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FAQ-What is 5-alpha reductase?


What is 5-alpha-reductase and what does it do?

Two 5-alpha-reductase (5aR) iso-enzymes have been identified: (type 1) 5-alpha-reductase, and (type 2) 5-alpha-reductase.
  • Type 1 5aR has been found in various parts of the body including sebaceous glands, the epidermis, sweat glands, nervous system cells and in hair follicles (dermal papilla, outer root sheath, and matrix). In skin, type 1 5aR activity is primarily concentrated in sebaceous glands of the face and scalp. It is also found in the liver, adrenals and kidneys.
  • Type 2 5aR has been found in hair follicles as well (dermal papilla, the inner and outer sheath, sebaceous ducts and proximal inner root sheath), the prostate, testicles and liver.
  • Both types of 5aR can combine with testosterone to form the potent male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which has a strong affinity for androgen receptors and is responsible for triggering the miniaturization of hair follicles in the scalp that leads to hair loss. At this time it is not known how much circulating (in the blood) vs. locally produced (in the cells) DHT contribute to hair loss, relative to each other. Propecia is the only FDA approved drug that combats hair loss by attempting to inhibit the formation of DHT by binding with 5aR.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=6847]


Androgen induction of steroid 5 alpha-reductase may be mediated via insulin-like growth factor-I.

Male breast cancer and 5α-reductase inhibitors finasteride and dutasteride.

Saw palmetto seems to decrease estrogen levels in the body. Taking saw palmetto along with estrogen pills might decrease the effectiveness of estrogen pills.

Progesterone cream can help to reduce the prostate size. Progesterone's inhibitory effect on 5 alpha reductase is far more effective than Proscar which is standard agents used in traditional medicine to cure BPH. All men over age 40 should consider natural progesterone replacement therapy, or even earlier if there is a history of prostate caner or BPH. The amount needed is 8 - 12 mg a day (1/8 tsp -1/4 tsp twice daily). Men should apply directly to their scrotum (testical sac) twice daily. This allows it to get into the prostate receptors.

(08-06-2014, 11:08 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Saw palmetto seems to decrease estrogen levels in the body. Taking saw palmetto along with estrogen pills might decrease the effectiveness of estrogen pills.

Reason enough to avoid SP in your program?

Clara Smile

(08-06-2014, 11:17 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  
(08-06-2014, 11:08 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Saw palmetto seems to decrease estrogen levels in the body. Taking saw palmetto along with estrogen pills might decrease the effectiveness of estrogen pills.

Reason enough to avoid SP in your program?

Clara Smile

Like throwing money out the window. Wink

(08-06-2014, 11:33 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(08-06-2014, 11:17 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  
(08-06-2014, 11:08 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Saw palmetto seems to decrease estrogen levels in the body. Taking saw palmetto along with estrogen pills might decrease the effectiveness of estrogen pills.

Reason enough to avoid SP in your program?

Clara Smile

Like throwing money out the window. Wink

My thoughts exactly, Lotus. Thanks.

Clara Smile

What would you suggest lotus for someone in their peak (t wise) for keeping t and dht at bay?

(09-06-2014, 03:01 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  
(08-06-2014, 11:33 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(08-06-2014, 11:17 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  
(08-06-2014, 11:08 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Saw palmetto seems to decrease estrogen levels in the body. Taking saw palmetto along with estrogen pills might decrease the effectiveness of estrogen pills.

Reason enough to avoid SP in your program?

Clara Smile

Like throwing money out the window. Wink

My thoughts exactly, Lotus. Thanks.

Clara Smile

Big Grin We like to save people's hard earned money!

(09-06-2014, 10:34 PM)bobie Wrote:  What would you suggest lotus for someone in their peak (t wise) for keeping t and dht at bay?

Think in terms of how much we T produce in a day, the graph below shows peak serum Testoserone levels. Now, would it make better sense to attack it at its peak?, or influence at its lowest level?.

Here's some basic T facts:

Men produce 3mg to 10mg of T per day, and of that 4% gets converted to DHT and .02% gets converted to estrogen, (estradiol)

The prostate converts 95% of T to DHT by 5 alpha reductase, ( 5ar).

That small .02% of E is converted by the enzyme aromatase, this small percentage can be misleading, estradiol is 100 more potent at the receptor sites then T, that means T needs to balance at the same level to have the same affinity.

Bottom Line,

Diet also has to be a factor in reducing DHT, remember total Testosterone is not bio-active. It's that 2-5% free T that's the issue. I'd concentrate on DHT, it's the main culprit in preventing NBE.

Here's an article from live strong (they provide excellent info, source material is listed too).

Can Foods and Vitamins Stop DHT?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Cant say i had ever given much thought to testosterone levels during the day until now but that graph you attached was interesting (although is no longer showing up for me here) i have found and saved some others from google searches, is it better to take pm spread out through the day or to take it when t levels are at their lowest? currently after a month of pm i am taking 2800mg (8 350mg capsules) a day, 4 at about 6.30am when i get up and 4 at 6.30pm in the evening an hour or so before i eat dinner, i have just turned 32 and have (or had) high testosterone levels, i do actually have some 100mg spiro and 5mg finasteride tablets here (and some estradiol) but i have sworn to myself not to go there unless monitored and stick with the pm for the time being, if you where me what would you use instead of saw palmetto?

(11-06-2014, 08:51 PM)bobie Wrote:  Cant say i had ever given much thought to testosterone levels during the day until now but that graph you attached was interesting (although is no longer showing up for me here) i have found and saved some others from google searches, is it better to take pm spread out through the day or to take it when t levels are at their lowest? currently after a month of pm i am taking 2800mg (8 350mg capsules) a day, 4 at about 6.30am when i get up and 4 at 6.30pm in the evening an hour or so before i eat dinner, i have just turned 32 and have (or had) high testosterone levels, i do actually have some 100mg spiro and 5mg finasteride tablets here (and some estradiol) but i have sworn to myself not to go there unless monitored and stick with the pm for the time being, if you where me what would you use instead of saw palmetto?

Dang bobie,

I'm gonna have to open a no. 10 can of whoop-ass on ya now!, (kidding)

Meaning you have to factor in the whole growth-hormone cycle, diurnal cycle, metabolism, enzymes etc, lol. Rolleyes

Really though, not to confuse or complicate things I'd do what you've been doing normally.

However!!!, since you asked if I were you!!!, WinkRolleyes

I'd start with WP (white peony), go to transdermal and sublingual routes and aviod the first pass metabolism (still gets metabolized though).

Thanks lotus, keeping in mind i am in the uk and would prefer to source within the uk (makes getting more easier) is there a particular brand of white peony you would recommend? or does this look ok

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