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My Bovine Ovary Program


I thought I would document this - as much for my own records and thoughts as well as for others.

I have chosen to go the bovine ovary route. After reading up on Transfemme and Swanson's BO, I was unsure which to try. So, I began on June 5 with Transfemme. Those have now run out and I have switched over to Swanson's BO (mainly because of the cost).

At this stage, I am not supplementing the Transfemme/BO with any other pills. I am not going the protein shake route, but I am consciously trying to consume more protein in my overall diet.

- Transfemme: 4 tablets AM, 4 tablet PM (June 5 - July 9)
- Swanson's BO: 6 tablets AM, 6 tablets PM (July 9 forward)

The Transfemme tablets were 500MG. Swanson's are 250MG. Apples to apples, the dosage would be 8 Swanson's AM & PM, but in researching, it seems the recommended max dosage for a male is 6 AM & PM.

At the start, my chest size was 40" and breast size 42.5"
As of July 10, chest is the same, breast is 43"

I can visibly notice that my nipples are always more extended and slightly puffier.

I am willing to write some of this off to psychosomatic, but general comments 1-month in...
- I have not experienced any soreness yet. But my nipples are more sensitive. Not "oh my God" more sensitive... but definitely noticeably.
- I *think* that my overall breasts are slightly puffier. My breast measurement is up 1/2 an inch, so I kind of think that the extended nipples would not account for all of that. Maybe just hopeful, though.
- No hardness developing behind the nipple/areola yet.
- I have not experienced any decrease in libido.
- I have not experienced any issues with reaching climax. Perhaps taking a bit longer to reach, though.
- However, I feel that I am no longer getting nearly as hard/long as I used to.
- I do not wake up any more with the normal AM hard-on.
- No emotional changes that I have noticed.
- No other weight redistribution.


Month 2 update...

- Swanson's BO: 6 tablets AM, 6 tablets PM

At the start, my chest size was 40" and breast size 42.5"
As of July 10, chest is the same, breast is 43"
As of August 12, breast is 43.5" (chest same)

Nipples & areola do not have any visible change in the last month - nipples maybe a touch larger. They do, however, feel different to the touch. The skin is much "softer". And while I haven't noticed the softness of my skin changing anywhere else on my body, the nipples are quite different feeling.

I am willing to write some of this off to psychosomatic, but general comments 2-months in...

- I've had a few days where I would say my breasts were sore... sort of an underlying "ache" more than sore.

- More sensitive to cold. I get very "perky" if the A/C is up high or in a cool breeze. Quite pleasurable!

- While my measurement has gone up only about half an inch, I notice a definite shape difference. My breasts seem to be rounding out on the sides and I notice my arms brushing up against them occasionally - not much bigger... just different.

- Nipples seem more straight-out. Before the BO, they pointed downward a bit

- I can sense a bit of a "bounce" inside my breasts when going down stairs. Not visible... but internally, I can feel movement.

- Some hardness developing behind the nipple/areola.

- Maybe a bit of decrease in libido... but only a bit if at all. However, climaxes are definitely different. I'm not getting quite as hard or long as I used to. When I used to come, that would generate a maximum erection. Not the case now. I start to come without that maximum hardness occurring... and it's really quite pleasurable (maybe only because it's different?). My climax seems to last a bit longer.

- Morning hard-ons are non-existant... unless there is some conscious mental or physical stimulus.

- I'm more "cuddly".

- No emotional changes that I have noticed.

- No other weight redistribution.

I am continuing on the BO by itself but have used my dosage from 6 to 8 tablets AM & PM.


Thanks for the info. I am considering going that route as well but just haven't taken the plunge yet. I would love to hear more about your progress. Feel free to PM me.

This is good to see please keep us informed and updates on your changes. I also just ordered some Swanson's BO and I'm interested in the results with different people

I'm starting on Swanson's and glad to know someone is seeing results. Please keep us posted so we know what to expect. I should have mine at the end of this week.........can't wait Smile

I'm about to place my first BO order in the coming week. Do you have any pre start recommendations? I'm 28 and I'm nervously excited to start this but I want make sure my head is on right.

Month 3 update...

- Swanson's BO: 8 tablets AM, 8 tablets PM

It's been an interesting month - particularly in terms of mental changes.

While my measurements have not changed in the last 30 days, I have experienced some very clear changes:

Libido. Very much reduced. Some minor/occasional interest but very, very reduced from prior.

Passive/aggressive. I am noticeably more passive. I first noticed it in my driving style. Having grown up in the northeast, I've been on the aggressive end of the scale. But now, I'm just fine hanging back... I would say on the passive end. Those that know me have also commented that I seem to be more "content" or "laid back" generally.

Penis & testicles. When I said no size difference, I meant the breasts. However, my penis & testicles are noticeably smaller. I'm flaccid all the time (except in cases with some solid coaxing) and my "little guy" looks like he's been exposed to cold water as a regular size now. My sack is also tighter/smaller and internally my testicles are smaller.

My impression is that my T to E ratio is "settling in"; the E certainly seems to be impacting other areas of me (other than the breasts this month). So my plan is to stay on the same dosage and seem what he next month brings to other physical changes.

After reading your thread here I have to say we seem to be going through very similar situations. My 2nd month of BO is almost over and I haven't seen much physical progress, however your comment about your nipples feeling softer I know exactly what you mean. They are slightly more sensitive as in I can feel them itching on my shirt sometimes. The softness is weird makes you want to keep touching them right?...

Hope you journey keeps taking you where you want to go I am about a month behind you so if you ever need to talk send me a pm.. I usually check everyday even though I don't always post.

Good Luck.

I have been considering Bo and was wondering when your next update would come also how does it make you feel emotionally and if you recommend it to others Smile

you will like to stay like this permanently?
I think once your testicles/penis are small there is no going back. you know this?

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