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Dealing with NBE and thyroid issues


I have a question that I am hoping I can get some input on. I tried to research it but I could not come up with anything definitive. I cant tell you how much I respect the members on here so any information, help or suggestions are sincerely appreciated.

To start with I am a 59 year old male and have been dabbling with nbe for about a year with weaker herbs such as fg and sp. I do have results but they are minimal.
My situation is, about 6 years ago I had sever hyper thyroid issues. They were so bad that they used radiation to eradicate the thyroid. This changed my life, it has not been pleasant dealing with this trying to get some type of normalcy in the way I feel. The biggest problem is always being tired. Before this I was a non stop with energy but it was false energy because of the thyroid. So for now I am taking 175MCG tablets of levothyroxin every day.

I have tried everything trying to get through my days without being exhausted by 3 pm everyday . Well about 2 months ago I had a friend tell me to try Maca. It didn't take long and I had my energy back, this was like a miracle pill for me. I felt great and I had my energy back.

So my question is this, I have recently started on PM and I am wondering if the Maca will be counterproductive along with the PM? It seems with the research I have done, Maca is more beneficial to woman for breast and butt growth but for men it is used for muscle growth, energy and virility. I hate to give up my Maca because it has literally given me my life back. I am hoping my research is wrong or misdirected. Thanks for any replies.


(02-07-2014, 01:53 PM)Big dreamer Wrote:  I have a question that I am hoping I can get some input on. I tried to research it but I could not come up with anything definitive. I cant tell you how much I respect the members on here so any information, help or suggestions are sincerely appreciated.

To start with I am a 59 year old male and have been dabbling with nbe for about a year with weaker herbs such as fg and sp. I do have results but they are minimal.
My situation is, about 6 years ago I had sever hyper thyroid issues. They were so bad that they used radiation to eradicate the thyroid. This changed my life, it has not been pleasant dealing with this trying to get some type of normalcy in the way I feel. The biggest problem is always being tired. Before this I was a non stop with energy but it was false energy because of the thyroid. So for now I am taking 175MCG tablets of levothyroxin every day.

I have tried everything trying to get through my days without being exhausted by 3 pm everyday . Well about 2 months ago I had a friend tell me to try Maca. It didn't take long and I had my energy back, this was like a miracle pill for me. I felt great and I had my energy back.

So my question is this, I have recently started on PM and I am wondering if the Maca will be counterproductive along with the PM? It seems with the research I have done, Maca is more beneficial to woman for breast and butt growth but for men it is used for muscle growth, energy and virility. I hate to give up my Maca because it has literally given me my life back. I am hoping my research is wrong or misdirected. Thanks for any replies.

Maca is powerfully abundant in amino acids, phytonutrients, healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. This superfood (foods that are nutrient-dense and offer tremendous dietary and healing potential) has the ability to increase energy and stamina, oxygenate the blood, support neurotransmitter production, and enhance libido

Are you taking anything to try and cut down your testosterone ?

Is your thyroid completely gone? If not, pm ist one of the worst things you can do to your theroid, studies showed that high dosages of phytoestrogens may even lead to thyroid cancer.

(02-07-2014, 06:26 PM)isabellebs Wrote:  Is your thyroid completely gone? If not, pm ist one of the worst things you can do to your theroid, studies showed that high dosages of phytoestrogens may even lead to thyroid cancer.

Isabelle, I have never heard of this reaction to phytoestrogens. Do you have examples of these studies?

TIA - Erin

Thanks for the responses. Currently I am not taking anything to reduce testosterone.

As far as my thyroid it was basically eradicated with radiation. That's why I have to take the supplements.

If you are exhausted by 3 pm, you might need more thyroid medication or you might need to take a split dose. Most doctors rely almost entirely on TSH to determine proper dosing, and anything below 5 is considered normal. These doctors are 100% wrong, but it is nearly impossible to get them to change their paradigm.

You might need more than synthetic T4. You might need T3 as well. Natural thyroid might work better for you than synthetic since the natural thyroid also contains other thyroid hormones that your thyroid used to produce before they burned it out with radiation. You can learn more at, but as I said, it is nearly impossible to get a doctor to consider anything other than the standard line, and most hate natural thyroid, don't know how to manage dosing, and refuse to listen to the patient because blood tests tell more about a person than the symptoms they experience and suffer with every day.

I've never gotten anything other than a slightly larger butt from maca, and I'm a male, but my testosterone level is very low (235), and I can't get the treatment I need. Your energy issues could be related to low T. Again, it is nearly impossible to get a doctor to treat it until your total T is below 300, even if 400 might be low for you, and you have every symptom. It also doesn't matter if your free T is low. Until total T is below that arbitrary 300, most doctors will tell you there is nothing wrong with you, but you do have all these other medical conditions (all of them symptoms of low T) which require management.

Good luck fighting the establishment to get the care you need. I hope you're more successful than I've been these past 4 years. I've finally given up and reject most medical care preferring to die from my conditions rather than the incorrect treatments. It's cheaper and has fewer side effects. Honestly, what's the worst that happens if one refuses treatment--death? What's the outcome if one treats his/her medical conditions? Either way, you still die. It is just a matter of how and at what cost. I've grown tired of paying doctors to kill me slowly and at great expense. Then again, maybe you have a doctor who graduated in the upper half of his/her class.

(02-07-2014, 06:26 PM)isabellebs Wrote:  Is your thyroid completely gone? If not, pm ist one of the worst things you can do to your theroid, studies showed that high dosages of phytoestrogens may even lead to thyroid cancer.

This is nonsense. All the studies I could find ( demonstrate a weak protective effect of phytoestrogens with regard to TC (thyroid cancer.) In fact, numerous studies report a slight increase of TC risk with LOWER phytoestrogen intake, not high doses as you assert. Really, you need to read more than the title of a study to begin quoting results.

Hope this helps.

(06-07-2014, 04:14 PM)chrishoney Wrote:  
(02-07-2014, 06:26 PM)isabellebs Wrote:  Is your thyroid completely gone? If not, pm ist one of the worst things you can do to your theroid, studies showed that high dosages of phytoestrogens may even lead to thyroid cancer.

This is nonsense. All the studies I could find ( demonstrate a weak protective effect of phytoestrogens with regard to TC (thyroid cancer.) In fact, numerous studies report a slight increase of TC risk with LOWER phytoestrogen intake, not high doses as you assert. Really, you need to read more than the title of a study to begin quoting results.

Hope this helps.

I agree, I'm not too sure if that was even worth a reply though. I tend to ignore responses that just use a strawman argument without even providing a link to the studies they say they are quoting or being able to spell thyroid...

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