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Your Thoughts on the Gender War


Hello all.

How do you feel when you hear about claims or statistics about biases and double standards relating to the two sexes? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this matter considering the predicament many bio-males here on this forum are in: born in one sex but having a moderate to strong identification with the other sex.

My response to such issues is neutrality: I think both sexes do have their share of legitimate and illegitimate arguments. I don't want to get entrenched with either side.

There's more on my mind on this topic, but I think it would be easier to get the ball rolling and hit the post button.

Since long before I was ever fully aware of being TG, I was always repulsed by gender wars and have always tried to avoid any involvement, let alone entrenchment.


How about we save the use of the term "war" for,you know, actual wars that people die in everyday?

So sick of the agenda of desensitization regarding the term.

As for the content of the OP, there doesn't seem to be much there. Tongue

Battle of the sexes? Never understood it. Pointless.


It's YOUR body!! If YOU want to grow tits or become a woman, you should need NOBODY else's say in the matter!! If you want to stay miserable the rest of your life, continue what you're doing now: allowing others to manipulate YOUR choices for YOUR life/body!! If you want to be completely happy, do what you must to YOUR body to make that happen!!
I simply don't see how it's ANYBODY else's business what YOU do with YOUR body/life...unless you're planning on severely harming yourself or killing yourself.
Yeah, I know, tattoos or piercings are supposedly a completely different thing, but, really, they're not! They're BOTH body modification. So, why is it they can get them without checking with other people around them, but YOUR chosen form of body modification: growing tits or getting a sex change HAS to be checked with EVERYONE you know before you can even THINK about making it happen?? THEY are happy upon getting their new tattoo or piercing! If everyone they knew FORCED them NOT to get them, they WOULDN'T be happy about it!
Live and LET live!! Personally, I can't, for the life of me, understand or support the attraction of people getting tattoos or piercings, but, it's not MY body, it's THEIR'S! However, if someone gets one and I see people belittling them for it, I WILL stand up for their right to have them!!

(29-07-2014, 04:27 PM)AnnieBL Wrote:  Since long before I was ever fully aware of being TG, I was always repulsed by gender wars and have always tried to avoid any involvement, let alone entrenchment.

Same here, i long ago realized it is purposely set up so that the only way to win is not to play the game.

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