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Blocking DHT...(tmi warning)



How do you recognize access DHT?, here's a few signs to look for,
  • Excess body hair growth
  • An increase in aggression/starting new projects
  • Hairs around the nipples, chin (ladies)
  • Hair loss (check the hairbrush for increased amounts of hair)
  • As crazy as it sounds, an increase in libido
  • Oily skin

Credit-Isbelle for the list

Why does DHT get such a bad Rap?, well for starters it the KING of Androgens and seriously hampers breast growth, and once DHT is converted from Free Testosterone it can't be converted back to its free state making it unavailable (useless). (Stops boob growth) the dirty rotten!!

The problem being that once it (DHT) enters into receptors it locks it up, and thereby making Aromatase an after thought, Aromatase is enzyme that converts free T to estrogen. (Aka boob growth)

Some DHT facts-
Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone that stimulates the development of male characteristics (an androgen). It is made through conversion of the more commonly known androgen, testosterone. Almost 10% of the testosterone produced by an adult each day is converted by the testes and prostate (in men), the ovaries (in women), the skin and other parts of the body to dihydrotestosterone.

How is dihydrotestosterone controlled?
The amount of dihydrotestosterone present in the body from day to day depends on the amount of testosterone present. When levels of testosterone increase, more of it is converted to dihydrotestosterone and so levels of dihydrotestosterone therefore also increase as a result. (A Thoery of mine Rolleyes is that an increase in Total T will see a correlating rise in FREE T which through Aromatase gets converted to Estrogen). This is where bio-males grows boobs, (you know, in the absence of ovaries).

Control of dihydrotestosterone levels in the body is therefore achieved through control of testosterone production, which is controlled by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. In response to decreasing levels of testosterone (and therefore reduced amounts of dihydrotestosterone), the hypothalamus releases gonadotrophin-releasing hormone which travels to the pituitary gland, stimulating it to produce and release luteinising hormone into the bloodstream. Luteinising hormone in the blood then travels to the Leydig cells in the testes in men (or ovaries in women) and stimulates them to produce more testosterone. As testosterone in the blood increases, more of it is also converted to dihydrotestosterone, resulting in higher levels of dihydrotestosterone as well.

As blood levels of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone increase, this feeds back to suppress the production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus which, in turn, suppresses production of luteinising hormone by the pituitary gland. Levels of testosterone (and thus dihydrotestosterone) begin to fall as a result, so negative feedback decreases and the hypothalamus resumes secretion of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone.

What happens if I have too much dihydrotestosterone?
Too much dihydrotestosterone, often resulting from excess testosterone production, has variable effects on men and women. It is unlikely that levels of dihydrotestosterone will be raised before the start of puberty. It is also unlikely that adult men with too much dihydrotestosterone would undergo recognisable changes. Women with too much dihydrotestosterone may develop increased body, facial and pubic hair growth (called hirsutism), stopping of menstrual periods (amenorrhoea) and increased acne. Abnormal changes to the genitalia may also occur in women with too much dihydrotestosterone.

So as you age the prostrate grows, and as a result DHT will also grow causing a host of problems as we know. And of course we have meds for that.

How do you block DHT?

We use Herbals and prescription MEDs, (diet helps too) Herbal and Pharma both carry risks though, it's important to consult with your physician before starting a course of either.


* Finasteride - this drug is approved for both BPH and male pattern baldness. Researchers from George Washington University reported in the Journal of Sexual Medicine that Propecia (finasteride) may be linked to a side effect of sexual dysfunction, which may be permanent, i.e. the problem may persist even after the treatment is completed.

* Dunasteride is much more potent than finasteride. However, these types of medications may have side effects that persist even after treatment is over. Side effects may include erectile dysfunction, male breast cancer risk, and a diminished sex drive. Some studies suggest there may even be a higher risk of depression, memory loss and brain fog (inconclusive).


Saw palmetto-Beta-sitosterol is a natural alpha-adrenergic receptor blocker. Prevents DHT from accumulating in prostate tissue that would otherwise cause excessive cell growth and inflammation. The plant steroids in saw palmetto also act on progesterone receptors, an action that causes a reduction in estrogen levels.

Nettle Root--Binds to SHBG (hormone that binds to excess hormones by decreasing hormone levels), and decreases 5ar and aromatase. Taking this tends to increase estrogen and testosterone. Would need to be taken with a pro-aromatase, and maybe estrogen.

Pumpkin seed oil-Pumpkin Seed Oil: Has been demonstrated to inhibit DHT formation through the inhibitory effect on 5-alpha-reductase activity. Pumpkin seed oil breaks down DHT via the liver.

Reishi-reishi mushrooms significantly reduced levels of 5-alpha reductase, preventing conversion of testosterone into the more potent DHT. High levels of DHT are a risk factor for conditions such as benign prostatatic hypertrophy (BPH), acne, and baldness.

White Peony--Estrogenic, blocks 5ar and pro-aromatase - Strong.
A compound found in white peony inhibits the production of testosterone and promotes the activity of aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen.

Spearmint-anti-androgenic properties reduce the level of free testosterone in the blood, while leaving total testosterone and DHEAS unaffected.

Green Tea Epigallocatechin-Green tea (camellia)-Reduce's the conversion of free testosterone into DHT and also raises SHBG (sex-hormone-binding-globulin).

Pygeum-include phytosterols that inhibit the production of dht. Pygeum also reduce's prolacting levels and block the accumulation of cholesterol in the prostate. Prolactin increase's the uptake of testosterone by the prostate. Pygeum reduces the levels of DHT in the blood and reduces the number of sites where the dht can attach.

Chinese Skullcap Inhibits the 5alpha-reductase enzyme-
Baicalein has been shown to inhibit the 5alpha-reductase enzyme, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is strongly associated with the development of prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and prostate cancer. As such, baicalein is reported to be potentially useful for the prevention and/or treatment of androgen-dependent (testosterone-driven) disorders, including prostate enlargement and prostate cancer.

This is a partial list, other things to consider is diet,

Foods that block DHT

Wheat germ
Sesame oil
Canola oil
Macadamia nuts
Beta Sitosterol
Saw Palmetto
Pumpkin Seeds

Great post, but I have a few questions. Which brands of Saw Palmetto or Pygeum should I buy? Does it matter? Is there some particular (important) detail that varies between brands?

Also, are any of these bad to mix, and what sort of dosages should one take?

(16-06-2014, 07:40 PM)Trixy Wrote:  Great post, but I have a few questions. Which brands of Saw Palmetto or Pygeum should I buy? Does it matter? Is there some particular (important) detail that varies between brands?

Also, are any of these bad to mix, and what sort of dosages should one take?

Hi Trixy,

The ones that are standardized (basically, tested fur purity) and from a reputable manufacture is about the best way to go for herbals.

There are so many variables here it will make your head spin when embarking on NBE. For example Nettle Root goes after DHT but it also increases T and E and some other confusing things (aka-SHBG), so depending what you are dominate in, its the resulting factor, so you'd have to counter with another supplement, (ie White Peony Root). I know total confusion.

Another is saw palmetto, again it's targeted for BPH and lowering DHT, however it also lowers prolactin levels making it anti-estrogenic.

Pharma's no better, the health risks are a scary thought, all you have to do is read the side effects and testimonials to be informed there.

So it helps to have a current set of labs indicating the test results first, have you had one done recently?

Easy fixes are diet, some of which has been listed and with other info in the FAQ-Herbal Section, (foods and herbs). There's also a herb-interaction thread made by Peggy linked with WEBMD.

The choice is ultimately yours, my opinion these days is to go directly after DHT leaving total T and Free T unopposed and left to be converted by Aromatase to E.

Again, that's just my opinion.

And so far White Peony and Reishi are the only ones imo (more research is still needed though) to solve it. No Guarantee's there either.


This thread mentions pharma drugs, herbs, and food.

It obviously needs to be divided into three seperate threads and each placed into its own subforum. What if some poor helpless creature got the wrong idea and decided for themselves what to do with their bodies based upon the info contained here?


(16-06-2014, 10:02 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  This thread mentions pharma drugs, herbs, and food.

It obviously needs to be divided into three seperate threads and each placed into its own subforum. What if some poor helpless creature got the wrong idea and decided for themselves what to do with their bodies based upon the info contained here?


You're so bad, Sarah!

Clara Wink

Don't blame me! Lotus is lobbing softballs at me lmao.

Anyways, to make my point perfectly clear..sometimes dividing ideas that should really be grouped together into different threads makes information more difficult to obtain, rather than easier...and no one wants that.

(16-06-2014, 10:02 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  This thread mentions pharma drugs, herbs, and food.

It obviously needs to be divided into three seperate threads and each placed into its own subforum. What if some poor helpless creature got the wrong idea and decided for themselves what to do with their bodies based upon the info contained here?


Hmm, then we need to call it the dirty rotten scrounge or scoundrel, and please throw in the kitchen sink, (well, just because!), and we don't want the rest to feel left out or lonely.


(16-06-2014, 10:34 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Don't blame me! Lotus is lobbing softballs at me lmao.

Anyways, to make my point perfectly clear..sometimes dividing ideas that should really be grouped together into different threads makes information more difficult to obtain, rather than easier...and no one wants that.

Sara, all one has to do is re-read the threads of Abi or Isabelle to know that's not always the case, biology, anatomy and theoretics aren't always a hot read here, that's a shame though. If more members were willing to learn they'd find out that NBE isn't about the KISS method, how many success stories can be counted just by using limited NBE products. How many products or how complicated was chiyomilks program, Isabelle, Abi, Eve or Tibetan. Please, you peel back the layers of those programs and we'll see multiple levels of research and experimentation.

I'll admit, translating scientific research into definable terms or material for BN is no easy task. In fact, why don't we see more scientific research threads?, or supply info for NBE other then social material. Sure the social side of BN is a wonderful option to have, but does it grow boobies?.

If not us here at BN, who then pushes the boundaries of posting informative info?. Don't see a PHD knocking at the door, I'm obliviously not one, but I do understand NBE. For the amount of info I've posted and shared here it would equal a book or two, which is all free and not for profit, which obviously is not why I'm here.

Why haven't you posted research? (That's not meant to be harsh), you clearly have the knowledge. We've had some great contributors regarding research and training threads here. Ask yourselves, why did they stop posting?, I know some of you know the answer.

Somebody else should pick up the slack!!, please count the amount of social threads that are posted daily, yes I enjoy them too.

Are we not here to grow boobs????


(17-06-2014, 12:09 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(16-06-2014, 10:34 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Don't blame me! Lotus is lobbing softballs at me lmao.

Anyways, to make my point perfectly clear..sometimes dividing ideas that should really be grouped together into different threads makes information more difficult to obtain, rather than easier...and no one wants that.

Sara, all one has to do is re-read the threads of Abi or Isabelle to know that's not always the case, biology, anatomy and theoretics aren't always a hot read here, that's a shame though. If more members were willing to learn they'd find out that NBE isn't about the KISS method, how many success stories can be counted just by using limited NBE products. How many products or how complicated was chiyomilks program, Isabelle, Abi, Eve or Tibetan. Please, you peel back the layers of those programs and we'll see multiple levels of research and experimentation.

I'll admit, translating scientific research into definable terms or material for BN is no easy task. In fact, why don't we see more scientific research threads?, or supply info for NBE other then social material. Sure the social side of BN is a wonderful option to have, but does it grow boobies?.

If not us here at BN, who then pushes the boundaries of posting informative info?. Don't see a PHD knocking at the door, I'm obliviously not one, but I do understand NBE. For the amount of info I've posted and shared here it would equal a book or two, which is all free and not for profit, which obviously is not why I'm here.

Why haven't you posted research?, you clearly have the knowledge. We've had some great contributors regarding research and training threads here. Ask yourselves, why did they stop posting?, I know some of you know the answer.

Somebody else should pick up the slack!!, please count the amount of social threads that are posted daily, yes I enjoy them too.

Are we not here to grow boobs????

Threads in scientific nature (2 or 3 out of 60 posts)


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