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Sex And Gender Explorer.


(17-04-2014, 08:42 PM)Denita Wrote:  
(17-04-2014, 06:56 AM)bobowo Wrote:  Is good spelling really more of a female trait? I don't think those national spelling bees reflect that.

Research found that men tend to use one side of their brain (particularly the left side for verbal reasoning) while women tend to use both cerebral areas for visual, verbal and emotional responses. These differences in brain use cause a difference in behavior between men and women. Women tend to be better at sensing emotional messages in conversations, gestures, and facial expressions, and are thus more sensitive. Women start to speak and read at an earlier age than men and are generally better in verbal skills, such as learning a different language. They tend to have a better grasp on grammar and spelling, and girls have better handwriting than boys do. Women have better sight at night and have a more acute sense of smell, taste and hearing.

Men are better in spatial coordination and have a better sense of direction (usually!). They excel in math and are great at interpreting three-dimensional objects. They have a better hand-eye coordination and more precise control of large muscle movement. They have poor peripheral vision but better sight in bright light and a better sense of perspective. Since they use one side of their brain more than the other, they tend to use the left side for verbal reasoning and the right for visual and emotional activities (if they are right handed).



Yea maybe generally... But most men arent into growing boobs and all that goes with thatTongue

These tests should not be taken very seriously IMHO...


(17-04-2014, 09:53 PM)LittleMissS Wrote:  These tests should not be taken very seriously IMHO...

Hi LittleMissS,

Your right and I should have pointed it out in the original post.

These sort of tests are for fun and interest only. It is not meant to be used as a diagnostic tool.

This link explains the reasons why better than I can.
A note on "Gender Tests".


I'm still intrigued by my results, socialize in a very feminine manner? Eh?

What's the difference between socialize in a feminine manner and socialize in a very feminine manner? Huh

I'm the one that got that result, so I should know the difference, but I have no idea. lol


Yes, that is a good point, I think it is good that you got very feminine, what do I need to do to achieve the same thing?

People should think about us poor androgynous people with gender identity conflicts. Wink

I'm guessing the socializing in a "very feminine" way has to do something with how excited you are about hugging strangers.

The idea of doing so really creeps me out, but apparently based on the choices given that is what they think is the "most female" choice. There were several of these kinds of questions. My answer would be different if it was someone i knew, but oh well....

Yay! I get to touch gross random people! Ugh.

If not being excited about doing that drops me from very fem to just fem, that's fine by me!

Also, this test(and all like it) are silly and should be viewed as simply for fun. That should go without saying for anyone who took it.

Enjoyed taking it though Big Grin

I thought it could be shorter as some of the questions were redundant. Also the image questions didn't really work for my browser. Also, I thought the test didn't seem too authentic since there were so many spelling mistakes. Apparently the test writer isn't a very good speller Smile

Okay...this annoys me no end... I am a Mac girl through and through with a longstanding and powerful distaste and aversion toward all things microsoft. And like a very, very few other sites I have run across, obviously created either by sub human miscreants or others suffering from seriously sub human intelligence, this site apparently requires use of a microsoft or netscape browser...neither of which I have nor am willing to search out...Firefox, Chrome and Safari should be plenty.
I guess Sammie is fated never to know how she would have rated will I live with that?...tee hee...Tongue

(18-04-2014, 03:55 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Okay...this annoys me no end... I am a Mac girl through and through with a longstanding and powerful distaste and aversion toward all things microsoft. And like a very, very few other sites I have run across, obviously created either by sub human miscreants or others suffering from seriously sub human intelligence, this site apparently requires use of a microsoft or netscape browser...neither of which I have nor am willing to search out...Firefox, Chrome and Safari should be plenty.
I guess Sammie is fated never to know how she would have rated will I live with that?...tee hee...Tongue

Haha when you said Mac girl I automatically thought you were one of those makeup snobs that had to use that brand of cosmetics. Instead looks like you're just a computer snob Smile ... I use a mac too.

Lol...actually, not so much a computer snob, as just really averse to sleazy business tactics which I think microsoft has always employed. So how did you make this work on a Mac?

(18-04-2014, 03:55 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Okay...this annoys me no end... I am a Mac girl through and through with a longstanding and powerful distaste and aversion toward all things microsoft. And like a very, very few other sites I have run across, obviously created either by sub human miscreants or others suffering from seriously sub human intelligence, this site apparently requires use of a microsoft or netscape browser...neither of which I have nor am willing to search out...Firefox, Chrome and Safari should be plenty.
I guess Sammie is fated never to know how she would have rated will I live with that?...tee hee...Tongue

I used Firefox with no issues, other than the site in which the image questions were once hosted being down. I just guessed on those.

Which it really wouldn't matter if I could see them or not, because I really really suck at those, and 3d shapes, and any kind of directions. LOL

Anyways, if you notice it's talking about what you'd need if running a windows 95 or 98 pc. Obviously a very ancient test here. Tongue

As long as you turn off the popup blocker it should be fine.


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