Hi CM,
That is definitely the right approach... 'Just going to do what I need to feel right what ever that ends up being.'
For me this journey wasn't about breasts and body feminisation it was actually a need to get rid of T that was causing me a cyclic 2 weeks of hell which I found AA and latterly E got rid of. Then the boobs started growing along with the other usual HRT changes that all felt wonderful, but I soon realised curves on top needed complementary curves down below.
However, I've never wanted to or desired to transition and live my life as a woman, I'm a bit of an outlier I suppose, but I'm resolutely male staying male who just runs far better on E.
It's only right to think about the long-term and your goals, in fact I think its so important to do so, knowing where you are going really helps you decide on the steps to get there.
I posted (maybe on another forum?) some time ago about my long-term thoughts and the best way I found to describe my journey was that I had boarded a train but at first didn't know exactly where the destination station was.
I knew and am know certain that I will never be calling at the MTF/transition station or any other for that matter, so my journey will be, health permitting, an everlasting ride on the male staying male - HRT train for the rest of my days.
I know its easy for me to say, but the bulge is what it is, thankfully it has never cause me any stress, it was a case of it just doesn't look right, but I certainly understand how it causes you stress. Again easy for me, as I've never dressed to pass I'm always male regardless of what I'm wearing leggings, skirts, the odd dress, dungarees, painted nails, etc.
The good thing for you is that a decent HRT regime will inevitably shrink everything down below. (Mine have - the only real downside of HRT!)
I really wouldn't create any stress thinking about surgeries at this stage simply because as you progress, shrinkage will occur and it'll be far easier to hide the bulge, apparently wearing two lots of stretchy knickers that are a size or two smaller works well for many.
I agree your 5-yr goal is realistic, but what I'd suggest is breaking it down into sizeable and achievable chunks.
Maybe a good short term goal is to develop your feminine style and demeanour, don't fret if you pass or not pass - I think a lot of it is in our minds, self-confidence is a very powerful and real thing that people do pick up on. Conversely, people pick on worry, nervousness, uncertainty etc, so be confident and strut your stuff
Then maybe a good mid term goal is to proactively put in changes that would allow you to get better insurance, maybe a career change, or add income via a hobby or create a side busienss, etc. I'm a firm believer that everyone can improve their lot, it just takes the balls and conviction to change things.
What's important is don't procrastinate about the now, instead flip it on its head and make positive changes with achievable goals.
This is what I did after a life changing illness, so now self-employed with multiple income streams (OK I'm never going to be a millionaire

) but know where I'm heading and have already achieved some of my goals.
Then your 5yr long term goal is, if it's right for you, transitioned and by the changes you've actively made, living as the female you always wanted to be
I know my views are a little off centre with me being male staying male but do hope my ramblings are of some help.
Always happy to chat here or on PM, good luck.