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why do doctors say no


(14-02-2014, 11:01 PM)Lisia Wrote:  
(14-02-2014, 03:23 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  Good explanation, Sammie. Very fair and balanced.

I think another factor, though, is simple ignorance. Doctors know what they are taught in medical school, on the job, reading medical journals, and through continuing education. None of these sources of information are likely to get into alternative medicine and methods. It surprises me, for example, that more than a few gender therapists are unfamiliar with nonprescription (herbal) HRT treatments. I'm not suggesting that a gender therapist advocated the use of herbs; but not knowing about their existence or effectiveness??

Clara Smile

One reason for this is that the textbooks they use in med school are sponsored, and practically written by the pharmaceutical companies. No way they are going to cover natural, unpatented remedies.

Not denying that nor arguing that point, Lisia.Smile
But for most doctors, I thing those textbooks are all they have to go on. It is a rare doctor willing to jeopardize career by stepping outside the regular lines.

Great posts by all so far!

I for one think it's about two and lawsuits.

Doctors make much more money when they can push big pharma products and keep you coming back for check up after check up, even bouncing you to other doctors when needed to spread the wealth.

On the flip side, they are licensed professionals, and any deviation from protocol, rules and regulations can result in loss of license and their income source, which I completely understand.

My personal experiences in the last year can validate my point on this...

(14-02-2014, 04:40 AM)annabolton Wrote:  ...It really baffles me... I mean with how many people want to increase there breast size and how much implants cost you would expect more attention towards NBE. So whats your opinion on this?

I haven't done the math myself but the cost difference might be closer than you think depending on your age, dose and form of PM you're taking. I've seen comparisons that actually favor implants. I know that's only a part of your bigger question but no one has mentioned it so far. I also understand that there are many other factors to consider, I'm just commenting on the economic aspect.

In Canada, it's policy, perhaps a requirement, for doctors to tell you most self-medicating methods won't work even if they know they work. They do this to prevent people from making their health issues worse as a result of self-treatment.

Of course, this may also just be the candy coated "official" reason, with the fact they also get paid more for using OHIP certified treatments likely having more to do with it than anything else.

(14-02-2014, 11:51 PM)Kari Leigh Doodlebug Wrote:  
(14-02-2014, 04:40 AM)annabolton Wrote:  ...It really baffles me... I mean with how many people want to increase there breast size and how much implants cost you would expect more attention towards NBE. So whats your opinion on this?

I haven't done the math myself but the cost difference might be closer than you think depending on your age, dose and form of PM you're taking. I've seen comparisons that actually favor implants. I know that's only a part of your bigger question but no one has mentioned it so far. I also understand that there are many other factors to consider, I'm just commenting on the economic aspect.

From what I have read, it is not uncommon among those who pursue transition, to grow dissatisfied with growth of their own breasts, even after synthetic HRT, and end up choosing implants in the end anyway.

One factor here may be that many herbal products contain a number of different active constituents in different categories, the relative proportions of which can vary widely in different samples and with different modes of preparation and extraction. This both makes it difficult to explain how they work, militates against reproducible results in trials, and results in widely differing results in different people with different characteristics and problems. After all, it is difficult enough to predict reliably the effect of a single chemical compound in a prescription pharmaceutical administered with carefully controlled dosage and conditions. Saw Palmetto is a good example. The explanations of its action and the results of trials are all over the place. PM is even more complex. Essentially we largely have to rely on the anecdotal evidence of others and limited research findings to make judgements as to whether a particular product is likely to be helpful in our own particular and rather unusual situations and then experiment. We do fortunately have our own specialist gurus here to consult- e.g. "Ask your Mistress Lotus whether XYZ is right for me?" Big Grin Certainly to my mind a much better bet than Dr Oz.


(14-02-2014, 04:40 AM)annabolton Wrote:  Ok so with how many people have results and how many testimonials there are on this site alone on how effective NBE is, how come most doctors say it wont work? And Why haven't more studies been done on this stuff? It really baffles me... I mean with how many people want to increase there breast size and how much implants cost you would expect more attention towards NBE. So whats your opinion on this?

Two governing factors .
1) doctors are not taught what natural herbs can do and any deviation from the standard is looked upon as Hokus pokus.

2) the big pharmas and plastic surgery have big financial interests running into billions . Natural herbs won't make them any money.

Look at example = FG can be purchased in grocery store in 500 gm bags for no more tha 2 dollar plus . But try buying them in capsules and work out how much you pay !
Same goes for all herbs .
Now take same herbs do a combo and package them as extract and you will pay through your nose.

Dallas buyers Club is a great movie I seen it a couple days ago . I recommended l for everybody to see. It really opens your eyes and your mind . You will see how there is a lot of closed minds out there in the world. How thinking outside the box can sometimes save your life and others.
I recommended it to everyone.

(14-02-2014, 10:59 PM)Lisia Wrote:  
(14-02-2014, 05:29 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  It's the same reason that there are so many proven cancer cures, but they won't tell you about them, and if you mention them to THEM, they say those won't work! But I KNOW they do!! Drs. are in the pockets of Big Pharma. They are there to push as many drugs onto you as they can. Sure, some are not into that and DO treat you well, but, not as many as should. Natural remedies keep money from their pockets, so they won't push them at all!! In the `40's or `50's, one Dr. did everything he could to discredit the cancer cure another Dr. was using with great success, but, when he also came down with cancer, guess who he secretly went to see to get it cured? That's right!! The Dr. that was having great success with a natural cure!! The same one he'd been trying to discredit!!
I suspect there's also some homophobia at play, so they don't want you to know that you can grow tits because it's "GAY"!!!! That dirty word!!!!

I believe you are referring to Dr Max Gerson. I can't remember off the top of my head who the Dr was that he cured, but he was VERY well known at the time.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the guy. If I recall correctly, he was from Texas. It's possibly the guy he cured was a lawyer, not a doctor. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, so, some details are sketchy.

(15-02-2014, 03:47 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(14-02-2014, 10:59 PM)Lisia Wrote:  
(14-02-2014, 05:29 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  It's the same reason that there are so many proven cancer cures, but they won't tell you about them, and if you mention them to THEM, they say those won't work! But I KNOW they do!! Drs. are in the pockets of Big Pharma. They are there to push as many drugs onto you as they can. Sure, some are not into that and DO treat you well, but, not as many as should. Natural remedies keep money from their pockets, so they won't push them at all!! In the `40's or `50's, one Dr. did everything he could to discredit the cancer cure another Dr. was using with great success, but, when he also came down with cancer, guess who he secretly went to see to get it cured? That's right!! The Dr. that was having great success with a natural cure!! The same one he'd been trying to discredit!!
I suspect there's also some homophobia at play, so they don't want you to know that you can grow tits because it's "GAY"!!!! That dirty word!!!!

I believe you are referring to Dr Max Gerson. I can't remember off the top of my head who the Dr was that he cured, but he was VERY well known at the time.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the guy. If I recall correctly, he was from Texas. It's possibly the guy he cured was a lawyer, not a doctor. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, so, some details are sketchy.
He was originally from Germany and it was a well known doctor that he cured, will have to look up his name. For those who have Netflix, there is a great documentary called The Beautiful Truth. It really opened my eyes and was one of the first things that put me on a path to better nutrition.

There is a Dr in Houston TX with a "controversial" cancer cure named Burzynski. There is an excellent documentary about him on Netflix as well.

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