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Mental Health


Hello friends, been a while and I need to explain, I had a massive relapse caused by other issues in my life but I found a lovely doctor who I will tell you about in one of my other threads under HRT because I am now on proper HRT.

Then as I thought I was back to feeling great then on Monday 10 June my 92 year old mother died in front of me, my mothers chiropodist could not get an answer so she went next door to get the spare key, Polly went in and found her lying on the bedroom floor, she was semi concious and was asking for water. Will leave the next bit out but she had passed out. I got there about 9.30 and spoke to her, she openend her eyes smiled then died.

Hell that was a massive shock and not good, she had a massive internal bleed in her stomach and there was black blood everywhere, she had been sick with it and it was messy.

So I thought i would tell you about my mental issues and now this.

So sorry to hear this and you had to go through this  Crying

So sorry about your loss! Take care of yourself and take time to grieve. Tears are healing. When you are ready, we will be hear to read your posts and support you.

Hello Ian,

My deepest condolences for the loss of your mother.

Jennifer. Hug

Hi Ian, sending my deepest condolences on the loss of your mother.  Hug

Hello to all,

Final update on mental health. But first of all thank you for those that sent me messages regarding my mother, very kind of you.

I think I am now back to normal, or what is classed as normal, wife wont agree, heck I went through some deep odd place one I dont want to visit again. The funny thing during those dark times I crashed my PC and lost shed fulls of data, some I have recovered and some lost forwever.

Lost all my email addresses (jennifer resend please), lost 75% of my photos so that hacked me off.

So good folk thanks for all the support.

Yours for ever
Ian Big Grin Heart Kiss Hug

Hello Ian,

I sent you an email again.

And some photos

Kisses Ian. Kiss Kiss

Jennifer Hug Hug

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