexual, but many are, including myself.  A casual CD does not wish to grow boobs or a broader "beam" just to fill out dresses and such.  But I feel that when in the mood, I must!  There is a big difference than just removing pads, and breast forms and having to care for the breasts and hips during showers and when not in a femme frame of mind.  That's what makes me different from having a fetish.  IMHO

Why then, is it wrong for a man to "just want boobs" then deny he is NOT part of the Transgender Community?  I think it's unnecessary to have sub classes for sub class of a term we all should try to understand and accept.  Not to make up excuses for what we consider our short comings or perceived short comings.

I am truly sorry that I have helped Highjack this thread.  I will back out and turn off notifications .

FWIW I generally agree with Aria re not wanting SRS and being comfortable moving back and forth.

Howeer, Pigeonholes are an easy shorthand,  but its counter-productive if taken to extremes. I dont really know which pigeonhole I'd put myself in, I've always been comfortable just knowing that "I am what I am"

I personally don`t think the term autogynowhatever is particularly useful, and in many instances is demonstably false scientifically, as a Woman myself, living full time, socialy and legaly transitioned and waiting for SRS, that likes men as well as other women, I can see how it might Seem that someone can be autogyno blah blah, the part of me that`s Gay and wants to be with other women as well as being as female myself as possible could easily put me into that category of that auto-nonsense too.

anyway, even if such a thing Did exist, where does it say that it can`t come under the Very broad Trans* umberella?

a lesson I learned a while back... when Trans* walks in the door, Labels go out the window! Cool

Katie and pansy so true

Ok myranda asnswer this


Do I get incredibly excited at the thought of becoming a woman

The mere thought and actions of taking estrogen to grow breasts makes me incredibly turned on

I'm not gay

Love my penis , its use, and certainly do not intend to lose it


(05-11-2017, 10:07 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Katie and pansy so true

Ok myranda asnswer this


Do I get incredibly excited at the thought of becoming a woman

The mere thought and actions of taking estrogen to grow breasts makes me incredibly turned on

I'm not gay

Love my penis , its use, and certainly do not intend to lose it


Julie, if it works for you, that is great.  But not all "men" who want some or all of this  fall under this category.  That is my point, plain and simple.

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