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Inspiring indeed! May all that needs to be done move swiftly and easily!

Hello Lara,

How big would your breasts have been if you hadn't used Noogleberry?

Can we say that only the use of noogleberries allowed you to obtain the size you currently have, or you have a miracle product that you could share, I come back to your routine, that is to say what you take.

I will continue to pump.
1/2 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the evening.

You are very inspiring, so whoo!

Kisses Lara Kiss

Jennifer Hug

(24-04-2023, 07:00 PM)Jennifer Wrote:  Hello Lara,

How big would your breasts have been if you hadn't used Noogleberry?

Can we say that only the use of noogleberries allowed you to obtain the size you currently have, or you have a miracle product that you could share, I come back to your routine, that is to say what you take.

I will continue to pump.
1/2 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the evening.

You are very inspiring, so whoo!

Kisses Lara Kiss

Jennifer Hug

I have no idea, much less than what they are for sure. I can't know what part does how much of it, but noogle is obviously having a whole lot of an effect, that's for sure. The magic bullet is the combined effect of HRT, NBE supplements and noogle.

One peculiarity I have noted which I've been experimenting on for quite long time now, but this will not work for everybody and that is elevated prolactin. I have a natural sensitivity to prolactin so anything that boosts it, makes my levels jump. Also I have concluded that I very likely have genetic trait which makes it very easy for me to get hyperprolactinemia going on. My levels go easily high, I have obvious sensitivity to it and I get lactation to start on lower than usual levels required for it. Also elevated prolactin levels appear to be building a whole lot of breast fat which is something high prolactin may do especially in absence of progesterone. Latter has a short half life so my PG levels aren't sky high all day long.

Afaik, this prolactin makes breast fat trait is something that approximately 0,4% of women have and I know that at least my mother and aunt both have it that each time they have been pregnant and breast feeding, they have developed permanent size difference, especially my aunt who obviously has gigantomastia as her breasts are massive. So I wanted to try and see what happens, my blocker Cyproterone Acetate alone elevated my prolactin levels to 375 mU/l, starting to tage GABA elevated it to 772 mU/l, starting to take milk thistle on the side pushed my levels up to 1398 mU/l and I started to lactate. Since then I have been cycling milk thistle and added GABA dosage, my lactation has started and stopped now several times in a row which is exactly what I want to happen...

The point being is to use the high prolactin levels not to produce copious amounts of breast milk but to grow breast fat. And its working like a charm! Add into this all NBE stuff, noogling which is also stimulating prolactin, HRT and all the intent and ambition I have for this and the results are visible in the pictures I posted.

But there's a catch, prolactin working like this is a genetic trait that people either have or not. I'm not advicing pushing prolactin through the roof unless the plan is to get very milky. I wanted to try this out because I knew my relatives have this trait and since I'm carrying largely the same genetics as they do, why the heck not and its working like a charm. Of course there's so much more to this than just prolactin.

(24-04-2023, 06:57 PM)p_r_1974 Wrote:  Inspiring indeed! May all that needs to be done move swiftly and easily!
Gosh I hope so. There's so much ahead... Blush

Impressive, Indeed.

I was interested in your story about prolactin. I’ve constantly tried to boost it without much success. I’m at the point of starting Domperidone, and I’m halfway dreading that drudgery.

I do see that your Montgomery Glands are developing. How far along your natural development are you, and realistically where do you think that you’ll end up?

I’m curious if you’ll consider posting a relaxed state breast photo, and I’d like to see one of your latest bras. I bet you’d look killer in a pencil skirt, btw.

I’ve always wanted huge cartoonish boobs. Maybe one day ... lol.

(24-04-2023, 08:37 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Impressive, Indeed.

I was interested in your story about prolactin. I’ve constantly tried to boost it without much success. I’m at the point of starting Domperidone, and I’m halfway dreading that drudgery.

I do see that your Montgomery Glands are developing. How far along your natural development are you, and realistically where do you think that you’ll end up?

I’m curious if you’ll consider posting a relaxed state breast photo, and I’d like to see one of your latest bras. I bet you’d look killer in a pencil skirt, btw.

I’ve always wanted huge cartoonish boobs. Maybe one day ... lol.
If I were you, I would steer clear of domperidone as that's the absolute bulldozer method which might have very nasty and dangerous side effects. Heart problems aren't fun. I have such heart that naturally acts up easily and reacts to just some cup too much coffee and what else, I wouldn't dare to try domperidone. Its pretty much guaranteed to boost prolactin by a crazy margin though.

Oh yea the glands are becoming bigger and more prominent and I think I have new ones forming along with areolas expanding. The pictures weren't the best for that as its a bit cold in the house. Right now I'm a bit over one year in Tanner four, on average it lasts 3-5 years so I likely have a long time to come before I develop into T5. So far I seem to be following a typical timeline for maturity, definitely not rushing it. I have now about two and half years total breast development from the time I decently budded, of which approx one year in T4 right now.

So I presume I have at least two more years coming before T5 begins and that will last quite long time. Breast development does take typically 5-10 years to finish so I have plenty coming my way, more is yet to happen than what has happened if my development will not rush maturity somehow.

Hmm, I should take some, all pictures I have except the ones I posted a bit older already and that doesn't quite reflect the present. I could try to take some tomorrow. But in the meantime, I could drop my updated second year timeline here, I redid the whole thing some time ago and tried to find better suitable pictures and this time I had a template to scale them better. This is obviously not meant to flaunt and look cool but rather boring comparison to see how the development is going.

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(24-04-2023, 05:58 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Day 672

I took some post noogle pictures today which I'm really happy about so I want to share them with you. Blush Today I went up to full hour long sessions for the first time using the XXXL domes, I've done two so far and I might do one shorter one and then third full hour to finish the day. I'm definitely building a decent tolerance but its very tough. I never thought that any noogle domes would require this much patience and time to get into. But its working out with patience and enough recovery time, I'm getting there. Already these new domes are showing their magic, I've never had fullness anywhere near this before, this is the magic of stimulating the entire breast all at once, the whole root is pulled in with only small part below armpit being left out.

About my development, its phenomenal. I haven't slowed down, I have been speeding up. Previous measurements put me at 38KK/38P using ABTF calculator. Which still is quite correct, dropping band one smaller and keeping the cup is spot on and it has been like that since I outgrew was it H/K cups or what ever. So currently I'm at 36KK/36P and volume measured approximately 3900ccs. Which btw is beyond normal bra sizes and charts. These puppies weight around 15lbs/7kgs and make about 6,5% of my body weight. (Check out medical definition of macromastia while you're at it.) My bust minus band difference was 16,4".

Its peculiar how that difference, ABTF calculation and volume measurement all correlate along with how my current bra fits me. Its 34KK/P Elomi Molly in black, worn with band extension on second longest setting and I'm outgrowing this bra, centre gore floats, I've had to loosen the straps and use extender. The goals I'm waiting to reach is 36L/36Q and some awesome stuff with body ratios. I'm not awfully far from that, but the goal bra I have is huge! its very generously sized so I would think its like half a cup larger than the marked side, reviews for the said bra also point this out. So its going to take a while until I fill it, that's when I'm going to do a decent picture post and go in full detail about everything. I'm hoping to get there by the end of summer which right now seems very much plausible prediction unless I stall for some strange reason.

Here's some new post noogle pictures to show what the new domes do with fullness, its nothing short of amazing. Also my areolas have expanded and my nipples are finally after all the trouble and headache, growing. Slowly but there's a difference there and that's something I'm going to deal with much more in depth but that's a topic for another post. I think my extra wide breast root is finally starting to show what the true potential is with this shape. (Which to those who aren't well read to breast shapes is wide and shallow, meaning my breast root is like extra wide which makes the volume more spread out. This makes them look smaller than they are due to lacking projection compared to narrow root, but it makes them very round and self supporting, even at this size. Some sagging has started to show only lately as they're becoming really heavy. braless days give me guaranteed sore neck, shoulders and upper back is staring to get stuck too.)
Phenomenal results.  I hope to reach your goal someday.

36Q !! Omg !! I better check big boobs on internet to see what they look like  Blush Blush Rolleyes Rolleyes

(25-04-2023, 12:16 AM)myboobs Wrote:  36Q !! Omg !! I better check big boobs on internet to see what they look like  Blush Blush Rolleyes Rolleyes

You better remember that most busty women out there have narrow and projected shapes and tiny shoulders and they're shorter than me and stuff I don't want to be compared to anyone... I have stopped comparing all together because its a massive dysphporia trigger, it makes me anxious and hurt and feeling like I'm worthless and achieved nothing. The last thing I want is to be compared to anyone, especially to women who have totally different body shape, weight, height, breast shape and what not. I feel so easily inferior, I don't want to compare and I don't want anyone else to do it either. Its always about invalidating me somehow anyway.

Also something to note about, I have a very wide breast root, like extra frigging wide. That means they don't project that much. You will not find many pictures of women with this breast shape out there. Most who have shallow breasts have them small to average, big and wide/shallow is very rare combination, you will just not see it much. And what happens when those are slapped on a about 5'10" height, with decently wide shoulders and decently big everything else? Yea, that's right, they don't look that awesome. It took me a long time to figure out why this happens, its all about breast shape and how they are in proportion to the body they're attached to. And that's something most people don't have any idea about and they just live by their perception and what ever they imagine.

There are two awesome websites for this stuff btw, is an awesome one to have an idea about bras. Then there's this, but I would ignore everything said about bra sizes because most women wear totally wrong size, typically too small cups and too long bands.

I really hope to fill that new bra soonish... During this summer, and I wish the way there wouldn't be too painful because the jump from 34KK to 36L is two sizes and at this point the difference is getting really big so that's a lot. Also the one I got is definitely bigger than what the marked size says. I'm quite sure its like half a cup bigger so likely will take even more to fill. But the thing is that once I do, omg that's gonna be so huge. I can't wait to get there. I know I will, its just a matter of time because I'm nowhere near done. Blush

I wish and dream every day that I would have a petite body, that I would be short and that my boobs would be narrow rooted and projected. I want to totally avoid all comparison to anything because it only hurts me and I have done a lot to stay away from stuff, to isolate myself. Part of the reason why I stayed away even from BN for quite a while as I needed time off.... I don't want to be given a reason to leave again, we're all unique, comparison is a killer of joy.

Stevenator asked about some bra picture, well here you go. This is Elomi Molly in 34KK/34P. ITs a nursing bra which makes it fit in a peculiar way as the cups are in two pieces obviously. The upper bigger piece is soft fabric which wolds super easy, I absolutely fill this to the brim, if you look closely the supportive part of the cups is almost binding rather than only supporting but its a bit hard to spot because the outer fabric still folds. That's something this bra does no matter what, this is third and last of these.

Before this I had this same bra in 36J and 34K. I wear it with band extension, my true band size would likely be 35 if that existed. Most 36's on tighter setting are quite ok, some are too long, then 34's are either spot on or too tight. This particular 34 band has become way too tight to wear without an extension. Most likely culprit is new side fullness as I've developed a lot of new fat on the sides so from now on its likely that my mainstay will be 36 bands unless I dramatically lose weight which isn't my plan. I am slowly slimming down though, but the point is to get rid of male pattern fat while gaining gynoid pattern stuff. Its working like a charm so far. I'm getting a very obvious hourglass shape lately, its much more prominent than before and its lovely. My thighs and hips have gotten much thicker.

Anyway enough rambling, here's what a 34KK bra looks like. I even took a picture of the size tag...  Rolleyes

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