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Pushing the limits/ boundaries


Okay so I know all of us are in the process of growing our wonderful breast but has anyone thought of pushing the limits of our love girls upon our chest and go for full lactation. Sounds weird I know but why the hell not lol.

Let's put it this way it's not pushing the limits to lactate. It's chemistry and very difficult to make happen with out pregnancy for a woman. Let alone for a genetic male.

The main way to start would be first to develop your breasts as much as you can to make sure all the plumbing is ready. then you would need to have a lot of nipple suction for a long time out of the day. You would also need a lot of Fenugreek to help get things going.

If you got a breast pump and massaged the breast while doing the pumping it is possible. Also another trick is to be around pregnant women a lot. It has been known to make men lactate.

Good Luck and enjoy the ride to lactation! could be awhile.

(18-07-2014, 02:43 AM)Davidhasbreasts Wrote:  Let's put it this way it's not pushing the limits to lactate. It's chemistry and very difficult to make happen with out pregnancy for a woman. Let alone for a genetic male.

The main way to start would be first to develop your breasts as much as you can to make sure all the plumbing is ready. then you would need to have a lot of nipple suction for a long time out of the day. You would also need a lot of Fenugreek to help get things going.

If you got a breast pump and massaged the breast while doing the pumping it is possible. Also another trick is to be around pregnant women a lot. It has been known to make men lactate.

Good Luck and enjoy the ride to lactation! could be awhile.

Hmm interesting, I think I'm pushing the limit in size and I am religiously taking PM and "More Milk" and jokingly said what if I start lactating LOL but sounds like a lot of work. I am planning on getting pregnant very soon so I'm not going to try for lactation plus it may scare my husband LOL as he doesn't know about my NBE! I'm more afraid that after feeding and the milk goes away what my breasts are going to be like? Bigger smaller saggier? All scary!!!

(18-07-2014, 03:08 AM)bustybride Wrote:  
(18-07-2014, 02:43 AM)Davidhasbreasts Wrote:  Let's put it this way it's not pushing the limits to lactate. It's chemistry and very difficult to make happen with out pregnancy for a woman. Let alone for a genetic male.

The main way to start would be first to develop your breasts as much as you can to make sure all the plumbing is ready. then you would need to have a lot of nipple suction for a long time out of the day. You would also need a lot of Fenugreek to help get things going.

If you got a breast pump and massaged the breast while doing the pumping it is possible. Also another trick is to be around pregnant women a lot. It has been known to make men lactate.

Good Luck and enjoy the ride to lactation! could be awhile.

Hmm interesting, I think I'm pushing the limit in size and I am religiously taking PM and "More Milk" and jokingly said what if I start lactating LOL but sounds like a lot of work. I am planning on getting pregnant very soon so I'm not going to try for lactation plus it may scare my husband LOL as he doesn't know about my NBE! I'm more afraid that after feeding and the milk goes away what my breasts are going to be like? Bigger smaller saggier? All scary!!!

as odd as this might sound to some I have heard of some who keep the lactation going and either keep nursing their kids and sometimes also their SO.

when you actually think about it though, is it really a odd thing? human breast milk is intended for humans, yet we drink cow milk without a 2nd thought...


(18-07-2014, 04:43 AM)Lenneth Wrote:  
(18-07-2014, 03:08 AM)bustybride Wrote:  
(18-07-2014, 02:43 AM)Davidhasbreasts Wrote:  Let's put it this way it's not pushing the limits to lactate. It's chemistry and very difficult to make happen with out pregnancy for a woman. Let alone for a genetic male.

The main way to start would be first to develop your breasts as much as you can to make sure all the plumbing is ready. then you would need to have a lot of nipple suction for a long time out of the day. You would also need a lot of Fenugreek to help get things going.

If you got a breast pump and massaged the breast while doing the pumping it is possible. Also another trick is to be around pregnant women a lot. It has been known to make men lactate.

Good Luck and enjoy the ride to lactation! could be awhile.

Hmm interesting, I think I'm pushing the limit in size and I am religiously taking PM and "More Milk" and jokingly said what if I start lactating LOL but sounds like a lot of work. I am planning on getting pregnant very soon so I'm not going to try for lactation plus it may scare my husband LOL as he doesn't know about my NBE! I'm more afraid that after feeding and the milk goes away what my breasts are going to be like? Bigger smaller saggier? All scary!!!

as odd as this might sound to some I have heard of some who keep the lactation going and either keep nursing their kids and sometimes also their SO.

when you actually think about it though, is it really a odd thing? human breast milk is intended for humans, yet we drink cow milk without a 2nd thought...


Well I plan on breast feeding my children as long as needed! Think it will be awesome to experience and a great bonding for my future child. Nursing my hubby! LOL don't know about that one... I would admit I would be curious to taste it... As for dairy milk, not a fan I drink almond or soy milk.

i am going full throttle for 'induced lactation'. la leche league has good info on this. it will be a long regiment and dedication. but i will be a willing 'guinea pig/milk cow/squirrel'......moooo. hahhah i would Love to them to be as big as busty bride's i am green with

(01-08-2014, 09:40 PM)squirrelwithboobs Wrote:  i am going full throttle for 'induced lactation'. la leche league has good info on this. it will be a long regiment and dedication. but i will be a willing 'guinea pig/milk cow/squirrel'......moooo. hahhah i would Love to them to be as big as busty bride's i am green with

That is awesome! Also, I am flattered that you would see my boobs as a goal! :-) I am curious to know why you would like to induce location although it does sound amazing that one could do that without even being pregnant. I have been taking "More Milk" and I joke that maybe I will start lactating but I never though you really could without actually being prego. I hope to be prego in the near future and will experience and enjoy that when it happens. :-) good luck and keep us posted!!! Push the limits!

(01-08-2014, 10:37 PM)bustybride Wrote:  
(01-08-2014, 09:40 PM)squirrelwithboobs Wrote:  i am going full throttle for 'induced lactation'. la leche league has good info on this. it will be a long regiment and dedication. but i will be a willing 'guinea pig/milk cow/squirrel'......moooo. hahhah i would Love to them to be as big as busty bride's i am green with

That is awesome! Also, I am flattered that you would see my boobs as a goal! :-) I am curious to know why you would like to induce location although it does sound amazing that one could do that without even being pregnant. I have been taking "More Milk" and I joke that maybe I will start lactating but I never though you really could without actually being prego. I hope to be prego in the near future and will experience and enjoy that when it happens. :-) good luck and keep us posted!!! Push the limits!

uh huh u can induce lactation usually through a lot of manual stimulation (i.e. nipple/breast play and/or a hospital grade breast pump-otc brands dont provide enough suction) and in regards to why i would want to, is simple : is ultimate feminine quest to be able to produce nourishing milk. plus with the right partner it can be sensual/sexual Blush . also it will increase the breast volume due to enlarged lactiferous ducts. both men and women are able to produce milk , both are born with same structures in breast area. difference is female hormones have developed breasts male hormones do not .

here is one source for induced lactation :

but it will take alot of time and effort to produce any quantity of milk Domperidome is a prescribed medication which has a side effect of increasing prolactin- the main chemical responsible for milk, oxytocin (not oxycodone) is responsible for MeR-milk ejection reflex. u can buy a nasal spray of oxytocin. however u also produce oxytoxin through sexual stimulation i.e. coitus/masturbation/collingus etc...that "orgasmic" feeling. oxytocin has also been labeled the "cuddle hormone" because most women want to cuddle after sex. your body is flooded with this hormone. ever wonder why nippled get extra stretchy when you are lactating? it is the oxytoxin that relaxes the areola and nipple.

there are many cases related to "induced lactation" most internet searches will point you back to La Leche League (the milk league),one of the most prominent information sources for induced lactation. the Reglen decribed in the link above has been found to be harmful and crosses the blood-brain barrier, domperidone does not.

this is a pdf from the la leche league website

this is their main url :

there are even some women who sell their breast milk (verified to be clean and healthy) to milk banks


Yes but bugger me it would be hard to establish it initially and then try to maintain it :S

I failed miserably at breast feeding when I gave birth, but had I known then what I know now I would have succeded.

My only concern about re-establishing lactation would be what would it be like once you stopped.. Huh some women are blessed with bigger better boobs then others are left deflated and smaller Sad

I know this is an older thread but I wanted to add that I was able to induce lactation with domperidone and LOTS of pumping. I had stopped nursing my baby due to inadequate milk supply caused by breast implants. Then 3 months later after completely drying up I was crazy enough to induce lactation. Took me 2 months to develop a full milk supply. Used domperidone and pumped 8x a day. I used domperidone for my next 2 pregnancies with wonderful results. I am able to start lactating pretty easy now.

Inducing lactation is a LONG process but is possible.

I got my implants taken out and have thought about using domperidone to help with breast development again.

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