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Samantha's Program

WELL theres all that with "dating" men as a woman to try to figure out tooHuhBlush

If you havent been there yet I'll just say its very exciting but it's also proved to be a real eyeopener for me anyway from a womans perspective on men in general.... Lets just say REALLY being treated like a woman by a man and learning the ways of dealing with them as a woman is not as easy you might think it isRolleyes

Its definitely enough to make you reconsider being a "lesbian" Tongue


Lol...this thread has gotten kind of interesting.Wink

Now Eve is trying to scare me, too! [Image: ez_eek.gif]


Eva, all I can say is that so far any guys who have hit on me have been respectful and polite. Of course, this only occurred in a TG friendly space where there was no question of my bio gender. Plus I dont suppose it hurt that I am a good six to eight inches taller than all of Why are so many admirerers short? Anyway, I expect despite everything, that I can still be intimidating when I need to be.
Actually, toward the end of the night on Saturday, one younger guy, a few drinks to the east of sanity did try to physically pull me into a dance and had to be set straight...didnt take much...Dont mess with the Amazon,

Well Sammie its good that you canWink Clara it IS scary Tongue

I was thinking more of Sarah, she's definitely not looking to be in a position to be physically brushing off a man...

Thats taken some adjustment for me too... im only 5' 7" 150-155 now... I guess I USED to be one of those shorter admirers Wink But I WAS built like a fireplug, not so much anymoreBig Grin

I guess what I was getting at had more to do with voluntary submission to a guy that COULD physically have his way with me if he wanted to and there wouldnt be much I could do about itBlushBlush

Then there's actually going out on dinner dates, meeting at a bar, doing the cooking, and cleaning for a man and all that.... How about making a honey do list then watching the poor guy do it all while trying not to interfere because you know despite how girly you are now the things he's doing were once things you were once and still are expert at???

AND there's also the whole learning the ways of women as far as testing a man to see just what you can get away with, being a bitch ect... For me there's an irresistible urge to see if he will put you in your place when you want him to or just annoyingly kiss your ass.... RolleyesBlushBlush

I could go on but Im going out for some retail therapy and then to see my EX "mistress" Big Grin.... Seems all the girl talk about my excitement lately has her missing me and like I said men suck most of the time anyway and really do make women that much more appealingWink

I'll be happy to avoid all that crap, Eve. I could hardly stand myself as a man, so I'm not likely to stand for some utility truck of a person in bed. Yeah, I can hear you saying, "Famous last words, Clara...dream on." LOL

The fact is, my wife and I have a better sexual relationship now that I'm free to act on my true inner desires than when I was pretending to be a stud, and not very successfully I'll add. If it turns out I'm a lesbian and my wife is bi, I can see this working out for us. There's no freaking way I want to start all over building a new love relationship.

But, again, things are in flux right now and there's no telling what lies ahead. That's the risk we take. All I can say is that the scenario the you've sketch out, Eve, is not one that I care to entertain. I can see why it's relevant in your case, being a single girl and all, and I wish you all the luck in the world finding someone who is a good match for you, man or woman, it doesn't matter. The same goes for Sarah. You are wonderful people and deserve some happiness in your lives for once.


(16-07-2014, 08:20 PM)EvaMarie Wrote:  watching the poor guy do it all while trying not to interfere because you know despite how girly you are now the things he's doing were once things you were once and still are expert at???

AND there's also the whole learning the ways of women as far as testing a man to see just what you can get away with, being a bitch ect... For me there's an irresistible urge to see if he will put you in your place when you want him to or just annoyingly kiss your ass.... RolleyesBlushBlush

LOL, I never was or am an expert at anything masculine....and I have always treated whoever I was seeing like that. Testing them to see what I can get away with. It didn't go over so well with most women!

Other than being outmatched physically, it may not be as different for me as it would for some, although inherently super weird at first. Fuck guys though, I'm not interested unless I have SRS and even then, my interest would only be in one particular body part lol.

Of course, I do tend to get attached pretty easily, so that could change.

IDK, Eva, I never got the game playing in relationships as a guy and doubt that will change as my gender does. I never found common ground with women who play games. And I always found plenty that did not with whom to relate. I doubt a switch in gender will alter that essential truth, despite playing for the other team. What I have found to change is that I am far slower to anger, far less arrogant, and far more empathetic. I listen better. These are all positives in my book. And when I run into guys who act the way in which I once behaved (egotistically arrogant, obnoxiously self opinionated etc) I find myself with a mixture of shame and revulsion. Anyone else experience that?

(17-07-2014, 02:17 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  IDK, Eva, I never got the game playing in relationships as a guy and doubt that will change as my gender does. I never found common ground with women who play games. And I always found plenty that did not with whom to relate. I doubt a switch in gender will alter that essential truth, despite playing for the other team. What I have found to change is that I am far slower to anger, far less arrogant, and far more empathetic. I listen better. These are all positives in my book. And when I run into guys who act the way in which I once behaved (egotistically arrogant, obnoxiously self opinionated etc) I find myself with a mixture of shame and revulsion. Anyone else experience that?

I haven't experienced it personally, yet, but I do see a lot of what I now judge to be boorish behavior that is not very flattering. I do find myself viewing men from the other side more these days. It's very strange to find myself in that position, you know? Taking a woman's perspective? I can't help feeling a bit sorry for men, though. They may have certain privileges that women don't, but there's a lot that they are excluded from through self-imposed constraints as well as those demanded by society. Men have a very narrow path within which they are expected to walk. What's so strange is that men are the most ardent enforcers of those constraints.


(17-07-2014, 02:17 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  IDK, Eva, I never got the game playing in relationships as a guy and doubt that will change as my gender does. I never found common ground with women who play games. And I always found plenty that did not with whom to relate. I doubt a switch in gender will alter that essential truth, despite playing for the other team. What I have found to change is that I am far slower to anger, far less arrogant, and far more empathetic. I listen better. These are all positives in my book. And when I run into guys who act the way in which I once behaved (egotistically arrogant, obnoxiously self opinionated etc) I find myself with a mixture of shame and revulsion. Anyone else experience that?

Hey I was never into games as a guy either thats whats so damn weird about going at this from a womans point of view Huh

I mean it IS totally different now for me... I talk about all this with my GF's and they are like "well your being a bitch"... It is something I dont seem to have much control over either.... Might just be this particular guy Im seeing though, he is WAY more into me than Im into himRolleyes... I do have little experience with men that's for sure and Im not really even sure I like men much at this point.... Just a thing I had to try that will definitely take some time to figure outBlush


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