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Can breasts change sexual orientation?


I'm sure most of you guys are normal heterosexual males. I was too in my teens until I experienced a life changing event. I dated girls and even had some intimate experiences. I developed breasts early and when I was 16, I was a C cup. My mother encouraged this and helped me cross dress at every opportunity.

There was a teen dance I wanted to go to . Mom and I agreed I would go as a girl. We selected my outfit to go with a beautiful sequenced top that was cut really low. In fact with a push up bra, I was almost spilling out.

She drove me to the dance and almost immediately it was apparent that none of the girls was showing so much. But no place to hide. Breasts attract men like flies to honey. I experienced what most GG's do (if they are lucky), some guy talking to you and staring at your chest. It was wonderful- that which I had to hide most of my life was now making me very attractive. I was thrilled. Before long a guy invited me out to his car for a drink of whiskey. That soon led to some heavy petting. When he put his hands on my breasts it was like an electric shock. I think I had an orgasm immediately. From that moment, it was all guys- I wanted more of that.

Have any of you experienced anything like this? perhaps not leading to transgender, as my case, but at least altering your sexual orientation?

What a cool mother you have!!!! Not only to be JUST okay with it, but to actually WANT and HELP you to exploit it!!
It's a REALLY nice story!!
As for the question. I'm not so sure JUST having tits makes you switch sides. Did you ever even MARGINALLY think about being with guys before that? I mean, I prefer to ONLY be with girls, but, about 15 years ago, I spotted a picture of a younger guy that I thought to myself: if I EVER wanted to get involved with a guy, he'd probably be the ONLY one!! Then I noticed a few years later that he looked like the last president!!!! :-OOOOOOO
So, I'd think that you probably had this in you all along, you just weren't exactly aware of it. OR, MAYBE your hormones switched sides FOR you when you started growing tits. Had the female hormones in you not taken over the Love Boat and started to VERY proudly fly the Jolly Rosalin across your chest, you'd have still gone after girls. Not to say that JUST growing the twins had anything to do with it, but that the female mones suddenly awakened and took over REAL hard where the males had been in charge.
Do you have any plans of going full tilt fem, or will you just play on both teams for a while? I'm pretty sure girls like guys with tits, but I don't know if there's that many guys that like it. They prefer to smooth it over by calling it a chick with a dick so it makes them look not at all gay!! And, by "it", I mean the complex of being a guy with tits, NOT "it" the way homophobes refer to someone trangendered.

thought your father was dead set against you dressing like a girl? and since you fully transitioned then why does it matter?

It does not matter now Karen- I was just curious if I was the only one this ever happened too. I lived most of my life as male, cross dressing when I could. Finally transitioned at age 50/ Wish it had been sooner

well I guess I'm alone in the queer experience. I would have thought that having beautiful breasts would have led to showing them off- under the right circumstances. And that would have led to masculine attention. That alone is really thrilling. Nobody else?

I love male attention, but I don't have any breasts... yet!

(02-05-2014, 10:53 PM)Connie Wrote:  Have any of you experienced anything like this? perhaps not leading to transgender, as my case, but at least altering your sexual orientation?

No, can't say that I have.

Connie, I did, indeed, experiment with gay sex years ago, when my understanding of my GID was no where near formed. It di not seem right for me then. Now, things are viewed from a different perspective. On one hand, I am married. No idea how that may or may not change as I move further down this road. And herbs and pharma HRT have virtually destroyed my libido, which further "dampens"
However, that said, I will confess quite freely that on recent occasions, when dressed and at a club, a part of me, small though it is, has somewhat longed for an attractive tall (sigh) gentleman to approach and ask me to dance.
No idea what I would do if it happened...I have been "out" for such a short time, I sometimes feel as though I am a naive seventeen year old girl at her first dance, insecure and unsure what to expect. Lol
Its a crazy ride, and I just dont know where it is going...Tongue


I would rather seriously doubt that gender realignment in any way physical or psychological way influences sexual preference. What I suspect happens is that some of us have deeply repressed both our gender identity and our sexual preference. Releasing one, coincidentally releases the other.

And I think some ...particularly those CDrs who claim to only feel attracted to men when dressed...are simply deeply closeted sexually, and feel the need the pretense of femininity as an excuse for their sexuality.

Kim, I can understand that way of thinking, but I tend to disagree, generally speaking, of course.
I know that is a commonly echoed theme in some quarters, particularly among those who are gay themselves.
But I still disagree, and here is why.
It is human nature to try to categorize people into neat and tidy categories that meet commonly understood stereotypes. It makes life much simpler. However, people do not always cooperate. Tee hee.
It is especially attractive to categorize if that allows someone (not referring to anyone) reinforces ones own insecurity about identity. There is perceived safety in numbers. And I hear it all the time. In the same way, as I know you know from the other board, debate continues in the TG world as to whether all CDs are really in some form actually the same as TS.
It seems to me that it is far more likely that, just as there is no real binary in gender, that there is also no real binary in sexuality. Sure, some people are clearly and firmly at one pole, either totally straight or totally gay, but the main body of people are, I think, probably somewhere else, and merely adopt rigid positions through social conditioning. I hesitate to say somwhere in between, or in the middle, because that, too, is an oversimplification. The worlds of gender and sexuality are, for me, like brilliant, many faceted diamonds. People, far from being rigidly placed in polar positions, tend to defy simple binary classifications, and, rather, are more like different facets of those two diamonds, and no two are exactly the same. Trying to place them into neat little boxes, while convenient, does little to promote real understanding nor is it, for me at least, conducive to the overall spiritual welfare of those individuals or to anyone.
That said, there are, of course, people who fail to understand this and spend their time trying to force themselves to conform to one of society's categories, often driving themselves crazy in the process.
Of course, that is just my opinion...Tongue

I will shut up

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