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I swear I want thighs like yours.

(19-05-2023, 07:28 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I swear I want thighs like yours.
Awww. Kiss I wish I knew to tell where they sell thunder thighs. Big Grin But more time on HRT will obviously help with it. Btw, something peculiar, my thighs, butt and hips have filled in massively since I started taking a decent dose of vitamin A. This came as an anecdote from some Mel's friend. Vitamin A deals with growth and healing and such and this person had a boost on lower body thickness all over once being on good dose of vitamin A for a while so I thought I'd try and interestingly, things have changed just as predicted since. There might be something to it.

I've been on 5000iu + what's in the multivitamin + what I get from eating carrots every now and then so not even at highest recommended dose, below 10000iu is good for avoiding overdosing. I would think 8000iu should be considered maxed out as there are some in certain foods.

Some notes on my development in the last few months... Going on 1000mg of L-tyrosine taken in morning has been really awesome. Firstly I think its doing something with my nipples as it should. It has been mentioned along with bovine ovary many times as to help regulate body temperature. Its definitely boosting alertness and congnitive function, yep, this stuff can actually make you smarter, thinking easier, faster and clearer. Its supposed to give a little boost to growth hormone also, I take something three times a day to deal with HGH as that's such a big factor with boobs and all body changes.

High dose of milk thistle has been helpful, its supplemental though, it obviously boosts prolactin levels quite well. The lactation aiding combination thing I'm on which is this here: is helpful also, I'm on quite low dose on the stuff as I'm just experimenting. Its expensive so not viable for long term use. Ginseng capsules are amazing, I've been on 3-6 capsules per day for a while now, testing different doses. 4x seems like max I want to do as more than that appears to give me heart issues. My heart acts up really easily so I try to avoid anything that might make it worse. But 4x a day is totally fine.

Noogling has become super powerful with the new domes. Especially with bottom and centre fullness, its mind blowing now that I'm able to pull of 3-5 hours per day without much problems. This is a game changer! See the difference in my timeline picture, from month 22 to 23 there's a massive jump with fullness. This I blame on these three factors, boosting HGH (and thus growth factors its a precursor of), elevated prolactin (helping build fat) and Noogle (check the noogle guide for why it works, I presume its likely elevating local HGF levels.)

So yea, measurements I'll do later once I feel better about it, that will wait, but pictures are very telling. Stuff is working, latest experiementation seems to be doing its thing. Cool

That’s interesting about vitamin A, but this vitamin is a weird one. The actual form of vitamin A is retinol, and it is a fat soluble vitamin. It’s main sources are things like cod liver oil, calf liver, egg yolks, cheese, etc. Basically animal sources.

Vegetable sources of what is labeled vitamin A, are water soluble, and are what is a sort of precursor. The thing about vegetable sources of vitamin A is you need to eat a massive volume to get the RDA.

Which reminds me. The need to go take my all natural food sourced multi-vitamin now.

I do want mom thighs.
I do want mom thighs.
I do want mom thighs.


(19-05-2023, 07:50 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  That’s interesting about vitamin A, but this vitamin is a weird one. The actual form of vitamin A is retinol, and it is a fat soluble vitamin. It’s main sources are things like cod liver oil, calf liver, egg yolks, cheese, etc. Basically animal sources.

Vegetable sources of what is labeled vitamin A, are water soluble, and are what is a sort of precursor. The thing about vegetable sources of vitamin A is you need to eat a massive volume to get the RDA.

Which reminds me. The need to go take my all natural food sourced multi-vitamin now.

I do want mom thighs.
I do want mom thighs.
I do want mom thighs.

 I think that's the reason why vitamin A can be overdosed quite badly as its fat soluble. I didn't know that about the vegetable kind, so its totally free for all with carrots. Big Grin That's neat as I love carrots.

I appreciate you sharing your experience with L-Tyrosine. I recently added it, along with GABA, and I really think it’s helping.

You look awesome in the top.  Hope you have a great time with your friend.  Last group of pics really show how the fat distribution has made your development a success.

I swear that ever since I added L-Tyrosine & GABA, I’m getting deep, solid sleep, and myboobs look & feel so full & heavy upon waking.

(19-05-2023, 05:04 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I swear that ever since I added L-Tyrosine & GABA, I’m getting deep, solid sleep, and myboobs look & feel so full & heavy upon waking.
I've had GABA on for the last +6 months, last about three on higher dose, last +1 month 1000mg L-tyrosine daily... And how does my timeline correlate with that? Yep.  Wink 

These things are magic with what they do to prolactin and HGH and its showing.

Big Grin

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