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Thank you for the tip!

After an extended period of wear, I was glad to finally be able to take my bra off. The girls were finally happy to be able to breathe and get some fresh air, too lol!!

It just occurred to me that I'm 10 days past the 3.5 year mark on HRT, (after 4.5 years NBE). I do wish I'd started HRT a lot earlier, to be honest. It's sooo much better than NBE.

However, I'm so very grateful for my breasts, and the programs set forth here on BN.

I'm sure they are.  I know mine are.

These puppies seemed to have really taken off here over the last couple of months. Every day seems to bring new gains. I'm really loving it. Their weight is definitely gaining by the day and the added volume is awesome. I should be adding something to the bag of tricks next week that should give them an added boost as well. I'm really looking forward to that.

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas.

(30-12-2023, 12:21 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  These puppies seemed to have really taken off here over the last couple of months. Every day seems to bring new gains. I'm really loving it. Their weight is definitely gaining by the day and the added volume is awesome. I should be adding something to the bag of tricks next week that should give them an added boost as well. I'm really looking forward to that.

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas.
You are looking great! I'm envious!!

You look fabulous

Thank you both very much.

I want to add my congratulations on your boob growth.  Looking great!  BJ

Thank you, BJ. I appreciate that very much.

Happy new year, your breasts are looking much bigger and I noticed you have let your hair grow --looks good  Smile

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