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How Girly-girl do you want to be?


From Wikipedia:

Girly girl is a slang term for a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in an especially feminine style, such as wearing pink, using make-up, using perfume, dressing in skirts, dresses and blouses, and talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl.

So, I was wondering if any of you gurls are, or would like to be, girly. I know that many women today look down on traditional femininity and avoid being labeled such, but I like the idea of being feminine in appearance and dress, even talk. It's something I have to develop, though, I'm not effeminate at all, and I have to make an effort to learn feminine mannerisms, body language, speech patterns, and just being cute....giggle. I suppose it's just a stage I'm in right now. I mean how girly can a 67 y.o. transgender be? ....LOL

Clara Smile


I think I display a feminine style more with my electronics than my clothes. My GPS and headphones are both pink. My wristwatch I think is an interesting case in this regard. Amazon describes it as being a unisex watch, but it has a dull pink color. The make (Timex Expedition) rather than the color I think is more unisex. A number of reviewers describe it as being a women's wristwatch, which I regard as being a reasonable assessment.

I suppose my penchant for Disney musicals speaks volume about my preference for girlishness. For what it's worth, I don't think pants should automatically be discounted as a number of them do have feminine decorations and styles.

(12-07-2014, 01:29 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  I mean how girly can a 67 y.o. transgender be? ....LOL

In the right circumstances you may have more opportunities than you may first anticipate. If you have a young granddaughter(s) or are a caretaker for female children, it's not unheard of for older gals to paint their nails pink or watch girly movies while babysitting or going on an outing. After all, think of all the girly things that are much enjoyable to do with someone than by yourself! (As a bonus, you may feel very feminine looking after and caring for children. Wink )

Meh. I don't like pink, or fucking musicals.

On the other hand, I do like girl talk, dresses, and makeup. I think the whole notion of girly is more of a stereotype than anything concrete. I guess if categorizing me is fun for you, then, by these standards, I would be 60% girly-girl.

LOL like that means anything!

(12-07-2014, 05:25 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Meh. I don't like pink, or fucking musicals.

Still don't like musicals? [Image: smiley-sad009.gif]

Maybe at the SCCC the other girls will keep pestering you until you agree to watch one....[Image: smiley-taunt003.gif]

(12-07-2014, 05:25 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  On the other hand, I do like girl talk, dresses, and makeup. I think the whole notion of girly is more of a stereotype than anything concrete. I guess if categorizing me is fun for you, then, by these standards, I would be 60% girly-girl.

LOL like that means anything!

I agree it's a stereotype, but I think it's still a useful term. By the way, what kind of dresses do you like? I don't think you've posted any pictures of you wearing a dress yet.

On another note, your newest avatar reminds me of an actress I saw in a movie. I think you look a lot like her. Her name is Florencia Lozano.


(Maybe it's the similarity with hair?)

Well, it's only natural for you to want to be girly, you ARE a girl inside!!
I never liked musicals either. If you have something to say, SAY it!! Besides, there's so many where they have some in them that can't sing a NOTE, so they SPEAK their vocals anyway!! Can you say, Rex Harrison. Sure, I knew you could!
Yes, but pants were originally made for men! Dresses, at least the frilly kind, not the ones religious figures wear and call, "robes", were made for women. Even mini skirts were made for men!! D'y'ever see "Ben Hur" or "Caligula"? (That's him on the far left.)
Over the millennia, clothes that were made for men eventually get taken over by women. I was just thinking about this this morning!! I kinda like baseball shirts, but, they can ONLY be found in the women's department these days!! In the 1600's, men wore tights! Now, you can't find them made for men, at least not as casual attire. Men wore pants, suits and ties, in the `30's, women started wearing them! Bell bottoms were originally made for men, sailors. In the `60's, people saw them on Gilligan and both sexes started wearing them!! In the early `80's, they suddenly became a women only thing!! In the early `60's, guys wore bathing suits and shorts that showed off their ENTIRE leg!! Eventually girls started to wear them and they became known as boy shorts and also became a women only thing! In the `80's, it suddenly became very risqué for a guy to show ANYTHING above his knees!! Does anybody recall the kinds of shorts daisy Duke on "The Dukes Of Hazzard" wore? VERY short shorts!! I wore those, too into the early `90's. Now, I can't FIND shorts that short and would get ALL kinds of razzing if I DID wear them!! Well, I'm now wearing shorts that go at least half way to my knees and some asshole pinhead at work calls THEM Daisy Dukes!!!! LMAO!!!! By the `70's, us guys were wearing gym shorts, the kind with the short slit up the outside of both legs. Now, ONLY girls can wear those!! UNLESS said guy is a sports type person professionally. In the `70's baseball shirts were worn by everyone. Suddenly, in the `80's, they became an all female thing, too!! If men are in charge, why don't they make the trend go the other way??? Women wear pantyhose, so why don't men wear them and make them an all male thing, or least something both sexes wear???
Personally, I wouldn't MIND wearing make-up, but it's a bit of work to get it done right. I'd LOVE to wear mini skirts pantyhose and tight t-shirts to show off my big tits, once I get them. I wouldn't mind having my hair look like theirs. I don't know that I'd go completely girly girl, just average girl.

(12-07-2014, 09:35 PM)Missed Miss Wrote:  Well, it's only natural for you to want to be girly, you ARE a girl inside!!
I never liked musicals either. If you have something to say, SAY it!! Besides, there's so many where they have some in them that can't sing a NOTE, so they SPEAK their vocals anyway!! Can you say, Rex Harrison. Sure, I knew you could!
Yes, but pants were originally made for men! Dresses, at least the frilly kind, not the ones religious figures wear and call, "robes", were made for women. Even mini skirts were made for men!! D'y'ever see "Ben Hur" or "Caligula"? (That's him on the far left.)
Over the millennia, clothes that were made for men eventually get taken over by women. I was just thinking about this this morning!! I kinda like baseball shirts, but, they can ONLY be found in the women's department these days!! In the 1600's, men wore tights! Now, you can't find them made for men, at least not as casual attire. Men wore pants, suits and ties, in the `30's, women started wearing them! Bell bottoms were originally made for men, sailors. In the `60's, people saw them on Gilligan and both sexes started wearing them!! In the early `80's, they suddenly became a women only thing!! In the early `60's, guys wore bathing suits and shorts that showed off their ENTIRE leg!! Eventually girls started to wear them and they became known as boy shorts and also became a women only thing! In the `80's, it suddenly became very risqué for a guy to show ANYTHING above his knees!! Does anybody recall the kinds of shorts daisy Duke on "The Dukes Of Hazzard" wore? VERY short shorts!! I wore those, too into the early `90's. Now, I can't FIND shorts that short and would get ALL kinds of razzing if I DID wear them!! Well, I'm now wearing shorts that go at least half way to my knees and some asshole pinhead at work calls THEM Daisy Dukes!!!! LMAO!!!! By the `70's, us guys were wearing gym shorts, the kind with the short slit up the outside of both legs. Now, ONLY girls can wear those!! UNLESS said guy is a sports type person professionally. In the `70's baseball shirts were worn by everyone. Suddenly, in the `80's, they became an all female thing, too!! If men are in charge, why don't they make the trend go the other way??? Women wear pantyhose, so why don't men wear them and make them an all male thing, or least something both sexes wear???
Personally, I wouldn't MIND wearing make-up, but it's a bit of work to get it done right. I'd LOVE to wear mini skirts pantyhose and tight t-shirts to show off my big tits, once I get them. I wouldn't mind having my hair look like theirs. I don't know that I'd go completely girly girl, just average girl.

one of my pet peves, it's somehow ok for them to copy us/take something over, but somehow wrong for us to do the same...DodgyAngry

Exactly!!!! Ain't that a bitch???
But, sadly, I think a large part of that is this great fear of men to be seen as gay or wannabe women. They have an ENORMOUS homophobia factor, for some reason. It's like they're scared shitless that their balls will suddenly vanish if they so much as THINK about anything fem!!
"Honey, can you hand me a tampon?"
"OOOOOH, NO!! NO WAY IN HELL!!!! If I even THINK about touching one of them, even with gloves on and fireplace tongs, my balls will drop off and I'll INSTANTLY turn gay!!!!"

"What's this t-shirt doing in my dresser????"
"It's YOUR t-shirt, hun, the one you let me wear last week, so, after I washed it, I put it back in your dresser."
"Get it the hell out of there, NOW!!!! It's got YOUR girl germs on it, now!!!! I can't EVER wear it again!!!!"
"Your DICK has my girl germs on it, too!! I see you're not afraid of it falling off when you fuck me!!!!"

In public, no desire to be girly at all. I only like feeling girly in my body.

If I suddenly turned 100% passable, frilly stuff still wouldn't be my thing. Unless, of course, it were the lingerie... but that wouldn't be for in-public either.

Perfume... nope. Makeup... as little as possible.

The glow of youthfulness and health is the presentation I'd be after.

My mannerisms would reflect what I feel to be the energy flow of a female. The energy of earthy fertility flowing up from toes and feet, through calves and inside of thighs. The energy of wind and sun entering at the hands and wrists flowing through the insides of arms, to be concentrated at the breasts. The energy of shoulders and neck, poised to be alert to what is behind her...

(13-07-2014, 06:18 AM)Lenneth Wrote:  
(12-07-2014, 09:35 PM)Missed Miss Wrote:  Well, it's only natural for you to want to be girly, you ARE a girl inside!!
I never liked musicals either. If you have something to say, SAY it!! Besides, there's so many where they have some in them that can't sing a NOTE, so they SPEAK their vocals anyway!! Can you say, Rex Harrison. Sure, I knew you could!
Yes, but pants were originally made for men! Dresses, at least the frilly kind, not the ones religious figures wear and call, "robes", were made for women. Even mini skirts were made for men!! D'y'ever see "Ben Hur" or "Caligula"? (That's him on the far left.)
Over the millennia, clothes that were made for men eventually get taken over by women. I was just thinking about this this morning!! I kinda like baseball shirts, but, they can ONLY be found in the women's department these days!! In the 1600's, men wore tights! Now, you can't find them made for men, at least not as casual attire. Men wore pants, suits and ties, in the `30's, women started wearing them! Bell bottoms were originally made for men, sailors. In the `60's, people saw them on Gilligan and both sexes started wearing them!! In the early `80's, they suddenly became a women only thing!! In the early `60's, guys wore bathing suits and shorts that showed off their ENTIRE leg!! Eventually girls started to wear them and they became known as boy shorts and also became a women only thing! In the `80's, it suddenly became very risqué for a guy to show ANYTHING above his knees!! Does anybody recall the kinds of shorts daisy Duke on "The Dukes Of Hazzard" wore? VERY short shorts!! I wore those, too into the early `90's. Now, I can't FIND shorts that short and would get ALL kinds of razzing if I DID wear them!! Well, I'm now wearing shorts that go at least half way to my knees and some asshole pinhead at work calls THEM Daisy Dukes!!!! LMAO!!!! By the `70's, us guys were wearing gym shorts, the kind with the short slit up the outside of both legs. Now, ONLY girls can wear those!! UNLESS said guy is a sports type person professionally. In the `70's baseball shirts were worn by everyone. Suddenly, in the `80's, they became an all female thing, too!! If men are in charge, why don't they make the trend go the other way??? Women wear pantyhose, so why don't men wear them and make them an all male thing, or least something both sexes wear???
Personally, I wouldn't MIND wearing make-up, but it's a bit of work to get it done right. I'd LOVE to wear mini skirts pantyhose and tight t-shirts to show off my big tits, once I get them. I wouldn't mind having my hair look like theirs. I don't know that I'd go completely girly girl, just average girl.

one of my pet peves, it's somehow ok for them to copy us/take something over, but somehow wrong for us to do the same...DodgyAngry

I don't think it's as much us trying to copy you as it is the fact that we live in a society where it is respectable and great to take on masculine traits , but femininity is seen as a weakness.

(13-07-2014, 05:46 PM)echapman Wrote:  I don't think it's as much us trying to copy you as it is the fact that we live in a society where it is respectable and great to take on masculine traits , but femininity is seen as a weakness.

Absolutely, Emily!! I was going to hit on that aspect of it, too. But, the thing is, why do guys feel they HAVE to give it up just because girls do it, too? And, how long before they give up wearing pants just because girls wear them, too?
Mom knows that I'd wear a skirt to play drums and tends to get her digs in about it whenever she can. I'd say, "Girls wear pants, why shouldn't I be allowed to wear a skirt?" She'd say, "Yeah, but they're GIRL'S pants!!" Like it makes a difference!!

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