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Is it just me?


My own two cents worth:

I enjoy many of the threads, and those that I do not enjoy I avoid.

I enjoy the scientific information and think it would be a mistake to push it away.

I can understand the desire to deal separately with non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical methods but to date have not found the mix oppressive in any sense.

I hope members will avoid "my method is superior to yours" commentary.

I have not been a member for as long as some, but neither am I a newbie. I am relatively hard to offend.

In my previous post in this thread I was trying to take a conciliatory tone, but I think the time has come to speak my mind. While I am infinitely grateful to Eve for providing this forum, and I have nothing but admiration for Lotus's extremely valuable research work, and I can understand both of their desires to organize the forum and Eve's absolute right to do so, I believe that allowing sub-forums to breed like rabbits, however well intentioned, has seriously misfired and has proven highly divisive (quite apart from rendering the forum increasingly difficult to navigate and creating uncertainty as to where to post). Instead of having a single forum (pictures apart) that used comfortably to accommodate a wide range of interests in NBE, we now have a whole range of special interest groups who are increasingly at each others' throats. It is obvious from the responses in this thread that many members feel that their own interests are threatened, and when even the OP talks about 'taking a break and hibernating' then enough is enough. My own interest in this forum has always been what it can do to help me with my gender issues, and I have tried to give back, but some of the posts in this thread are beginning to make me feel unwelcome.
How can we put things back together again? Since there is now an endocrinology forum, I would suggest that most of Lotus' and others' research belongs there, and then the original forum can go back to accommodating everything else. So far as synthetics are concerned, I cannot see the objection to bio-identical human hormones (i don't expect everyone to agree)' and this should surely accommodate most of the members whose use of E2 is apparently now making them unwelcome in certain quarters here. Times change, and there is apparently a greater willingness by certain members of the medical profession to prescribe E2 outside of the bounds of the Benjamin protocol.

Et tu pansy? Et tu?

Sad I won't post about hormones anymore then. I don't think people will stop asking about them though! lol

I agree with Annie, all these subforums have ruined this place. I'll fade into the background for awhile. Take care, all! Big Grin

I apologize for my post in thread. It just seems that lot of forum members are switching to synthetic. I'm not against it, and I have started to become intrigued by it. However I should not be doing synthetics, and that is my problem. Again I'm sorry about my post.

I don't think people realize that this is the only active forum devoted to breast growth for bio-males irrespective of methodology. The other forums that have been mentioned as alternatives, e.g., Susan's Place are not concerned with it, and don't even condone talking about different methods, regimens, the science, or least of all, the reporting of results achieved. This is it, guys. Those of us who started our programs on herbs, stuck with the program for many months, obtained results, reported on what did and didn't work, and now finally decided to switch to pharma for personal reasons, have no place to go if this forum is going to become "herbs only". Maybe some don't believe that we who have graduated to pharma need a place to talk breast growth anymore. Maybe some don't feel that newcomers need the advice of long time posters. Maybe some don't think that gender identity issues are important enough to warrant space on this board. Well, that's the message that's being sent!

I just want to say that of all the long time posters on this board, and there have been a few in my time here, NONE has been as helpful to me in navigating the course of my NBE journey as Samantha Rogers has. To learn this evening, after returning from participating in the Chicago Pride Parade where the ENTIRE transgender spectrum celebrated their unity, and where 1 million on-lookers cheered us on in our celebration of pride in who we are, it's very sad to find that our smallish world here at BN can't find the room to accept even a tiny bit of diversity in what we stand for. That so disappoints me.

I accept your apology, Whybreasts, but you can't apologize for the larger tone of exclusivity that has been voiced in this thread.



I found this site about 2 years ago and I thought to myself omg I has found my home. I have had feeling for all my life and never understood them until a mistyped search brought this site up, and I thought wow this is me. I wanted to just grow breasts at first and after lurking for a wile I decided to try some herbs to grow them I started with fenugreek and saw palmento at first for about a year then I switched to pm for another year and started to get reasults. While on pm I was calmer and something inside just felt right like this was who I was supposed to be. When my pm ran out my panic attacks came back full force. I could not take it anymore and finally told my wife everything and started to see a physicologist and after many sessions it looks like I will be starting on estrogen to bring the female side in me out. What makes me sad with this thread is that eventhough I started my journey with herbs and am moving toward pharms with dr supervision I now feel unwelcome at this site. I don't know if that is what was ment by some of the post here but that is how it is taken. It seems that we all started this journey for one reason or another and we all expect to get to different points in transition is there not enough room here for all of us here wether we use herbs or pharms. I would hate to loose this site as you are all kindred spirits and I feel that this is home to me.

So Long and thanks for all the fish.

Sadly like many others here, I am on the route to pharma's and don't wish to be part of a community that doesn't accept me. So I wish you all the best in your journeys, wherever it may lead you.

take care


I certainly wasn't trying to make anyone feel unwelcome, and I apologize if my previous post had that effect. I have nothing against those who are using synthetics, and I certainly applaud those who are doing it with medical supervision. However, I kind of echo the sentiments of Pansy-Mae who was another of the members who was active when I joined and was another frequent poster whose postings caused me to want to join.

I've made myself scarce in recent months because I really have very little in common with most of those who are posting these days. I have very little free time thanks to my job, and I prefer to use it for something other than where I see this forum going at the moment. I've also grown tired of all the newbies posting the same questions rather than reading the FAQ or trying to search for things. Then again, I tend to be more self-sufficient than a lot of others. I've always had to rely on myself for nearly everything most of my life.

I realize change is inevitable . . . except from a vending machine. This current change does not enrich my life so I have largely withdrawn. I check back from time to time, and if I feel the desire to comment, I do. If anyone decides to PM me, it could be weeks or months before I log in and see it so don't message me with anything urgent or important. I don't communicate outside this forum with anyone from here, and I have no real-life friends. I am an island, and after 50 years as a societal reject, I have no desire to even try to integrate any more. If I never come back, well, I'm sure I won't exactly be missed.

What i don't understand is why is there not enough room here for all of us I feel sad that this thread has divided us so much. I know i have no ill feelings to anyone in this group and i hope to continue to make friends here as this is the only place where i feel safe talking about what i'm going through.

Can we all just take a step back & take a look at how this looks?

Now can we all just please pour some water on this fire and stop fighting over this? Sad


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