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It's official


I know it has been a long time since I posted. I have finally came out to my wife about my feeling about feeling like a girl inside. At first she had been mad at me but now she is a little more accepting of me and is encouraging me to see someone about what more I can do. She has not decided yet how far she is willing to go with my possible new me but whatever she decides is enough will be the point I will stop as i do not want to loose her and I love her very much. I am amazed at how she is taking all this. Now I need to gather my nerves to get officially diaganosed with gid so I can move forward.
Here is hoping to a bright new future.

Congratulations on taking this huge and important step, Frittam. My advice is to keep the dialogue going with your DW. There's so much both of you need to know and to agree on.

Keep in mind that if your wife is just as intent on holding on to you as you are to keeping her, she might be suppressing her uneasy feelings about your TG nature. Don't mistake this for unconditional acceptance at such an early stage. That will come as understanding and trust grow.

Clara Smile


Congratulations Frittam. I know that is a huge step forward and a big relief. Having honesty between you on such a profound/core subject is imperative.

I second ClaraKay's comment that it is a long term process. The initial statement of acceptance is not the last word. One aspect of it is that these changes may be somewhat progressive, with one change blossoming into another. Your wife may not be able to imagine how far this train may roll.

My wife was very accepting, and continues to be, yet at the same time has trouble accepting certain changes. For example, she does not like my chest being hairless and lets me know it. That would seem to be a relatively unimportant thing, perhaps, but I have a very hard time leaving the shrubbery in place. Who among us wants a thatch between two growing breasts, after all? It is hard to find a middle ground on some issues.

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