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Big Grin


Be careful with too high of Ginseng. I just got my GABA in yesterday, and the L-Tyrosine should be here tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing if they both work as well on me. One thing is for certain sure, I’m not pumping four hours a day. I’m kind of jealous of you in that aspect. I do have my first appointment for laser on Monday. I’m super stoked about that. Your Montgomery Glands look great on your huge boobs. Congratulations, Lara!

Fantastic picture Lara! Your areolas look absolutely huge in this one, i'm starting to get envious ahahah. I agree with Stevenator about your montgomery glands, they are quite great!

Very happy to see you are getting more and more progress with noogling and supplements sided to HRT. Best wishes for next update!  Wink

(04-05-2023, 11:07 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Be careful with too high of Ginseng. I just got my GABA in yesterday, and the L-Tyrosine should be here tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing if they both work as well on me. One thing is for certain sure, I’m not pumping four hours a day. I’m kind of jealous of you in that aspect. I do have my first appointment for laser on Monday. I’m super stoked about that. Your Montgomery Glands look great on your huge boobs. Congratulations, Lara!
Hi.  Heart

I should be careful with anything that might give accelerated heart rate. I get irregular heartbeat very easily from plethora of things. This is genetic from my dads side, he has similar heart issues. Its never became anything really serious but he has had medication on it. He's nearing his 80's so of course he's not in perfect health any more. I'm trying to keep my eyes open on this, now that I dropped to 2000mg split during the day, the heart issue seems to be mostly gone and only get some if I'm tired which is very normal for me.

Oh and GABA + L-tyrosine appear to be such nice combo. I know for sure L-tyrosine has had an impact on my nipples and areolas. Oh yea noogle is a thing of time which you have of you don't but less helps too, if you can keep up the frequency, do that rather than pushing long sessions. Not letting the swelling completely go is key

Yay for laser! I just had my 34th session yesterday with the home device.

(04-05-2023, 11:26 PM)Alexis P Wrote:  Fantastic picture Lara! Your areolas look absolutely huge in this one, i'm starting to get envious ahahah. I agree with Stevenator about your montgomery glands, they are quite great!

Very happy to see you are getting more and more progress with noogling and supplements sided to HRT. Best wishes for next update!  Wink

Thanks. Hug  On the picture above I was a bit cold. They get bigger when its really nice and warm. Its amazing what's been going on with it. My areolas just keep getting wider. I think they got quite a boost from when I started experimenting with elevated prolactin levels a whole lot and addition of L-tyrosine has definitely helped.

Lets see when the next big update will be. I have my goal bra waiting but its so huge it'll take a while to get there. Big Grin

I snapped a photo yesterday which I want to share. This is an angle I very rarely show, but its perfect for showing how much projection I have going on, especially on the sides as my boobs have a whole lot of outer fullness which seems to be improving lately. But the main point is the discolouration which is fading really nicely. Its almost healed. This has been lingering for months and it was caused by the XXL domes having not enough space (pressure hitting too small area) and going on for a while without a gauged pump. I'm sure I used too much pressure for quite a while.

So this is what happens if you overdo noogling. The discolouration is blood inside the tissue, like a decent bruise and it has taken so long to heal as the damage has been repeatedly done again and again for a long while. It will fade, my current program is much more gentle and I take frequent days off and using medicine creams and Bio-oil has helped tremendously.

Anyway, this is how much my boobs project from the sides, frontal pics tend not to show this very well.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I've been following your progress for sometime and amazed at your progress.  I someday want to achieve your results.

I appreciate the info on GABA + L-Tyrosine. I’m looking forward to starting the combo. My GABA got here two days ago, but the L-Tyrosine seems to be delayed.

Your last photo is pretty amazing. Especially because you were concerned a few months ago about your side growth.

I had previously mentioned about you contacting Noogle for being their model spokesperson, which would be a great testament for their product. Maybe you could also tie it in with asking them to create a custom done for you, as you will probably soon outgrow their largest size given your amazing dedication to their product and your ability to grow so well.

(05-05-2023, 01:39 PM)Mashtenn Wrote:  I've been following your progress for sometime and amazed at your progress.  I someday want to achieve your results.
Awww just stay consistent, there's plenty of stuff that works, its all about finding your golden middle and the exact combination that makes your boobs grow best. Kiss

(05-05-2023, 04:49 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I appreciate the info on GABA + L-Tyrosine. I’m looking forward to starting the combo. My GABA got here two days ago, but the L-Tyrosine seems to be delayed.

Your last photo is pretty amazing. Especially because you were concerned a few months ago about your side growth.

I had previously mentioned about you contacting Noogle for being their model spokesperson, which would be a great testament for their product. Maybe you could also tie it in with asking them to create a custom done for you, as you will probably soon outgrow their largest size given your amazing dedication to their product and your ability to grow so well.

Awww thanks. Heart The neurotransmitter booster route has been really beneficial one to take. I have been feeling really good since I tweaked the dose. So right now I take 1000mg L-tyrosine both in the morning, then day and evening I take GABA, 750mg each time so 1500mg total. I wouldn't go over that, I felt 2250mg giving me more anxiety and even too much alertness and energy, but 1500mg is perfect.

There's also one experiement on these things I'm willing to try out in coming months. There's even a study done on it and the point is night time growth hormone release using two supplements which are in similar category with L-tyrosine and GABA. According to that study they should not cause any side effects but give a considerable HGH + IGF-1 boost during nighttime, the study even cited exact dosages they used and that is very easy and cheap to get from iHerb for example. I will post more on this in detail and attach the study if I find it, I should have it as a -pdf somewhere. What I find very intiguing about this is nighttime levels of the said stuff because that's one thing I haven't done yet and we of course do most healing and growth during sleep. So it would make sense that growth hormone and growth factor boost during nights would be very beneficial.

I was thinking to do this by removing the evening GABA from the program and adding those two ingredients used for it instead as I don't want to overdo this.

Oh yea that would be really amazing, perhaps I will contact them about this some time, maybe they would be interested. And getting custom made domes, holy shit I would love it! Get ones with same width as XXXL domes but with additional depth. And I would have an idea for them for improving the edges.

I was surprised about that side picture, I don't take many of those and that one I took in the morning before noogling or anything so there's not even swelling making it better, that's how they are now 24/7. Blush

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