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Random Thoughts (GI)

KimBERLY??? I've known a few guys named Kim but I assumed there was no BERLY on their birth certificate. Interesting. If you're gender dysphoric, it seems like it would be pretty cool to have a given name like Kimberly that works equally well for either gender. I wish my parents had made a similar choice for me.

(25-07-2014, 04:25 AM)kari leigh Wrote:  KimBERLY??? I've known a few guys named Kim but I assumed there was no BERLY on their birth certificate. Interesting. If you're gender dysphoric, it seems like it would be pretty cool to have a given name like Kimberly that works equally well for either gender. I wish my parents had made a similar choice for me.

What about the name Ashley? I've assumed it's a female name since practically everyone I came into contact with named Ashley is female. However, I've met one guy named Ashley and when I searched online I guess it's considered a unisex name.

Maybe you could change your name like Sarah is doing? [Image: smiley-gen013.gif] (J/k, I know it wouldn't work with your circumstances.)

Today was my first time using an eyebrow razor to trim down my eyebrow hair. I think I did an okay job. My biggest concern was ensuring I kept my eyebrow hair consistent on both sides. During the process, I started thinking about how many women everyday look closely at their face to ensure their makeup is applied correctly. I sometimes feel there's a bit of inevitability towards my process of achieving feminization/androgynous, appearance, even then I don't know now how the journey will go.

Your thoughts?

It's been about two weeks since I upped my pm dosage. One change I have noticed is feeling more comfortable with myself. I've also adopted a second cat. As they are both female, I refer to them as my girls. Big Grin

Does anyone have plans or aspirations of dressing up for Halloween? I'm probably not going to dress up this year, but if I did, I would probably go for being a crazy cat lady. Big Grin

(28-09-2014, 06:35 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Does anyone have plans or aspirations of dressing up for Halloween? I'm probably not going to dress up this year, but if I did, I would probably go for being a crazy cat lady. Big Grin

No plans to dress up. My normal make up practice is horrifying enough!! lol.

As for halloween aspirations.........

[Image: Elvira-and-her-Macabre-Mobile-elvira-166...24-768.jpg]

I can dream!! lol.


If you've ever wanted to have makeup put on by an expert, October 31 would be the day to do it. It's the one day per year when, if they ask you why, you'll have a perfectly reasonable excuse. It only comes 'round once per year ladies. Big Grin

The problem is we don't really celebrate Halloween in the UK. It's more of a kids thing.

Me and some friends decided to make an effort to get dressed up for a Halloween party at a local pub and they had prizes for costumes.
I went as Dracula. Me and my then partner spent a month finding patterns, material and sewing costumes. I designed, etched and gold plated a pocket watch and chain with a bat and scroll design. Hell I even had fangs fitted and brought coloured contact lenses.

On the day all our friends met up at our place for pre party and to get ready. There were 9 of us dressed in costumes when we walked to the pub. Of the 240 odd people at the event we won every prize between the 9 off us. Simply no one else had made any effort.

The pub had decorations brought from the pound shop and they had cut up and covered the windows with black bin bags.


For those who live in the colder parts of the world, have you seen or bought any unisex/feminine winter gear lately? I've been thinking of getting a pair of ear muffs, but I'm undecided at this point.


(04-11-2014, 05:56 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  For those who live in the colder parts of the world, have you seen or bought any unisex/feminine winter gear lately? I've been thinking of getting a pair of ear muffs, but I'm undecided at this point.

Meh, I Prefer my Fur Lined "Mad Bomber" hat Wink

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