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Re: those two ingredients ....
I’m curious as to what you’ve got planned.

I take MSM + Vitamin C, and Calcium Citrate + Vitamin D3 at night. I know I’ve read here that Calcium + D3 boosts IGF-1 at night. Indeed this morning I woke up and my right breast felt like it had grown overnight, so I’m still chasing that growth fairy.

Keep us posted. Thanks.

Day 693.

I'm hitting twenty three months on HRT in two days. I recently changed things a bit, shuffled doses and I'm trying a lactation aiding thing that has interesting mix of herbs, so far it seems good, droplets are slowly increasing and my breasts have been aching a lot which is always a good sign as for me that comes with rapid growth. I dunno how much I've changed since last update but I can tell there's a difference. My bra is becoming absolutely stuffed full which is lovely. Still a way to go before I can fill the goal bra, I'm predicting that by the end of summer.

I also started trying out CLA along with more exercise and it feels like its doing something. I know my metabolism has sped up a bit and that's what its supposed to be doing. I think my waist might have shrank some, also the underband area feels slimmer. I'm now able to pull off four to five hours a day on Noogle as I've built a decent tolerance with the XXXL domes. I started using the good old belt trick for keeping the domes together at all times which is giving me massive boost to inner fullness in a short time, I love it. Noogling feels more balanced like this and its making a difference. Still using lower than optimal pressure which has been a life saver allowing discolouration to keep on healing.

I wonder if I'm going to measure another jump on my hips and thighs because it certainly seems like it. My body ratios are getting so nice I got to admit I love it. Whole bunch of clothes fit much better now. I've been wearing short tops for a while as we've got lovely early summer weather.  Cool Here's also underboob picture, I haven't taken one of these for a while and I love it for showing my root width.


Excellent progress and excellent curves.  I hope to maybe come close to your development.

Lara, your success is legendary. Your measurements are simply amazing.

Congratulations on your new weight loss regimen. I’m curious to know more about CLA. I do have some Cocoanut Oil soft gels that I believe are high in CLA’s, but they’re not in my current rotation.

Best of Luck to you, and thanks for checking in with this amazing update.

Absolutely beautiful <333

(15-05-2023, 06:37 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Lara, your success is legendary. Your measurements are simply amazing.

Congratulations on your new weight loss regimen. I’m curious to know more about CLA. I do have some Cocoanut Oil soft gels that I believe are high in CLA’s, but they’re not in my current rotation.

Best of Luck to you, and thanks for checking in with this amazing update.
Thank you. Heart 

Oh about measurements, I'll post something more about that in few days once I get new numbers punched in. Btw both waist to hips and waist to bust ratios are below zero seven now. Cool

The CLA I bought is this one: I got it on nice discount and decided to pull the trigger. I chose it for the price but this one happens to be really nicely dosed and I'm on two capsules a day, morning and daytime. Afaik, CLA is one of the things that is a wild card on to whom it works, some get good benefit, others very little and some people get nothing what so ever. I'm not sure yet but I'll be weighting myself in a month and of course waist measurement will also tell if its working. Its feeling good, improved energy levels and obviously faster metabolism which is fantastic difference in a short time. The bottle I got will last for three months on this dose so I'll know to tell more soon. My goal is to try to slowly drop down to 230lbs or below, slow and controlled so I wont lose curves. Wink

(15-05-2023, 06:59 PM)DruLactin Wrote:  Absolutely beautiful <333
Thanks Dru. Heart Oh and thanks Mashtenn. Cool

Thanks for the information. I think I got CLA & GLA confused. I was thinking about Evening Primrose, and now I’m doubly confused about Cocoanut Oil. I’ll have to check the Breast Growing Notes & Project-X threads. It does sound promising. I look forward to your assessment & results.

Thanks again.

Its day 695 and hitting twenty three months on HRT today.

I wasn't on the mood to do measurements at all so skipping it and doing it later, maybe tomorrow. I've had a bit rough day but feeling better right now. I took some pictures, no boring ones but something for fun. Gosh I'm so frigging chubby even with the stuff I've lost lately.... So much more to go, especially on my waist. But I got to say I like what I'm seeing, I like what is happening.

My current bra is absolutely stuffed full right now. Even with loosening the straps almost to the end of them, wearing band extender on loosest setting, still getting tight, gore floats and the sides of the cups hurt me. I tried my goal bra on today and still ton of space to cover, but less than two weeks back, I'm getting there. It seems that my goal of filling it by the end of summer is quite realistic one.

I'm ten days in with the lactation aiding stuffs and I'm getting breast aches again, more droplets which are getting more numerous and definitely more hazy. I'm not far off of it turning milky. So yep, this stuff is working, but I'm not sure if I'm on high enough dose to go from droplets to streams. I'll see, unfortunately the one I have along with ordinary milk thistle is quite expensive so I can't do it for a long time in one go, but it feels definitely worth a try. Also Stevenator kindly pointed out that Goat's Rue is apparently good for not only boosting milk supply but it also has a mechanism to help breast tissue grow. Another little footnote for a possible future experiment.

Btw my hands are size nine these days, at least the one used for gloves in EU... So not tiny, but not huge either. So idea for scale right there. Wink EIDT:I thought I would drop a fun after noogle picture, its been a while since one of those, so there, to celebrate 23 months yay. Heart        

Pictures are awesome and I'm impressed on your current progress.  Hope your milk supply comes in soon.  I would like to maybe lactate.

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