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(14-09-2014, 04:08 AM)Candace Wrote:  Can you link to some people's anecdotal reports of Reishi's effectiveness vs DHT symptoms so that we can see how strongly it can be recommended?

I'd read the entire threads of xxd, quite possibly the best anecdotal postings I've seen.

Here's another:

Herbal Breast Enlargement with theory

In terms of pure research there are a few standouts:

Long time hops & FG user

tibetan princess's program

Abi Drew's plan

Archived Admin threads-

(14-09-2014, 04:13 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Willow Herb,

The Willow herb is considered a common weed but may have potential benefit in prostate disorders. Oenothein B, a substance in willow herb, appears to have 5-alpha-reductase inhibitory activity.

Inhibition of 5 alpha-reductase and aromatase by the ellagitannins oenothein A and oenothein B from Epilobium species.

Epilobium angustifolium : 5-alpha-reductase and aromatase by the ellagitannins oenothein...

Not the same genus:

White willow

Another 5 AR's

Inhibition of 5 alpha-reductase activity in human skin by zinc and azelaic acid.

Effects of sex steroids on skin 5 alpha-reductase activity in vitro.


Another 5 alpha reductase inhibitor, (Walnut leaves)-

Previously reported effects of walnut leaves containing natural progeterone
Reported- Occurrence of Progesterone and Related Animal Steroids in .

New report of walnut leaves being an 5 alpha reductase inhibitor:

A 5 alpha -reductase inhibitor comprising as an effective component an extract from leaves and/or pericarps of a walnut. The inhibitor exhibits high potent 5 alpha -reductase inhibiting activity and high safety, and is thus effective in curing and preventing diseases caused by testosterone, e.g. male-pattern alopecia, hirsutism, prostate cancer and the like.

More info to follow.......

I have seen a couple of warnings about potential harm from extended consumption of black walnut.

(14-09-2014, 10:23 AM)spanky Wrote:  I have seen a couple of warnings about potential harm from extended consumption of black walnut.

I believe their talking about English walnut "leaves", Leaves of the walnut tree contain progesterone, the female sex hormone, discovered for the first time in a plant.

What's the Difference Between English Walnuts and Black Walnuts?

Scientists previously identified progesterone-like substances in plants and speculated that the hormone itself could exist in plants. But researchers had not found the actual hormone in plants until now. Pauli and colleagues used two powerful laboratory techniques, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy, to detect progesterone in leaves of the Common Walnut, or English Walnut, tree. They also identified five new progesterone-related steroids in a plant belonging to the buttercup family.

Genus of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)

Cimicifuga (cohosh)
Paeonia (peony)- an older classification

Leaves of the walnut tree contain progesterone, the female sex hormone, discovered for the first time in a plant.

Other ways to reduce DHT,

Reports suggest a diet high in phytosterols may inhibit the enzyme, 5-alpha reductase and block the production of DHT. You can obtain phytosterols through food sources, including wheat germ, sesame oil, corn oil, canola oil, peanuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, brussels sprouts, olive oil and rye bread. The most abundant phytosterols are, beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol. Phytosterols are not produced in the body. Thus, their sole source is diet.

Although pumpkin seed is considered a fruit its still a pretty interesting choice, it inhibits 5 ar, also a phytoestrogen and galactagogue, other info posted in the link. (Post#275)

Btw, White Peony has at least (three) 5 alpha reductase inhibitor properties in it's constituents, anybody's guess?.


@Lotus, now I understand why my skin is beautiful and so clear during luteal phase. Third cycle since I started walnut leave tea in luteal phase. Smile So not only it contains natural progesterone, it also inhibits 5-alpha reductase. YAY!

(14-09-2014, 02:57 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(13-09-2014, 10:32 PM)Candace Wrote:  That says green tea inhibits 5-AR. There's nothing in the paper about peony inhibiting 5-AR.
Come on, you can find it, the info is out there.......
I doubt it. You would have shared it if it existed. White peony inhibiting 5-AR appears to be a myth resulting from people misunderstanding the abstract of the paper you cited.

(14-09-2014, 05:17 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(14-09-2014, 04:08 AM)Candace Wrote:  Can you link to some people's anecdotal reports of Reishi's effectiveness vs DHT symptoms so that we can see how strongly it can be recommended?

I'd read the entire threads of xxd, quite possibly the best anecdotal postings I've seen.

Here's another:

Herbal Breast Enlargement with theory

In terms of pure research there are a few standouts:

Long time hops & FG user

tibetan princess's program

Abi Drew's plan
I am irritated by the wild goose chase you sent me on. XXD, Isabelle, and Abi Drew never mentioned taking Reishi in those threads. Tibetan Princess only mentioned it on page 1 of 66, didn't mention any effects, and was also taking pygeum so it would be impossible to isolate any Reishi effects on DHT.

With no human trials looking at Reishi vs 5-AR and no anecdotal reports that it relieves DHT symptoms, it thus appears that all we can say at the moment is that we hope that Reishi triterpene half-life in humans is a lot longer than it is in rats so that 5-AR can be blocked all day long.

(15-09-2014, 04:56 AM)Candace Wrote:  I am irritated by the wild goose chase you sent me on. XXD, Isabelle, and Abi Drew never mentioned taking Reishi in those threads. Tibetan Princess only mentioned it on page 1 of 66, didn't mention any effects, and was also taking pygeum so it would be impossible to isolate any Reishi effects on DHT.

With no human trials looking at Reishi vs 5-AR and no anecdotal reports that it relieves DHT symptoms, it thus appears that all we can say at the moment is that we hope that Reishi triterpene half-life in humans is a lot longer than it is in rats so that 5-AR can be blocked all day long.

What's irritating is that fact you want someone else to be your search engine, I never said Isabelle, abi, tibetan, had anecdotal evidence. What I said was they did PURE research, but to prove a point I found these statements about Reishi in a basic search using the BN search option.

(09-10-2011, 06:16 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Your welcome! Def do not take anything like maca (boosting up DHEA), dont do any birth control. concentrate on cleansing your organs. eat greens to metabolize your hormones and plenty of protien. I never use the microwave to cook my food. I have a hard enough time getting max absorption of nutrients I need. Dont do any phyto estros at this time. get your progesterone up and kill your androgens first.

I added white peony root and pygeum bark from mountain rose herbs(online) within a month I saw a difference. I also add Reishi mushrooms. all of these herbs are anti adrogens.

peony is still considered estrogenic since it kinda works like lic root in stopping the conversion of estrogen-test-androgen. I find it to be more mild as I couldn't tolerate lic root. (take a break after using for 1.5 mo-like a month then do it again.) alternate this one.

pygeum bark has loads of phytosterols which are good in blocking androgen activity. Many men take it for enlarged prostate issues

Reishi is a natural anti androgen plus it fights viruses, bacteria and funguses. I take for my auto immune disease as well.

(04-08-2013, 02:19 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(03-08-2013, 11:32 AM)SylviaTX Wrote:  So I was looking once again at PubMed for more clinical work with herbals and found this good review on anti-androgens. Hope this helps anyone that needs a starting point.

Grant P, Ramasamy S. An Update on Plant Derived Anti-Androgens. Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2012;10(2):497-502. DOI: 10.5812/ijem.3644


Anti-androgens are an assorted group of drugs and compounds that reduce the levels or activity of androgen hormones within the human body. Disease states in which this is relevant include polycystic ovarian syndrome, hirsutism, acne, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and endocrine related cancers such as carcinoma of the prostate.

We provide an overview and discussion of the use of anti-androgen medications in clinical practice and explore the increasing recognition of the benefits of plant-derived anti-androgens, for example, spearmint tea in the management of PCOS, for which some evidence about efficacy is beginning to emerge. Other agents covered include red reishi, which has been shown to reduce levels 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that facilitates conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT); licorice, which has phytoestrogen effects and reduces testosterone levels; Chinese peony, which promotes the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen; green tea, which contains epigallocatechins and also inhibits 5-alpha reductase, thereby reducing the conversion of normal testosterone into the more potent DHT; black cohosh, which has been shown to kill both androgenresponsive and non-responsive human prostate cancer cells; chaste tree, which has a reduces prolactin from the anterior pituitary; and saw palmetto extract, which is used as an anti-androgen although it shown no difference in comparison to placebo in clinical trials.

© 2012, Research Institute For Endocrine Sciences and Iran Endocrine Society
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Interesting that they say saw palmetto shows no difference to placebo... I also didn't know about red reishi, wish I'd known when I'd needed a 5-alpha blocker. Saw palmetto was a bit mean to me, I'm still fighting against the cellulite it gave me.

I REALLLLLY wish I had more data about chinese (white) peony! Lots of things MENTION it as a powerful pro-aromatase, but nothing gives detail on exactly what mechanism is works by... does it work to increase the level of aromatase in some way, directly, or indirectly, or does it merely upregulate the activity of the existing aromatase?

IF it actually INCREASES AROMATASE, then it'd be a fantastic herb to use alongside the others in my program. But if it merely upreg's existing aromatase it'd be useless in a male body.


The anecdotal evidence is in here:

Next time use the search option, (the attached file below).

(15-09-2014, 04:56 AM)Candace Wrote:  
(14-09-2014, 02:57 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(13-09-2014, 10:32 PM)Candace Wrote:  That says green tea inhibits 5-AR. There's nothing in the paper about peony inhibiting 5-AR.
Come on, you can find it, the info is out there.......
I doubt it. You would have shared it if it existed. White peony inhibiting 5-AR appears to be a myth resulting from people misunderstanding the abstract of the paper you cited.

Of course I have it, no myth here, the misunderstanding is entirely yours!!, or do I need to explain this part to you.

Main content: Paeoniflorin,C23H28O10 (3.3%~9.4); paeonol,C9H10O3 (0.0283%); benzoylpaeoniflorin, C30H32O12 (0.04%).

Other Consituents:albiforin (0.06%~0.07%); culapedungin; gallotannin; oxypaeoniflorin; paeoni-florigenone (0.04%); oxgpaeonigflorin (0.12%~0.21%); gallotcnnin; benzoic acid (1.07%);beta-sitosterol; gallic acid;ether gallic acid; D-catechin; palbinone;beta-pailactone; galloylpaeoniflorin; daucosterol; etc.

Phytochemicals of White Poeny Root:

Paeoniflorin; Albiflorin; Oxypaeoniflorin; Paeonin; Benzoylpaeoniflorin; Hydroxypaeoniflorin; Galloylpaeoniflorin; Lactoflorin; Paeonilactone A, B, C; beta-sitosterol; Daucosterol; Z-1s, 5R-beta-pinen-10-yl-beta-vicianoside; 1, 2, 3, 6-tetra-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose; 1, 2, 3, 4, 6-penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose; Catechin; Benzoic acid; Paeonol.

White Poeny Root:Inorganic Chemicals

Stop hijacking this thread with your speculative nonsense!!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(15-09-2014, 03:20 AM)peggy Wrote:  @Lotus, now I understand why my skin is beautiful and so clear during luteal phase. Third cycle since I started walnut leave tea in luteal phase. Smile So not only it contains natural progesterone, it also inhibits 5-alpha reductase. YAY!

That's great news Peggy, I'm sure it matches your beautiful hair. Wink

(15-09-2014, 03:52 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(15-09-2014, 03:20 AM)peggy Wrote:  @Lotus, now I understand why my skin is beautiful and so clear during luteal phase. Third cycle since I started walnut leave tea in luteal phase. Smile So not only it contains natural progesterone, it also inhibits 5-alpha reductase. YAY!

That's great news Peggy, I'm sure it matches your beautiful hair. Wink

You are too sweet, hun. Tongue

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