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Southern Comfort Conference /Atlanta


Thanks Sammie and Clara. No nerves at the moment (thanks to PM?), but still more than two months to go.

Sammie, I hadn't appreciated that the rhino was one of the surprise members of the party about which you are making a mystery.Rolleyes How is she getting to Atlanta?Dodgy Your calling her a sow reminds me of the incident a few years ago when a passenger insisted that one of the major airlines had to carry their "companion" pig in the business class seat that its owner booked for it. The pig decided to visit the tourist class cabin en route and caused general havoc before escapiing unescorted into the destination airport after landing.

Clara. Yes, one of the big attractions of SCC is that it is a 'protected' environment. On the other hand, I don't foresee too much opportunity for advance practice before then without unduly rocking the boat at this end. Time will show.

Hugs all round


I was looking into how to get to the hotel from the airport since the distance is 27 miles. It turns out that there is are MARTA red line trains every 10-12 minutes direct from the airport, taking 39 minutes to a station (Dunwoody) very close to the hotel, and the fare for someone over 65 is only $1 ($3 for lesser mortals). Since train travel of various types has long been one of my primary means of escaping from GD, this is a bonus that suits me down to the ground, but it occurred to me that the information might also be useful to others in the group.


Thats great Annie! What a deal! Sigh...I am afraid, though that dear Sammie is incapable of travelling light, and so I have rented a car...but the way things are going I may need to upgrade to a with that damned Rhino in tow. I swear she is going to need an entire row on the plane. I may need to rent a trailer for crying out loud! Sigh....

(25-06-2014, 07:51 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Thats great Annie! What a deal! Sigh...I am afraid, though that dear Sammie is incapable of travelling light, and so I have rented a car...but the way things are going I may need to upgrade to a with that damned Rhino in tow. I swear she is going to need an entire row on the plane. I may need to rent a trailer for crying out loud! Sigh....

Maybe the pilots should play this song when you and the rhino are flying to Atlanta? Big Grin

That would be such a bad idea, Flame. The last time something like that happened the a Red Cross had to appeal for additional blood donors.

(26-06-2014, 01:31 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  That would be such a bad idea, Flame. The last time something like that happened the a Red Cross had to appeal for additional blood donors.

But it's such a catchy and fun song! Tongue

Wow...I cant believe all these months have gone by and we are now getting so close. Yay! Shoot, I still have so much to do to get ready!!!!!
Less than a month to go! If you are still wavering, it is put up or shut up time.
I just checked with the hotel, and they still have rooms available at the scc rate of $109 per night, but they are filling quickly

Currently, I show BN members attending as Clara, Annie, Sarah, Arielle, Whybreasts, Elisa and myself. This does not include other friends each of us may have alsi goung (I have three other Michigan girlfriends also joining us) I will be happy to coordinate communications if so desired. To help, can each of you drop me a PM with your planned arrival date and times plus a way to contact you? A cell number is preferred if you are comfortable. I can then cimpile the info and get a list to the rest so we can communicate essily on site. Texting would be the best I am sure. If you have concerns or questions let me know.

But there is still time to join us! C'mon girls! This is going to be a great party and a great experience for all of us. Some of know who I mean...are dying to come, you know you are....just do it!

If you cannot make it, hopefully we will be able to send regular reports plus there is the possibility of us doing a live video hookup from the hotel (thanks, Lenneth!)

Hope to see you all there!


Sammie do you think we really need pictures and videos. Maybe we should let everyone use there own imagination. Robin

Hi Robin,
I am thinking now, after talking to others, that it is not a good idea to do video, or maybe just a video chat one night...

Sammie I was really just kidding. Also I good at ducking out of photos no matter how I'm dressed. Robin

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