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why do doctors say no


Ok so with how many people have results and how many testimonials there are on this site alone on how effective NBE is, how come most doctors say it wont work? And Why haven't more studies been done on this stuff? It really baffles me... I mean with how many people want to increase there breast size and how much implants cost you would expect more attention towards NBE. So whats your opinion on this?

Because they think its fake and thats what they were thaught lol i mean would you believe if somebody came up to you and said hey if you take some herbs and your a biological male its possible to grow breast XD otherwise i couldnt think of any other reason why they wouldnt believe so and regaurding your implants cost it depends where you live and the sugeon and other factors but they are pretty expencive and its wayyy less natural so if i were you id go the NBE way...

I think it has something to do with patents, in the US I don't believe you can patent a natural substance. More money to be made on surgeries and patented drugs. Drug companies pay for studies and pay off doctors to write prescriptions. They make a lilot of profit on patented drugs. Before anyone jumps in me I realize they spend millions developing drugs and should make a profit.

(14-02-2014, 04:40 AM)annabolton Wrote:  how come most doctors say it wont work? And Why haven't more studies been done on this stuff? It really baffles me... So whats your opinion on this?

Studies are out there, you just have to know where to look, there hidden in the abstract of the text, and trust me, if you can understand this then you're way ahead of the game, here's an example:

Estrogen receptor alpha augments changes in hemostatic gene expression in HepG2 cells treated with estradiol and phytoestrogens

It's the same reason that there are so many proven cancer cures, but they won't tell you about them, and if you mention them to THEM, they say those won't work! But I KNOW they do!! Drs. are in the pockets of Big Pharma. They are there to push as many drugs onto you as they can. Sure, some are not into that and DO treat you well, but, not as many as should. Natural remedies keep money from their pockets, so they won't push them at all!! In the `40's or `50's, one Dr. did everything he could to discredit the cancer cure another Dr. was using with great success, but, when he also came down with cancer, guess who he secretly went to see to get it cured? That's right!! The Dr. that was having great success with a natural cure!! The same one he'd been trying to discredit!!
I suspect there's also some homophobia at play, so they don't want you to know that you can grow tits because it's "GAY"!!!! That dirty word!!!!

Why do doctors say no? Because herbs are not in their ballpark. Most doctors are, I believe, caring individuals, but they are human. They follow rule books. Mostly, though not always, if they do not, then people get hurt. In their world, those rules are established through protocols. For a variety if reasons, those protocols do not cover herbs.
But, in general, doctors will always frown on DIY hormone therapy of anykind. Why? Because there are many people in need of assistance who will make often serious mistakes in treating themselves. And doctors are usually then left to clean up the results. Sure, there are lots of us quite bright enough and competant enough to educate ourselves, learn the uses, benefits, risks and other pitfalls of self medication. But this board alone often provides ample proof that there are also many out there quite unprepared to go it alone, and who sometimes cause great harm to themselves (and others) by entering into self administered treatment for which they are vastly unprepared. I do not say this to offend anyone, and I hope I have not. But just as in home improvement, there are those quite able to fix a leaking pipe and there are those who will try and only end up flooding their basement.
I think, honey, doctors get tired of being called in the middle of the night to drain the basement.Rolleyes

Good explanation, Sammie. Very fair and balanced.

I think another factor, though, is simple ignorance. Doctors know what they are taught in medical school, on the job, reading medical journals, and through continuing education. None of these sources of information are likely to get into alternative medicine and methods. It surprises me, for example, that more than a few gender therapists are unfamiliar with nonprescription (herbal) HRT treatments. I'm not suggesting that a gender therapist advocated the use of herbs; but not knowing about their existence or effectiveness??

Clara Smile

Well, don't get me started, honey...go see Dallas Buyers Club.Dodgy

(14-02-2014, 05:29 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  It's the same reason that there are so many proven cancer cures, but they won't tell you about them, and if you mention them to THEM, they say those won't work! But I KNOW they do!! Drs. are in the pockets of Big Pharma. They are there to push as many drugs onto you as they can. Sure, some are not into that and DO treat you well, but, not as many as should. Natural remedies keep money from their pockets, so they won't push them at all!! In the `40's or `50's, one Dr. did everything he could to discredit the cancer cure another Dr. was using with great success, but, when he also came down with cancer, guess who he secretly went to see to get it cured? That's right!! The Dr. that was having great success with a natural cure!! The same one he'd been trying to discredit!!
I suspect there's also some homophobia at play, so they don't want you to know that you can grow tits because it's "GAY"!!!! That dirty word!!!!

I believe you are referring to Dr Max Gerson. I can't remember off the top of my head who the Dr was that he cured, but he was VERY well known at the time.

(14-02-2014, 03:23 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  Good explanation, Sammie. Very fair and balanced.

I think another factor, though, is simple ignorance. Doctors know what they are taught in medical school, on the job, reading medical journals, and through continuing education. None of these sources of information are likely to get into alternative medicine and methods. It surprises me, for example, that more than a few gender therapists are unfamiliar with nonprescription (herbal) HRT treatments. I'm not suggesting that a gender therapist advocated the use of herbs; but not knowing about their existence or effectiveness??

Clara Smile

One reason for this is that the textbooks they use in med school are sponsored, and practically written by the pharmaceutical companies. No way they are going to cover natural, unpatented remedies.


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