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Do people notice your breast growth?


If I don't wear a bra...look at my can they not notice.  I have big pokeys and I jiggle a lot.  I'm not overweight so what they look at is the boobs I grew.  I see people stare at first, but since I present as a man, they don't linger on them (boobs) very long. 
    For the sake of modesty, I wear soft cup, no seam, sports bras most of the time.  I'm careful to make sure the bra does not show through my shirt.  It has become part of my daily routine.  When I wear a bra, the girls are held in check, which is what a bra is supposed to do.  I have some projection as I'm a C cup, but, they don't get noticed much.  Yesterday in Wal-Mart I'm pretty sure a lady noticed.  
    I don't care if people notice my bra (they rarely do).  I don't give a rip.  I need a bra, so I wear one.  It would be different if I didn't need one and wore one.

I no longer have moobs and can't go with out a bra for long time period's without some pain. I try to dress to not draw attention to myself. But they are still growing so we will see what happens

I’m no longer worried about people seeing my boobs, but I’m deeply ashamed for others to know I wear a bra. I mostly just wear one at home. No interest in transition, just a guy with boobs. Maybe I’ll venture out more when it’s cold weather and I can layer clothing.

There is no doubt people notice me. It’s ok. I am a confident person. No one has ever said anything negative to me. I wear a bra everyday. Have to. There are times it can be slightly uncomfortable. That’s when you be proud as ever. I have been lucky. My wife, my friends all accept it.

YES I had A  tank top on the other day and I had to go to the store and I did not change to a t-shirt and when I was in the store all most everyone that walk by me look at my chest no one said anything to me but I know they were looking at my breast. I have been on BO for 9 weeks now and my breast have growing from a B-cup to a full C-cup so they look more like a women's breast fuller rounder and in the tank top you could see A lot of my breast the cashier look at my chest a lot lol then my sister stop over and I did not have a shirt on when I let her in my house I put a shirt on and she said why are your breast getting so big she said that my breast are bigger then her breast and they are lol I said it was meds that my doctor has me taking. I have to say having people looking at me in the tank top was wired at first but after a few people did it I though it was fun and like them looking at my breast will have to go out more in a tank top

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