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herbs in addition to hormones?


So I'm currently taking female hormones. I was wondering if Pueraria Mirifica or Fenugreek in addition to the hormones would help? Or if they'll basically be doing the same job?


If you're taking female hormones, I think so long as you're taking adequate doses and the hormones are of sufficient potency, there's no need to use NBE herbs. Keep in mind regardless of what you're using, it takes time for your body to develop breast tissue.

It's likely any NBE herbs could actually end up hindering your prgress with medications, and there's potential medical danger that could arise from the extra hormones.

I definitely recommend you avoid it.

Hrm cause I ask because someone I was talking to grew 46DD breasts just on fenugreek. Fenugreek only works by being phytoestrogenic correct? So it's basically going to be doing the exact same thing normal hormones would be doing? Altho one would gather the hormones would probably be more stronger..

(26-06-2014, 06:39 PM)Moobdood Wrote:  Hrm cause I ask because someone I was talking to grew 46DD breasts just on fenugreek. Fenugreek only works by being phytoestrogenic correct? So it's basically going to be doing the exact same thing normal hormones would be doing? Altho one would gather the hormones would probably be more stronger..

Hormones should be sufficient to get your breast development going. I doubt you need to double up on both hormones and herbs. Bear in mind the vast majority of genetic females develop a set of fully developed breasts just fine without taking herbs.

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