This has been another thought provoking exercise, thank you Samantha!
As Clara Kay alluded to in her post, this journey of breast growth is, for most of us, so much more. It is a journey of discovery of who we are, a quest for the holy grail of "Self," and for many of us a crossroads.
I have always been attracted sexually, primarily to women, but have had the occasional male that just stood out, but as Lisa I identify as bi-sexual with a preference for women (penis or vagina...
), as Patty so succinctly put it, if there's a guy, he better be "balls to the wall" gorgeous!
Although porn has not been an addiction for me, it has been a source of arousal, especially on deployments when my SO, or flavor of the month was not in the same hemisphere (yes that sounds very piggish, and reflects who I was!). What I have noticed over the last 15 years as Lisa has emerged stronger and stronger is that my sole preference for porn is Lesbian and it is about 50/50 = erotica/instructional!
My counselor has made some interesting observations about that one.
What I do find, increasingly, I no longer look at women as I did 20 or 30 years ago, as a life support system for a vagina (crude and chauvinist, I know, but I am being honest here). Now I look at them with wonder and awe (and not a little envy), not for their physical beauty alone, but for what they endure being a woman! When I read statistics as were released this week that over 20% of all women in college have been the victim of some level of sexual assault, I am appalled. But, I am also awed, because statistically 20% of the women I work with and socialize with every day fall into that category. DOES THAT PISS ANYONE OFF BESIDES ME???
BUTT, on the other side, it also explains a lot, why so many women walk with their head down and avoid eye contact with strange men, why there is such an impenetrable shield put up by so many women, why they close themselves off, even to banal elevator chats. But, most of them persevere and move forward, and for that, when I admire feminine beauty (with or without a penis
), I admire a person who in spite of their culture, in spite of society, in spite of the forces that conspire to keep her barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, in spite of the pain in the ass of menses, pregnancy, childbirth, and putting up with asshole men, they somehow have the strength to get up in the morning and move forward.
So, the question arises, if the roles in our culture were reversed, and I know there have been lots of books and movies (and porn) on the subject, if males were the weaker sex, if E created muscle and T made us weaker, smaller, and more emotional, would the majority of men be able to function the way women in our world and society do? Honestly, I think not.
I love women, I respect women, and some days (like today), I wish I were one........, instead of just 1/2 of one, but I will take that, and relish it, because it is who I am, and although 99.9% of those I encounter see me as 100% male, I know better, and that, my sisters, is enough.
Thank you sisters and guys for your companionship on this journey, I hope in some small way I can help you in yours.
Love and hugs,