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What's good about masculinity?


Hey ladies! I'm doing a little social experiment and am asking for your help because you have a unique perspective I can't tap into any where else. I posted a similar question in the bio males, gender identity subforum. Anyway, I am a bio male who struggles with his birth sex (transgender) and I often wonder, "what's so great about being masculine that I should WANT to be a male?" What attributes do males typically posses that are highly regarded by you, or in our culture in general? I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a minute to list as many things as you can think of, that you love or even envy about masculinity. Things such as strength and courage just to get you started. Thanks so much, I really appreciate all of you for humoring me.

A list:


When I think of masculinity vs femininity, I don't think of things like strength or courage. I guess the main difference to me would be simple (masc) vs complex (fem). Things like formal wear, grooming, decor, etc, I see masculine as being very basic, simple, uncomplicated, and functional but with its own sort of grace, I guess. I think there's something really beautiful and striking about that.

I hope that's what you were looking for?

Ooo okay I love traditionally masculine men mmmmmmm I could talk about this all day ha ha ha. The things I admire are (some of these aren't politically correct; not really sorry about that) :

- Strength, obviously.

- This is a little shallow, but size. I love how men are taller and bigger. Makes my knees weak. Blush

- Aggressiveness, not aggression in the sense of violence, but sureness and confidence in making decisions quickly or pursuing what one wants.

- Protection. I think there's a difference between the protectiveness a woman has and the kind a man has. With women, it's more of a "shielding" kind. Men seem more willing to not only shield, but to go on the offense. I feel like they'd be quicker to fight back against any threats (not saying women wouldn't, but I think men are quicker on the draw and more capable as well).

- The level of selflessness to more willingly do the dirty work or dangerous things. Men are more likely to have outdoor jobs where they have to work in any and all weather, men are more likely to join the military, etc.

- Resilience. Our society is more geared toward showing all the problems women have to deal with. But men are more likely to be homeless, the court system is more against them than it is against women, the world in general honestly comes down harder on men than it does on women. Yet they brave it everyday while doing all the things I've listed already.

Masculinity is amazing. Men are amazing. Wow. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Er, was this even what you were looking for? Sorry if it wasn't. It felt good to gush, in any case. Tongue

YES!!!! Thank you, that's exactly what I'm looking for. And it's nothing I would have come up with myself. Thank You, thank you, thank you. Anyone else?

Men forgive and forget more easily, whereas for women it can be a real struggle to come to terms with some things and just accept them as they are, and move on.

Men generally seem more emotionally stable.

Men don't overthink things as much.

I want to travel and take the road less travelled, but I often think I wouldn't feel entirely safe without a man with me (or a big dog!)

Men give better massages in my opinion - stronger, bigger hands.

I can run and jump into a man's arms and trust that he will (likely) catch me (;

I think that is all I've got.

(11-03-2014, 06:15 AM)Outofstyle Wrote:  Men give better massages in my opinion - stronger, bigger hands.

It's funny you mentioned this. Most of the massage therapists I've seen are women. However, one male massage therapist I've seen is definitely one of my favorites. He seems to be real knowledgeable about what he's doing and he goes the extra mile to make sure I get the best massage possible.

A friend and I were discussing about this a few weeks ago. Physically, the male always has an upper hand over the female body.

For females, we have a biological body clock that is ticking - fast. But as for males, they can reproduce all the way up till they're old. And so in relationships, males can have a "back up plan" so to speak. They always have a chance to look for another mate no matter how old they are. However, for women, we have a prime age and after that peak, nobody really wants us anymore. People will always favor the younger women.

Also, women are extremely emotionally unstable, and definitely not as sociable as men!

Few of the advantages I can think of at the top of my head Smile

This paragraph by Sylvia Plath immediately comes to mind:

Being born a woman is an awful tragedy. Yes, my consuming desire to mingle with road crews, sailors and soldiers, bar room regulars—to be a part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording—all is spoiled by the fact that I am a girl, a female always in danger of assault and battery. My consuming interest in men and their lives is often misconstrued as a desire to seduce them, or as an invitation to intimacy. Yet, God, I want to talk to everybody I can as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night.

You can open all your own jars.

Big Grin

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