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Ring Finger Size?


I have found some information that I'm curious about. According to studies, males should typically have longer ring fingers than their index. Looking at both of my hands, my ring finger is much shorter than my index. The studies indicate a possible link to more androgen or estrogen received while in the womb.. Here's one of the links I read earlier today.


Interesting... Seems to be the case for me... Also there is the now banned DES drug from the 1970's that I wonder was a factor in my case. Though I don't think there is any delicate way to ask my mom if she was on DES in the 70's without follow up questions... o_O

(A synthetic estrogen, given to pregnant women caused reproductive tumors in female children, and feminized brains in male children.)

- JJ

Me too. My ratio of index/ring is 1.11, which is off the scale of most graphs. This one includes the whole tail of the distribution, and shows how 1.11 would be high for women too.

Finger Length Ratios in Serbian Transsexuals.
Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Dr Subotića 13, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Quote:Transsexualism in humans is biological in origin. Our findings support a biological etiology of MFT implicating decreased prenatal androgen exposure in MFT. 2D : 4D could be potentially used as a marker for prenatal androgen exposure.

I have a few kids.. One of which has told me he wishes he was born a girl. He also states that if we bought him a pink shirt, he'd wear it at home and to school "if they have pink shirt day". I'll have to compare index and ring finger lengths on them to see if there's a huge offset on his personality and a link to finger length.. Compared to the other two who haven't ever mentioned any thoughts, he reminds me of me.

Also, my mom and dad were into some interesting stuff in the 70/80s.. Something messed me up.

I should have included a link actually:

It might be nice to start a "Born This Way" thread with science and studies patially for interesting reading, but also to have an archive of references to enlighten others.

- JJ

I checked my ratios today. Left=1 Right=1.04 So way on the far right of the graphs. I want to thank everyone that posted these.

I have been fighting GD in my head for 2+ decades, I am more non-binary/androgyne in my wiring than anything else. Perhaps that is why I could convince myself that my internal subjective experiences were just in my head, and not really real. Self destructive flights of fancy. But recently I have come to think the opposite was true.

But this is simple and objective. And now I can see it whenever I look at my hands. I recently have come to the inescapable conclusion that my GD is real and valid. But this is something real that I can see with my bare eyes, it is who I am and what I am. And not a fantasy or a choice.

- Jaded Jade

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