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I'm experimenting with setting up a chatroom for us, if you are interested in the idea, either use chatzilla or get a irc client like icechat and join me on

Channel: #GDChat

You can also use this Java Chat Web Page

(Select NewNet from the server dropdown list & enter your Uername/Nickname then click Connect)

I should be online tomorrow myself, but all the same the channel is there 24/7 so please try it out even if i'm not there (same username), please post any comments about the idea here.

I'm online at the moment if anyone else wants to give it a try.

I like the idea but can't join just yet... I have to run to Microcenter to pick up some hardware and rebuild two computers for my teenage sons.


(22-02-2014, 06:54 PM)Misty0732 Wrote:  I like the idea but can't join just yet... I have to run to Microcenter to pick up some hardware and rebuild two computers for my teenage sons.


Fun Times....every one of my relatives think of me as a free PC Repair Tech....Dodgy

I get the window, but it says unable to connect...Huh

./me has to find his old mIRC serial number

(22-02-2014, 07:33 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  I get the window, but it says unable to connect...Huh

odd, i might need to find a different one then.
FYI I Highly recommend using a client like Icechat or mirc, they just work a lot better.

to add the server in Icechat fyi just click the add button below the servers list & paste the Server Address in both server name fields.


I like your new avatar. [Image: smiley-happy119.gif] Where is it from?

I used chatzilla to talk to you earlier.

I really hope the idea of a chatroom takes off. [Image: smiley-signs003.gif]


OK, Lenneth, old silly Sammie needs some tech help.
I pasted your link ( into a new browser window.
I get that page to open asking me for the chat room and a nickname.

I assume the chat room is :#GDChat
Is my nickname just my name?
That is what I entered.
I then get the window for the room but it tells me it cannot connect. Am I doing something wrong?
I am using Safari on a Macpro

(22-02-2014, 07:55 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Lenneth,

I like your new avatar. [Image: smiley-happy119.gif] Where is it from?


(22-02-2014, 07:55 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  I used chatzilla to talk to you earlier.

yes I noticed, and although chatzilla works, it's not as well designed as Iceechat & mirc.

(22-02-2014, 07:55 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  I really hope the idea of a chatroom takes off. [Image: smiley-signs003.gif]

Thanks, I hope it works out to, I just dont want it to Detract from this great site, it's a complement, not a replacement, and like you said in the chatroom it would be handy for if BN were to ever go off-line again.

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