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Not much to report, but mainly posting on an estrogen high. (Such a wonderful feeling).

Getting back on Bicalutamide has made a difference. It really does allow estrogen to run full throttle, as opposed to the ying-yang effect of DHT being in the mix without an AA.

I spent the first half of the year until the end of June only on a minimum dose of Estogel (17b) and nothing else. I definitely lost some volume the first six months due to the low dose of estrogen.

It was such a welcomed relief to be back on Progesterone (P4) and Bicalutamide and also a more sensible dose of estrogen. I feel really good now.

Over the last two months I've noticed how full I've gotten on the sides. For years I was borderline tuberous, but they feel great now. Definitely more than a handful.

In the coming months I've made the decision to switch to injections and my mind has been flooded today with this outlook.

I'm really hoping this will push my breast development to the finish line and speed up the final phase of fat mom thighs that are starting to mature.

We'll see where this takes me, because I've always said that my hard line in the sand was major facial changes, but I also know at this stage of NBG/HRT, (I'm a few months away from having nine years in this transformation of mine), that the final stages needed to complete my body transformation, also carry a risk, (for me), that injections could possibly betray my stealth transition. (How's that for a run-on sentence?)

Nine years. Wow. I guess I knew this day was coming eventually. I absolutely adore this new body and mind of mine. This beard has got to go, though. I absolutely detest shaving anymore. Damn, it gets old. Especially stubble lol.

I'll never pass, and nor do I intend to unless maybe if I do look into FFS/3. But I just love the feel of 24/7 bra, panties, skirts & tops. I'd love to be able to go in public around here in my beloved skirts, but I am not as fortunate as others in that regard.

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Great photos! The brassiere really shows them off.

As you know I'm not really 'trying' (yet- although I can hardly get schemes for stealthily obtaining some Bi Est cream out of my mind), but I've read enough to be in fear of the dreaded 'tubular'. If fat deposits (mostly, I think although I'm convinced I do already have gynecomastia) are any indication, then I should be good there- my arms aren't fat, but there's plenty of meat that wraps about the sides of my torso under them in the vicinity of the girls-to-be.  Hoping that's a good sign. Gratified to hear things are filling out for your 

Tell me, with this being covert change, how have you explained it away? Especially in a doctor's office- they put it down to age and gyne in a simple assumption? Which is my plan, if I'm fortunate enough to break out of this A-cuppish Nature has already given me unbidden. It's just more of what already prints through the right T-shirt. At least, that's my plan. But you're pretty far along the road- do you find the usual explanations enough?

No doctor has asked. I do pretty well camouflaging them, usually with dark plaid button shirts.

I started out tubular because I was taking too high a dose of PM and I was very much overweight at the time.

PM is akin to E1 and obesity stores huge amounts of E1 in your fat. E1 can cause tubular breasts.

I think that's correct ....

Great photos Stevenator! I envy your progress!

I received a Bi-Est 5.0 gel today, which I will take scrotally in addition to BO. And yesterday I also ordered Bica and I'm looking forward to seeing how it works. I'm pleased that you're having such good experiences with it.

Thank you Nadi, but I haven't used Bi-Est 5.0 in over a year. I use Estogel, which is a Transdermal Estradiol Gel (17b).

It's really good stuff!

Just a sidenote, I wonder how does it compare to Divigel that I have which is estradiol hemihydrate? Mine is very fast to absorb and it makes a dramatic quick change to estrogen levels. Good for smoothing out the low before nex EV injection btw. Just thought to mention as you're going on injections, 1mg E2 from gel is a good way to smooth out the last day level dip before next injection without having a major effect on over all balance.

(03-09-2024, 10:29 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  No doctor has asked. I do pretty well camouflaging them, usually with dark plaid button shirts.

I started out tubular because I was taking too high a dose of PM and I was very much overweight at the time.

PM is akin to E1 and obesity stores huge amounts of E1 in your fat. E1 can cause tubular breasts.

I think that's correct ....

Oh, that's nice .. *looks down at his belly* and here I was considering DiDi's advice about burning fat to release estrogen, but that don't sound like the ones I want to release, ha. 

Well I just wondered about doctors, etc. In case I should actually expand and attract attention. Actually all this has made me more aware of general health and also possible reasons I may already have low T, etc. If nothing else I'll come away from this obsession with new insights.

Jessi, nope nope nope, we DO want to release estrogens stored in fat cells. I'm not exactly sure about the details on this, I mean which estrogens are released, logic dictates its balanced as that is "natural" anyway as its released from fatty tissue... Gosh how to explain this? The problem with too much estrone is about balance, if there's truckload of estrone and not enough estradiol and estriol, balance goes fucked up and that can result into deformed breasts and messed up body changes.

For example, a person is on a huge dose of oral estrogen which passes through liver metabolism --> a ton of the estradiol gets converted to estrone --> balance tips and there's way too much E1 compared to E2 --> E1 reacts on estrogen receptors in a bad way and growth stimuli isn't healthy --> tuberous boobs, possibly fried terminal end buds and stalled development. Again, Lotus would be able to explain this way better than I ever can.

This idea about weight loss releasing estrogens has been tried and tested many times by me, Lotus, Valkyrie to name a few. It totally works! Keeping your estrogens in balance is key to healthy development.

Looking good.  You've come a long way.  I haven't had any problems when at the doctors.  I generally have been wearing bras when I have a visit.  So far nothing has been said.  I had to have a routing EKG done and the tech said to pull up my shirt and I did and nothing was said or funny looks.  Keep up your work.

Both E1 & E2 are stored in our fat. Exercise releases both E1 & E2. Too much E1 is bad, and is an enemy of breast growth.

We want to release stored fats, and essentially releasing stored fat releases toxins.

E1 & E2 are shed simultaneously, it makes no difference. More fat stored = more E1 which doesn't get converted to E2 equating to no growth. It gets converted to visceral fat.

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