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Help! Recently started PM and having problems... with my equipment!


I started Ainterol PM about a week and a half ago. I've been on 2000mg per day (with the exception of 3 days where I went up to 2500mg per day, but decided to take it slow so went back to 2000mg per day). Also for the last four or five days I've started rubbing in some instabust spray which says it contains some saw palmetto and fenugreek.

For the most part I haven't experienced any negative side effects - no headaches, no pain, etc. Haven't noticed any mental benefits, haven't noticed any growth either.

BUT two things I have noticed:

1. I haven't had any desire to dress up or be en femme. In and of itself, that doesn't necessarily mean anything since I don't do it 24/7 or anything, but I often do experience the desire, even when I don't act on it. And there have been long periods of time in the past when I skipped it. But it does seem a bit unusual to me. In some ways, that's dissapointing since I enjoy it, and in some ways I'm fine with that since life would be a lot easier if I didn't have those urges. Even stranger, I've been pushing ahead with he PM despite this.

The other more important issue is that I haven't been able to get erect. Typically that is never a problem for me and I enjoy a great sex life with my wife so that IS a big deal. Is that a common problem? Does it pass? I don't want to lose functionality down there.

Even masturbating is very difficult. Takes way too long and too much effort and even if I succeed, I never seem to get fully hard. Sorry if this is TMI but I'm kind of concerned about this, especially considering I've been on PM for such a short period of time.

What should I do?

(01-04-2014, 06:42 AM)barryb Wrote:  I started Ainterol PM about a week and a half ago. I've been on 2000mg per day (with the exception of 3 days where I went up to 2500mg per day, but decided to take it slow so went back to 2000mg per day). Also for the last four or five days I've started rubbing in some instabust spray which says it contains some saw palmetto and fenugreek.

For the most part I haven't experienced any negative side effects - no headaches, no pain, etc. Haven't noticed any mental benefits, haven't noticed any growth either.

BUT two things I have noticed:

1. I haven't had any desire to dress up or be en femme. In and of itself, that doesn't necessarily mean anything since I don't do it 24/7 or anything, but I often do experience the desire, even when I don't act on it. And there have been long periods of time in the past when I skipped it. But it does seem a bit unusual to me. In some ways, that's dissapointing since I enjoy it, and in some ways I'm fine with that since life would be a lot easier if I didn't have those urges. Even stranger, I've been pushing ahead with he PM despite this.

The other more important issue is that I haven't been able to get erect. Typically that is never a problem for me and I enjoy a great sex life with my wife so that IS a big deal. Is that a common problem? Does it pass? I don't want to lose functionality down there.

Even masturbating is very difficult. Takes way too long and too much effort and even if I succeed, I never seem to get fully hard. Sorry if this is TMI but I'm kind of concerned about this, especially considering I've been on PM for such a short period of time.

What should I do?

- if you intend to father a child, reduce the dose.
- also wear looser underrwear so that your testicles can produce more..avoid female underwear at this point -remain without underwear and loose shorts on a holiday
- what you feel is normal that is the way a real female will feel ..
the reason you cannot get directly erect is because you are experiencing a female effect which PM brings- which in a way seems to want you to need to keep the simulating on for a very long time until you climax -
- the difference between a male and female organism is that for a male there is a start and a end, - so you get erect, hold the erection once stimulated (even without touching - but just by mere brain and eye titilation) and climax and thats the end - but for a female there is a peak and valley meaning the orgasm can go on forever without actually having a definate start or an end but resulting in many climaxes (this relies on the brain and the touch and not the eye) - thats why u have to keep stimulating your self with great effort to reach climax but never feel thats its done - meaning you cannot sustain an erection once you stop stimulating --- understood?


(01-04-2014, 06:42 AM)barryb Wrote:  I started Ainterol PM about a week and a half ago. I've been on 2000mg per day (with the exception of 3 days where I went up to 2500mg per day, but decided to take it slow so went back to 2000mg per day). Also for the last four or five days I've started rubbing in some instabust spray which says it contains some saw palmetto and fenugreek.

For the most part I haven't experienced any negative side effects - no headaches, no pain, etc. Haven't noticed any mental benefits, haven't noticed any growth either.

BUT two things I have noticed:

1. I haven't had any desire to dress up or be en femme. In and of itself, that doesn't necessarily mean anything since I don't do it 24/7 or anything, but I often do experience the desire, even when I don't act on it. And there have been long periods of time in the past when I skipped it. But it does seem a bit unusual to me. In some ways, that's dissapointing since I enjoy it, and in some ways I'm fine with that since life would be a lot easier if I didn't have those urges. Even stranger, I've been pushing ahead with he PM despite this.

The other more important issue is that I haven't been able to get erect. Typically that is never a problem for me and I enjoy a great sex life with my wife so that IS a big deal. Is that a common problem? Does it pass? I don't want to lose functionality down there.

Even masturbating is very difficult. Takes way too long and too much effort and even if I succeed, I never seem to get fully hard. Sorry if this is TMI but I'm kind of concerned about this, especially considering I've been on PM for such a short period of time.

What should I do?

It sounds like your experience is similar to mine. PM virtually erases my desire to cross dress and my GID disappears. My "function" depends on the dose... anything over about 1000mg/day and my sex drive disappears. I also respond very quickly to PM (about 2 weeks for me as well before I was feeling the full effects).

I think some of us are much more sensitive to PM than others. My "free T" is very, very low (lower than a GF) even though my "total T" is in the normal range (although it is at the low end for a male my age).

I would suggest backing off the PM, completely at first, and see what happens. If you're like me within 2 or 3 weeks everything will come rushing back (sex drive, desire to CD, function, etc.). If it does then try introducing PM at a lower dosage to find the sweet spot (where your function remains but you're still getting the other desired effects). Mine is around that 1000mg level.

Good luck!



I have similar experiences with my medication.... which blocks prolactin... when I stop taking my meds... prolactin rises and Testosterone drops.... and all desires to dress just fade away.... back on medication... prolactin drops and T rises... boom.... it comes rushing back..... I've done this experimentally a number of times over the last decades.... and there's a definite link..

Hi Barry,
Your description sounds about right to me. Nothing too surprising. Taking a high dosage of PM will drive down your free testosterone level which will kill your male libido and cause ED. PM sensitivity varies, but I'd characterize anything over 1000 mg as a high dosage.

If your CD is mainly a sexual fetish, that desire disappears, too. Before I took PM my CD habits were entirely for sexual arousal. Now, on PM, I do it for the joy of feeling feminine. If I slip back into guy mode, I have no desire to dress up anymore.

HRT is often used during gender therapy to diagnose the root cause of a person's gender dysphoria. If the mental discomfort diminishes on taking estrogen, it usually indicates the existence of a significant female gender identity. If mental discomfort increases, that's a counter indicator.

If you want to both grow breasts and preserve male function, you'll have to take regular breaks from PM to restore your T level. Even so, don't expect that you'll be your old virile self.

Of course, there are always some who say their libido increased on PM, so there are no hard and fast rules (pun intended). Big Grin

Clara Smile


Hi Barry, I had the same reaction you did at about the same time in you are... It didnt bother me though except for the reduced to desire to get girly... That bothered me a little but it was more like WTF this dont make sense... I actually increased the dose and found she came back even stronger on 3000-4000 mg...

Not long after that I started feeling the growing sensations Big Grin

Now it bothers me when the growing sensations are reduced and "He" comes backRolleyes

I have to ask why your on a feminizing herb like PM if it bothers you to loose male function???

Mine still works almost as good as it did before I started after 7 weeks, but it wasnt all that important to me before I started and it isnt now....


Go off PM for a week to clear your system. Lower your dose to about 1500 and drop the instabust. Saw palmetto will kill your sex drive easily. You won't get results as fast, but if you want them faster then you've got to start asking yourself some other questions.

All of what's already been said is really good insight. Personally, I see nothing alarming in what you're experiencing. It's similar to my experience but I'm a lot farther along than you. My ability to become erect was very scattered for a while but it's OK now. I think it lasted a couple months. Now I ONLY get erect when my wife and I are being intimate. No morning BS and since my sex drive is completely under my control, I don't crave masturbation and porn. I'm not sure if "it" would work at all for that purpose because I haven't even tried for 5 months so who cares right? Before that however, I think it was a little hard to get myself aroused. Obviously, your experience might be different but I wouldn't panic yet if I were you and at your stage, everything should be easily reversible by stopping PM.

I should note that intimacy with my wife is different than it used to be. It's more emotional and "close" and less about the act. Since I revealed everything to her and continue to be completely open with her about my crazy thoughts, desires and hurts, our intimacy is irresistible and truly unexplainable. I told her this weekend it's like being in a bubble with her where I feel safe and exposed before her. It's like nothing I have or have had with anyone else ...ever! And it's wonderful! I highly recommend it but it required and continues to require a lot of vulnerability and effort to achieve that level of intimacy. When we're "together" it's the culmination of something very special. ...Perhaps a really good thing about being on herbal rather than pharma. If I was on spiro and high levels of estrogen, I bet the physical act would be impossible.

(01-04-2014, 05:36 PM)Kari Leigh Doodlebug Wrote:  I should note that intimacy with my wife is different than it used to be. It's more emotional and "close" and less about the act. Since I revealed everything to her and continue to be completely open with her about my crazy thoughts, desires and hurts, our intimacy is irresistible and truly unexplainable. I told her this weekend it's like being in a bubble with her where I feel safe and exposed before her. It's like nothing I have or have had with anyone else ...ever! And it's wonderful! I highly recommend it but it required and continues to require a lot of vulnerability and effort to achieve that level of intimacy. When we're "together" it's the culmination of something very special. ...Perhaps a really good thing about being on herbal rather than pharma. If I was on spiro and high levels of estrogen, I bet the physical act would be impossible.

What you've just described is my experience, too. It's great because I never was at ease in our man-woman sexual relationship before I started herbal HRT. My DW appreciates the change, as well. That makes her a major stakeholder in my struggle to come to grips with gender dysphoria.

Clara Smile


Kari and Clara,

Thank you for your posts! They reassured me about one of my concerns, and I'm guessing a concern of others in a similar situation.


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